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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Please say you got shape japed. Or spooky spooned.
  2. Just a suggestion, but surely the intention to "Bank" should be expressed before the question is asked? Why not do it how Anne does it and post the name of the contestant you are asking a question to prior to posting the actual question, then give them 5 seconds to type and post "Bank", and then post the question after they have Banked or chosen to risk it and get more money?
  3. We're here Han! I've said before that you shouldn't take on board the criticisms of someone who has very little else to say to you. Especially if they register such a small presence in your life! I won't patronise and say you need to iron things out as you're both grown women and whatever problems you have had/have will be your own, and you'll deal with it in your own ways, even if it means ignoring each other. But I will say don't forget who your friends are - you've said it yourself that TPM especially has helped you through some **** times, and we're at least a moderately alright bunch o' people.
  4. Obviously it will get rough, but I think the reason some are mentioning it is because the ride has gotten considerably rough over a very short period of time - less than a half a season in fact.
  5. JoshC.'s world-famous thumbs up. What a cute little thumb it is.
  6. Sidders

    This Or That

    Mod Team or Admin Team?
  7. Sidders


    Nico Vega. What a huge, growling voice for such a tiny woman. 2:08
  8. Sidders

    This Or That

    Full of meat, naturally. Desperate Housewives or Sex and the City?
  9. Absolutely wonderful find there pluk. I'm so surprised there's so much information available about it! I remember when Paramount Park was put on hold, I said it was just like the park Tussauds tried to build before Alton Towers, not being able to remember the name and thinking it as a lost-in-history, barely-known affair. And here it is! Resurfacing in a book about Towers' inception. Definitely going to enjoy reading about this in future serials!
  10. I don't imagine Thorpe will want to venture into a tired old concept like the Stand-Up coaster. The last one that was built was (not including relocations) was in 1999. Why would Thorpe cast such a retrospective glance to a ride style that no park, not even low-budget ones upon building their first B&M (e.g. Adlabs Imagica, Ocean Park, Entertainment City) chose to build? Stand-Up Coasters died out 14 years ago, only ever resurfacing into public consciousness as Six Flags idiot about moving a couple between their parks. Thorpe won't build one - there's no demand and no marketing benefit. From a commercial and financial standpoint its simply not worth it.
  11. This thread should be renamed to: "101 Ways a Pinfari Coaster Has Ruined Your Day"
  12. Sidders


    Funny you use this gif. Because Madge's MDNA really extends your argument of wanting a mature-sounding album that shows progression. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3gAPBmJQBE All from Teenage Dream. None are immature. None are light-hearted. All have very dark themes. And I only like two of them. I expect Prism to do the same. It's not Katy's fault if you don't like her style.
  13. Just realised this will be the first Wing Rider since The Swarm to actually have decent trains. X-Flight's, Wild Eagle's, GateKeeper's and even Flying over the Rainforest's trains are a bit naff. I'm sure we can rely on Merlin to deliver yet another great train facade design.
  14. Sidders


    I've been here for five years and I've only found such bitching in this thread. I'll admit I was winding you up. People get so protective of their favourite music artists when really, life is so much easier when you take away the rivalry between who you like and the people who don't like who you like. Not to mention music is so much more accessible and easy to enjoy once you remove expectations.
  15. Sidders

    This Or That

    Thorpe Park's drastic decline in attendance in 2012. PICKET THE SWARM. Tattoos or piercings?
  16. Sidders


    Or Digital Spy. Those forums are just bitch on bitch. Edit: Oh look, the link is from Digital Spy. Of course it is.
  17. Very true Mark, I was just presenting an argument against a 200ft+ hyper coaster that some members were hoping to see at the park. I'm not sure I really like the look of Hollywood Dream and I never have, and the ride looks like a 2 minute-long non-event, much like Thunder Dolphin. However, in writing that post I remembered Apollo's Chariot at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, which is only 170ft tall and surrounded almost entirely by trees. Thorpe do have a number of trees at their disposal (on the Abbey Lake peninsula), so I wouldn't disagree with that. However (again) I'd still like something with a stronger theme, rather than simply a stylised coaster (e.g. Apollo's Chariot). A Mack Megacoaster would be my ideal new development too. I've said before I'm yet to see any evidence aside from a new typeface in visual marketing and a new advert to suggest that Thorpe are turning their attention back to a family market. I would love to see it, certainly, especially if it meant there might be a chance we could have a Mack.
  18. Too much white Vekoma snake-spine track too close to white B&M perfection. I wish Heide picked a different colour. It'd stand out so much more. But in other news. Damn. So many tried and tested elements put together in such a unique fashion, with some extreme banking (no doubt going to be wildly fun to experience on a Wing Coaster) makes this thing look gorgeous. In comparison, some of the bigger US Wing Coasters like Wild Eagle and GateKeeper do look a bit dull in their transitions between elements. The elements themselves might be huge and impressive, but they look very much like equally-spaced, individual events, rather than something that, like most smaller coasters, flow beautifully into one another.
  19. A B&M hyper would just dwarf all of Thorpe's coasters, and even the park itself. Parks with B&M hyper coasters don't usually have height ceilings as low as 100-130ft; even the second, third, and fourth hill of such a coaster would be taller than the majority of the park's other rides. Not to mention hyper coasters are notoriously impossible to theme. And as for international attention, Alton Towers didn't even need to much above ground height to garner international attention. I hate the idea of building big coasters just to get attention. Just build a good coaster by a good manufacturer. Hypers/Gigas/Stratas are fine in sprawling American amusements parks like Six Flags or Cedar Fair parks. But look at the most highly-rated US parks like the Disney parks, Islands of Adventure or Busch Gardens Tampa Bay - they haven't got any hypers. Busch Gardens may have the 200ft Dive Machine, SheiKra, but at least it 'fits' into the park because the park itself is huge. SheiKra's not cramped up alongside other rides or forced into odd elements because of lack of ground space (I.e. Hersheypark, and Thorpe were a hyper ever built). I also doubt Mack will be seen at Thorpe again. As much as I'd love it to happen, Mack will only build great sitting or launched coasters - one of which Thorpe can't market and the other will either render Stealth, or be rendered by Stealth, completely surplus to necessity. Thorpe will need to put more faith in their rides that they will bring in a far greater revenue over a longer amount of time if they build good quality coasters without gimmicks to sell them. They may be slow crowd-pullers to start (I.e. The Swarm), but they will be worth it in the end. You could say they took a risk with The Swarm but let's not forget they showed quite the lack of faith in introducing Brave it Backwards. I want to see them produce a solid coaster, with no aimless quirks, silly themes or desperate World/Europe/UK/South England record attempts. Ja bitte. Piraten looks the dog's bollocks. The fact it'd be a clone would probably go over the GPs head and it's a great ride regardless.
  20. Why not just build a steel coaster? This coaster has nothing about it's elements that suggest it wants to be a wooden coaster at all. At least Outlaw Run and Hades 360 and even Iron Rattler stayed true to the blueprint of the traditional wooden coaster before whacking the inversions in. This thing only has one airtime hill.
  21. I see... Wait... is it?! It Cant be!
  22. What an ugly coaster. I've seen worse-looking Pinfaris.
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