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About Ben1990

  • Birthday 03/24/1991

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  1. From what I could see on Tuesday, the larger tent was pretty much entirely empty. Unless this wasn't intended to be an actual part of the maze, I'd be surprised if it's ready tonight!
  2. I didn't expect they'd open Tomb, but I'm not holding out much hope for work on the cosmetic side of things. I'm more surprised about no Jumbos if I'm honest
  3. I went last week and found the same regarding coasters on one train operation- particularly in the morning. With engineers working such long days I wouldn't be surprised if they're having less staff in first thing to have the coasters ready and then handing over the second trains once more engineering staff arrive? Probably the reasoning behind opening the water rides later too- Less demand early in the day so kinda makes sense if there are less engineers/staff in early on
  4. From my experience working at Chessington a few years back, start times weren't all that flexible- most days would be a 9.15am start, with the occasional 11am start if working a break cover shift. There are also 'show times' during off peak, where start times can also be 10.30, 11.30, 11.45 etc. However, these aren't flexible as such, rather they are decided upon by managers at short notice in order to suit the business. You are right in assuming more staff are in demand at weekends, although most of the existing staff would be available to work weekends so I'd imagine it'd be easier to get a job working week days. Most staff work weekends during off-peak and then go up to full time (4/5/6 days per week) during school holidays to meet demand. There are also a smaller number of people who will work full time hours throughout the season (for example off peak weekdays). Finally, finish times can depend upon the park close time, the department you work in and how busy the park has been that day. For example, if you were working on a quiet ride such as Jungle Bus on a quiet, 5pm close, you will have a shorter queue to work through and a smaller area to clean, and so potentially you could be signing out and leaving by 5.20pm. On the flip side, if you were working on Vampire on an 8pm close and there has been a very high gate figure that day- you will likely have a long queue to work through past 8pm and the entire queue line to clean after that, so you could be looking at getting out at 10 (as an extreme example).
  5. SPOILER The corridor itself is, structurally the same. It has an eery alarm sounding, and is lit in red. There are blood-stained shower curtains obstructing your path, making for some good jump scares by a female actress (who has followed you in from the maze proper). Toward the end of the corridor are three blood-stained toilet cubicles. At this point the group are anticipating the chainsaw approaching from behind, but to everyone's terror, he launches himself from the far cubicle in front of the group- towering over everybody and actually blocking your path. Most people tend to bow down and crouch on the floor as the deafening chainsaw roars just inches above your heads. He then (subtly) lets you pass and continues to chase you out of the corridor- absolutely brilliant.
  6. Absolutely, can't recommend them enough.
  7. SPOILER -Tips for those visiting FN in the next few days CABIN IN THE WOODS -A clever concept with a variety of techniques and settings- there's plenty to look at and the maze is fairly faithful to the plot of the film. The actors are plentiful and have [mostly] clear characters. A few have actual dialogue, too, which makes a nice change. If any negatives were to be noted, I'd say it is easy to go the wrong way and see what you're not meant to; it works well in a small group and when the maze is not busy; finally some areas are badly lit [too bright] and thus it is clear to see how little money has been spent- and easy to recognise hints of The Passing /Hellgate. 7.5/10 MY BLOODY VALENTINE -The best thing about this maze (for me) is the facade they've built up across the arena- thus actually conjuring up some mystery (as opposed to seeing a big tent, or a random arrangements of shipping crates)- at least for those who don't know it's essentially Experiment 10. The internal theming is, on the whole, strong, albeit fairly wasted in parts. Also some areas show little sign of any change from Experiment 10. I like that there are multiple actors playing the main miner from the film, giving the impression he follows you on your journey. The weakest part of the maze is an operational one:- There is a point in the maze where two groups (one of which crawled through a tunnel, the other having skipped this) are at risk of meeting in an all-too-brightly lit room, essentially due to poor timing, and it takes away any effect the lone actress has. 6/10 SAW ALIVE -Actually very impressive performance. Filled with actors, all whom seem to understand the SAW concept, all using the spaces to their full potential and actually acting, as opposed to shouting and relying on 'jump' scares. Atmosphere great- lots of smoke and smells (in the right places), brilliant theming and lighting. The SWAT actors in the first scene are forceful and aim to intimidate, all with an edge of dark humour. 