Whilst you are entitled to your view, there are SO many things you are overlooking.The reason why Stealth is a simple up and down is because that is the whole point. It is meant to be a short, sharp WOW moment. And that is what it does. Aesthetically, it looks very good. Sure, it's not necessarily a great ride (it'll be lucky to make it in my top 20 rides to be honest), but it is not a waste of space.Queuing for a long time is not a waste either. People can see what they're going to get. Speed and height. And that's what they're queuing for. They're not queuing for length. They're not queuing for inversions. They're queuing for speed and height. If you don't want just speed and height, don't do Stealth. Simple as.As for the inversions thing. A good ride does not need to go upside. A bad ride doesn't necessarily go upside. It's how the coaster uses those elements. How everything comes together. Just 'cause a ride goes upside down, it doesn't make it the best thing since sliced bread.