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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. The music in the end sounds like an Amity twist of the Thorpe sound; don't recall hearing it before? Is it new or just some variation I've forgotten about?
  2. You're telling someone to grow up on here when all you do is come on here and whine about what people post? The words 'pot', 'kettle' and 'black' come to mind...
  3. JoshC.

    Thorpe Park 2020

    I don't know what you're talking about... (this is what I get for posting on TPM when I should be working)
  4. JoshC.

    TPM Awards 2019

    It's election day, but that's not the biggest vote happening this month 6 days left to get your votes in!
  5. JoshC.

    Thorpe Park 2020

    In fairness, repeat visitors do spend money - the trouble is that their spending on any given day is minimal since they spread out over several visits. Ultimately means that they drag down the spend per customer (which of course any business will use as an indicator) and that causes this outlook that they don't spend money.
  6. JoshC.

    Thorpe Park 2020

    It's not a wrong opinion, of course not. There is no wrong opinion. I just don't get the logic behind anyone saying that a park has "5 very solid coasters" and complaining that one of them isn't a headliner. If I've travelled to a park, I'd come away very happy if I'd ridden 5 decent coasters (and that's as an 'enthusiast' too). In fact, I can't think of many parks in Europe you can come away from and say that...
  7. JoshC.


    The new kid cred for next year has had a slight name change, and will be called Duplo Dino Coaster rather than Duplo Dream Coaster... https://www.legoland.co.uk/DUPLO2020
  8. A nice graphic highlighting how much of the ride has been completed:
  9. The Junker 2.0 rumour train gains some steam.. (link here, original source unknown) Some speculation this could end up including a lift hill and drop similar to Takabisha (Fuji-Q Highland) and TMNT Shellraiser (American Dream, NJ). Either way, if this is an extension, it'll arguably be the craziest thing to happen in the industry in living memory...
  10. JoshC.

    Thorpe Park 2020

    I don't see why this is being treated as a negative? Not every park has to have a Top 10 worthy coaster... Honestly, this is one of the most spoilt comments I've seen with regards to theme parks. "Thorpe ONLY has 2 B&Ms, 2 Intamins and a Gerstlauer, it's not complete". So many parks would kill to have that sort of line up. (NB: Saw doesn't have a clone, just a ride which has inspired it, and the other two were firsts of their exact layouts...). Saying Towers has 3 elite coasters is very much a stretch too.. This is the big issue, yes. And they do need to add and improve. But that doesn't really detract from the fact that the park already have a solid basis with some good coasters. Again: why is this an issue?
  11. JoshC.

    Thorpe Park 2020

    To 95% of the public (plus the group of enthusiasts who genuinely rate Stealth), it's a good headliner attraction. That's a good thing, no? There's plenty of parks out there which don't even have a decent coaster. For Thorpe to have 5 decent coasters (regardless of personal opinion, it's hard to argue that any of Thorpe's major coasters aren't "decent"), that's a bloody good job tbh. Plenty of people in the past travelled far and wide for Stealth. This comes back to the issue I mentioned in my previous post - the park haven't kept up with the times of the industry to have that modern headliner, nor have they had a world class coaster that has remained timeless (or even just a record breaker). Not impressive enough in what context? Because there's better coasters out there?
  12. JoshC.

    Thorpe Park 2020

    Disagree. All things considered, Thorpe's coasters deliver a great thrill for their length. More importantly, I don't think the likes of Colossus, Inferno and Saw would be improved with a longer length. Stealth is designed to be a short and sweet ride, and with its restraints, I don't think a particularly longer ride would add much. The only major coaster that would benefit from being longer is Swarm, but even then, I don't think it's *that* much of an issue. Also, fun fact: Smiler aside, the major coasters at Towers are, on average, the same length as Thorpe's. And their length is rarely complained. I don't think Thorpe lacks a headliner - Stealth fits that role perfectly. The trouble is when we look at big parks across the world which have added major attractions over the past 5 years or so, they've added in fantastic new investments which make use of technology which simply wasn't available 10 years ago. And then these new rides just naturally fit the bill of being a new headliner. So it's not that Thorpe lacks a headliner - for the majority of people who don't know what's out there, they'll still Stealth as a major draw. But when you follow the industry or know it further, you realise that because of the lack of investment for the past few years, the park simply hasn't kept up with modern trends like major parks have.
  13. JoshC.

