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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. By those plans I get really annoyed at the fact that, the first 'inversion' on Norwegian loops, simply isn't an inversion. You're barely at 30o.But yes that's right Adam, Intamin have had the "12-Inversion Coaster" available since they produced Colossus, but for some reason parks are more interested in the quadruple inline twist part piece that the 10-Inversion model has to offer. As for me, well this is just going overboard with the whole "inversions after inversion after inversion"-type of ride, but it's half-rescued by the fact that, if the train manages to retain a consistent speed, this track could bring in some very impressive forces.
  2. N.B. I was referring to Jonny392. Not to mention infilling for Island A started in 2008, so the land will be readily available without having to do much extra groundwork than if they opted for Island E.
  3. Current members are reminded to be welcoming and encouraging to new members.Jonny392, JackR is correct - the barriers are merely promotional fences that temporarily block off the Sunken Gardens area behind Stealth. The main entrance (bridge) to The Swarm's island is currently being constructed and will extend from behind The Flying Fish to Island C. In later years though, Thorpe plan to create a second bridge that will connected the Stealth area to Island A, the proposed location of the unknown 2015 coaster, with a third bridge connecting both Island C and Island A.So by 2015, visitors will be able to walk through both The Swarm's area and onto the 2015 coaster area via the bridge currently under construction behind The Flying Fish and a bridge connecting the two land masses, and then back onto the Thorpe mainland via another bridge leading to the Stealth area.
  4. Sidders


    Fore-note: This message could go in this thread, but could also easily slot into the Rant thread An E-penis is idiot fodder. I really don't see the point in people pretending they have extra Man Points (another idiot accolade) because of some imaginary immaturity. I knew a guy at my school who 'collected' Man Points, "and every time you reached twelve points you get a new penis"... "I have four penises now, and Ethan has three, but Dara has negative one LOL".NO BITCH.So, in revolt, I have 60 rep! Yay! And congratulations to you, Josh.
  5. In bed with your other half watching The X Factor? Hardly oozes romantic now, does it?
  6. Sidders


    My Sixth Form consists of people who this song was made for. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_5uVdy5YmAYay!
  7. :o Well that won't do! :P Glad to have you as a friend, friend. :D
  8. Mate, ders sum phit babez on dat calender I'm tellin ya. brap.
  9. Why can't we all just smile and blow kisses and be happy about the really very pretty sign Thorpe have made? Would be nice, if the tank wasn't loaned, to see some continuity next season, and see the tank on The Swarm's site over-turned and half blown-up or something... One can dream...
  10. Sidders


    Well The Swarm's building site hasn't changed since you left... There's been a bit of mud erosion I guess, but other than that literally nothing. Unless the tank came after you left because in that case there's a tank which is half fake and half real and no we do not currently know whether Thorpe are keeping it but it would be very appreciated and generally a nice gesture thank you Merlin.
  11. Sidders

    Youtube Videos

    Pre-Warning: Bit of bad language, but nothing that isn't ROFL material.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aislm6xUJG8&feature=relmfuLove everything he's ever said.
  12. Already I feel contemptuous of the whole wing-rider design. It seems there's very little innovation about that ride or indeed it's layout. The term bandwagon springs to mind. Lord knows if Dollywood's has the same type of head-choppers as Raptor, The Swarm and X-Flight (useless name), as well as that pretty much clichéd 90 degree "keyhole" element as a near-miss point, then the whole thing is just going to be a complete waste of time. It already looks a waste of time because X-Flight doesn't appear to have much of a theme of storyline.And as for Discovery Kingdom... I smell Premier - they're the only coaster company with that audacity to build something like that. Well, them and Maurer Sohne. And if those trains are anything like G-Force's, I pity the fat Americans, and also the air-time that won't be experienced due to those bloody awful restraints. And a little pet hate now, but please, please, please stop the Superman series now?
  13. I won't say which one I am, but I'm not that tard at the back
  14. Oh silly profile :P I had to cut the details to get it that far! Well either way hope you and your family are doing well :) And btw.. I am still in chat if you want that talk ;)

  15. Wait, Sheepie's online! Go to Chat now Sheeepieeeee!
  16. Ah Sheepie :( I'm so sorry I only just got your message... save some lovin' for later though ;) I was out walking and it got dark quicker than expected and I found myself three villages adrift of my own! Had to ring my mum to pick me up and she wasn't best pleased. So yah, sorry for the essay but I'm very sorry I wasn't online; I hope you're keeping well and I send m...

  17. Details just in - the sausages specify that they are "THICK". Interpret the "8" as you please.
  18. Sidders


    Oh dear, this photo is just AWFUL. No chemistry whatsoever.Justin looks very pleased with himself - he's comforting Selena with a nicely positioned hand on her hip and he's leaning - somewhat awkwardly - inwards to Selena, but let's not forget how he's playing to the camera: his free hand holding something completely unrelated in a faux-austere fashion (it looks like a small snake?). And when you look at that 'comforting' hand you can see how he's not really holding her - he's merely 'placed' his hand there as if by default. Not to mention he's dressed like a douche.Selena on the other hand is giving the impression she really does not want to be there (her smile looks uneasy). Her arm should reach to Justin's right shoulder and a sign of a trusting embrace but instead she's fixed her hand at Justin's left shoulder, placing him, without further notice, in the Friend Zone. But otherwise Selena looks hot.And thus concludes my five minutes as a Body Language Expert.
  19. 'Ello 'ello! How's Mikey? Hope everything's okay with the family :)

  20. Go Merlin has another update from the 19th, but literally nothing of remote interest has changed. The only small change is that the pile driver appears to have gone, meaning the footers are probably in place/nearly all in place since then, but that's not entirely exciting is it?As Whiteknuckle said, when something of interest happens, we'll let the fanboys do the work and get back to us with photos while we all drink tea and bitch about Thorpe's older rides.
  21. When you live so far away from anything remotely resembling fun that your Summer Holidays are little more than Summer Bore and the most exciting thing in your life is writing and deciding which two hours of the early morning are you going to spend asleep because that's all you can get.
  22. Aww Mikey! :( I'm not sleeping well lately either. I slept from 3:35 to 6:08 exactly, but the intervening hours were the patchiest I've ever had. I often get insomnia when I've got no schedule to stick to. I send my love though :D xx

  23. Meh... BASE-jumping from Stealth is so 2008.
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