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Posts posted by Sidders

  1. I am for this. I've moaned for a while about X No Way Out getting the justice it deserves and I'll be happy if this does happen. X No Way Out, Logger's Leap and the Rumba Rapids are some of the oldest rides at Thorpe Park and an re-theme would only be an improvement.

    Who's the source?

    People change their member names so often and members come and go so much, that I don't know who is credible or knows credible people anymore.

    I don't want to get my hopes up just to be disappointed. You can understand my reluctance.

    Always good to question, but as someone once pointed out to me, there are some members who can be more trusted than others with information like this. I'd say Diesel is very reliable, personally.

  2. Thats Mairead. She's like my best mate :P

    Not seen that video before; but it definitely gets brownie points for having Gordon in it :P

    For the record there's loads of videos like that of staff, Tinie would know ;)


    OMG MAIRÉAD? Not ****ting you now, I have a twin sister called Mairéad. Mairéad must just mean awesomeness in Irish...

  3. Fair point Mark, but in Jamal's defense it can be disputed that when in a maze based on the SAW traps you would expect to find people in said traps, dying. Instead we've got a maze with the SAW scenes inhabited by performing arts students coated with cheap-looking white face paint, overindulged eyeliner and Halloween FX blood as they jump out at you thinking they're in The Asylum.

  4. An excellent point, but as stated in the question above, Thorpe also aim for families and business visits with regards to the demographics the Snoozeboxes are aimed at. And not to mention, Thorpe state that the Snoozebox is a sustainable alternative to test the market for the demand for the hotel before they build the thing, meaning that they went for this option because it was cheaper. I'm either too tired to think or just being plain ass dumb but why not invest more in Thorpe seeing as Alton already have a hotel?

  5. Warning: This post contains memes.

    Q) What prompted the decision to halt the progress of the 250-room hotel construction outlined on the 2010-2016 MTDP?

    A) The permanent hotel is an ongoing project and we are working with the local authorities to ensure it is moving along as quick as possible. We're still very excited about this project.

    Q) Why have you chosen to install these facilities as opposed to say, leaving the area unused until such time sufficient funds/interest are available to build the previously planned hotel?

    A)There is a demand from our guests for on-site accommodation and the Snoozebox will meet this demand whilst also allowing the Park to compete with other theme parks to ensure a sustainable economic future by testing the market prior to a substantial permanent investment.

    Q) Why do you believe these Snooze Boxes to be a valid measure of interest in a permanent hotel, when they don't appear to fit the same criteria nor appeal to the same clientele who might require a larger, fully-equipped hotel facility?

    A) While a higher number of the Snoozebox guests will no doubt be teenagers, we are still targeting the accommodation at the same guests as we would a permanent hotel (outlined above). The only additional people we would be targeting with a permanent hotel would be local residents who could use the hotel facilities (which the Snoozebox understandably won't have) and companies who would use conference facilities.

    So Alton gets this with their £20M coaster...:

    Posted Image

    And Forp get this:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image


  6. I am going to Fright nights this Sunday so I will review all of the mazes on this forum.

    (Could someone tell me how to add spoiler tags please? Much appreciated :) )

    Just type the text you wish to place inside the spoiler box, and then write [ s p oi l e r ] and [ / s p oi l e r ] around said text, cutting out the spaces between the letters in those tags. :)

    EDIT: I put the O and I together because otherwise the I is capitalised and looks like an l. herp.

  7. This makes me wonder why TST are having a massive debate about new trains when I've just released 8 trains full of 8 riders = 64 people!

    Thank you Sidders! :P

    I guess the rumour about SW7 having normal Gerstlauer trains was true! :closedeyes:

    Because TST like to think they're cleverer than TPM just because they're closer to Alton. ;)

  8. Why is it that when I go to edit a post I get an HTML script of the post rather than rich text? Basically the whole thing looks like a typewriter if HTML and all that is confusing. It means I can't use any of the tool bar icons because they don't appear and when I press "Save Changes" I get the green bar at the top of the screen for about half a second before it disappears and nothing on-screen changes. I still have the Edit Post view open and the typewriter font is still there, rather than the Ariel font the forum uses. Any edit I want to perform that required a change to font has to be typed out in HTML text and it gets really confusing beyond emboldening, itallicating and underlining. I have to refresh the page to see the edit and the post in it's normal view. Why is this? And is it something exclusive to my computer or something other members have issues with?

  9. SW7 Statistics have been revealed thanks to the local newspaper of staffordshire!

    It states that:

    • The maximum speed of SW7 will be 85kph (just above 50mph)
    • The highest drop is 30m
    • It will have an track length of 1,170m
    • And will last a whole 165 secs
    But the most interesting point is that it will have an capacity of 64 people per a ride!

    Now that begs the question.. how?! :huh:

    Credits to TST & The Sentinel for the information provided

    Same as Saw, which means you've got the old Gerstlauer cars. ;) Basically it's eight cars with eight seats. I'm guessing that's how they added it up. Keep in mind the "local newspaper of staffordshire" mightn't have inquired specifically about hourly capacity because, to a non-enthusiast, this figure is relatively pointless. My guess therefore is that the newspaper asked about "how many trains" there were or words to that effect, to which the park representative would've outlined that there were eight, each carrying eight people, and this was given the term "capacity" without the newspaper realising that to us enthusiasts, capacity is a whole different figure. To the readers though, it makes perfect sense. :)

  10. Howdy do everyone. Basically a few members have contacted me and said that it may be worth starting a separate SW7 topic exclusively for spoilers/rumours regarding the recent TowersTimes information announcement.

    I have moved all previous posts from the SW7 discussing in explicit detail (even if spoiler-marked) into here and if you wish to discuss what we already know about the ride then feel free to continue in the main topic. This topic will serve those who wish to discuss the potential world's first feature.

    Please Note: This topic mainly concerns itself with spoilers regarding the World's First element. When details about the ride's name, for example, are released then they can be discussed in the main topic. This topic is for those who wish to discuss anything that some members may not wish to know about the experience of SW7, as well as any secret ride features, etc.

    EDIT: For some reason my post is no longer at the top of the page. Oh well, as you all were...

  11. Well at least that mock-up makes the feature approximately twelve times more feasible than my own ideas about how the thing would be put into practice. Then again...

    How will the glass floor of the shop show this? It appears that this steel drum doesn't allow visitors to look straight down on it, meaning everyone will be crowding to one end of the shop to see inside the drum at an angle as it spins.

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