    TPM Awards 2019

    Thanks to the first 9 of you who have all voted! The lucky 10th person to vote will receive a special prize (prize may or may not be real). But seriously, keep the votes coming!
  14. I believe it's going adjacent to the car park, along the front/side of the park. Never visited the park so don't know if that's near the kiddie flume!
  15. Nice overview of the construction site:
  16. There's been a lot of crazy out there announcements this year, but I think this one takes the prize for the top one... Vulcania, a French educational 'theme park' (that currently has no rides) about 90 miles from Lyon (ie - middle of nowhere) have put in plans to install an Intamin launch coaster with a drop track section! Vulcania is all about, unsurprisingly, volcanoes and other natural disasters like earthquakes, and features 4D cinemas and interactive experiences, but no rides. These "edutainment" style parks are really popular in France, and they're slowly expanding into the 'proper' theme park more. The coaster is the first step into the theme park set up for Vulcania, with drops towers and rapids planned for the next decade too. The launch coaster has a launch speed of 34mph (lol, but keeps with the style of the park I guess), max height of 16m, and a drop track of about 5m in height. It'll be themed to (surprise) volcanoes. Here's the plan: Despite the unimpressive stats in comparison to other coasters, it still seems a perfect fit for the park. Also, Intamins aren't cheap, so it's a statement of intent if nothing else. In other news, Bosnia and Herzegovina - a country not known for theme parks - look to be getting a theme park! Little details are known, however the park are going for a Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter and a Vekoma sit down looping coaster: Hard to know whether this will actually happen, but that Vekoma looks pretty damn good!
  17. Who doesn't love a good pun...
  18. It's the most wonderful time of the year - it's the Thorpe Park Mania Awards! As ever, we are using SurveyMonkey to collect the results. If you've never used it before, don't worry - it's dead easy! We've condensed things down a bit this year, to spice up the competition... PARK AWARDS: -Best UK Park -Best UK Coaster -Best UK Flat Ride -Best UK Water Ride -Best UK Dark Ride -Worst UK Ride -Best International Park -Best International Coaster -Best New-for-2019 Attraction (can be in the UK) -Most Disappointing Merlin Moment 2019 -Best Looking Attraction for 2020 -Best Manufacturer FORUM AWARDS: -Best Member -Best Team Member -Best Quality Posts -Most Knowledgeable Member -Most Dedicated Member -Most Sarcastic Member -Most Likely to be Banned in 2020 -Funniest Member -Biggest Fanboy/girl -Sexiest Male -Sexiest Female -Storm Surge Award -Member you'd like to see more of  And here's some clarifications in case any of the above are confusing... You don't have to vote for all the categories if you don't want! Please you forum usernames rather than real names - makes things easier For the park awards, feel free to vote for parks / rides you like the look of the best (especially the case of International Awards, where members might not have been on many / any foreign rides). Storm Surge Award: Vote for the member who you think reminds you of Storm Surge or should be awarded a Storm Surge for their efforts in TPM. Member you'd like to see more of Award: Vote for the member who you'd like to see post on the forums more often / see at meets / generally get to know a bit better! These are of course meant to be a bit of fun, so just enjoy the ride! Link is HERE! Voting will close Wednesday 18th December, 8pm, with winners announced at a point after. Any questions let me know. Get those votes coming in!
  19. So Tayto Park ultimately decided to put in a set of new plans for the combined coasters, which they hope to open in 2021. Plans can be seen here: http://www.eplanning.ie/MeathCC/AppFileRefDetails/AA191588/0 They're still going for a Vekoma Suspended Thrill Coaster (STC) and Family Boomerang combo that are intertwined, but have made some minor changes, including a shorter and rather different STC. Main stats: STC: Length: 728m Max speed: 80kph (~50mph) Height: 31m Duration: 99secs Boomerang: Length: 244m Max speed: 58kph (~36mph) Height: 21.8m Duration: 70sec The coasters that were originally planned for Tayto are ending up at Tripsdrill and opening next year (something which was apparently rumoured to happen before all this happened). Hopefully this is enough to convince the council of approving it, and it looks like it'd be a decent investment for the park!
  20. Blink and you'll miss this construction... (From Flamingo Land Crazy Facebook group, because Flamingo Land fansites are things now apparently...)
  21. Shouldn't that be €ft€ling But actually, that's a wonderful idea, maybe that's now done (for Merlin at least...)
  22. Unknown. Plans obviously said it would be silver/grey, but I don't know how strict they have to be to that. I certainly would have thought it was easier to paint it before erecting it but who knows. I do hope they clean it if they don't paint it though..
  23. Update! The trains were revealed at IAAPA last week. Personally I think they look dreadful. And some construction from the past couple of weeks.. And it has been recently topped off:
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