8/10 ASYLUM -EXCELLENT as always. Actresses roaming the queue are reminiscent of The Sanctuary nurses. Around 15 minutes long in total, this experience is relentless and consistently thrilling throughout. Filled with a different actor around every corner, the layout is genuinely confusing and it is hard to see other groups ahead/behind yours. Actors use new props and settings to their full potential and all actors are consistent in their portrayal of 'an asylum' as a concept. New/revised finale is also exceptional for those at the front of the group. 9/10 YOU'RE NEXT (ROAMING CHARACTERS) -Abysmal. There are around ten individuals roaming the park together with entirely unconvincing axe/hammer props. Those who have seen the films will struggle to see any resemblance in atmosphere or character aside from the plastic animal masks themselves. The group comprises 80% female actors, and overall none of the actors are above 5'8" in height (Essentially, they are not intimidating and far from the huge, military-style hit-men seen in the film). They all wear jeans or tracksuit bottoms and casual footwear (I.e VANS)- looking like 'hood rats' opposed to the genuinely creepy characters of the film. Flawed both creatively and practically:- they stand no chance among big crowds of individuals. 1/10
  8. Might have already been discussed but I'm pretty sure the Blair Witch Scare Zone will be behind the service road, at the back of NI, with a possible entrance being next to the smaller Burger King. Lots of activity around there today. Will be interesting to see how they facilitate getting people across the service road constantly though?
  9. Merlin Studios [correct me if I'm wrong...] is run as an entirely separate business and runs as if it were completely external. This, along with the extortionate prices that they charge Merlin's own parks somehow benefits Merlin's wider finances because effectively the money is going around in circles within the group, but can still be classified as 'profit' where it may benefit them. The only issue with this way of working is that routine maintenance along with simple design commissions are forgotten about due to the fact Merlin sets its' own attractions such tight budgets to work with. Essentially, what benefits Merlin's finances on paper happens at the cost of its' own attractions appearance
  10. If anybody who's been to the ride bothered to read the signage there, you would be aware that the current state of the ride and the high fencing around the drop is a temporary measure- the scale of this work and its' close proximity to the ride itself means it would be impossible to work on the theming with the ride operational. The ride will operate in the current state until the closed season when the work will be finished properly.
  11. I do think you need to wait and hold judgement until you actually go on the ride yourself. With regards to the story, and the general context of the ride itself- it's all been remarkably thought out and works brilliantly. -Right from crossing the bridge and entering the plaza, all the signage, buildings and theming lay as puzzle pieces which all tie in to the back story. Throughout the area and queue line, audio as well as signage describes what A.C.R.E. is, and why they require the help of guests in their expedition. After the queue, they enter the pre-show room with a basic understanding of the story. The pre-show once again reinforces the context of the situation and sets up for the ride. The signs, carvings etc. are not intended as large set pieces- rather subtle hints and clues contributing to the story, which children will enjoy associating with what they've already learned of the story. Secondly, 'atmosphere' simply cannot be conveyed in a youtube video. On the video you don't feel the bumps in the road or the wind rushing through the truck. You don't see 360 degrees, rather one consistent viewpoint. Also it was hardly the most ideal weather and yes, as you say the landscaping really is too fresh to judge. The animals weren't all around to be seen simply because they're probably still in quarantine and have been outside during the day. Finally, the cave is far more impressive (both in scale and atmosphere) in person and will probably still be tweaked. Oh and the top of the giraffe house has to be painted in the light colour in line with planning restrictions (just like Stealth). WAIT and hold fire! jeez
  12. I think the reason the 'capacity' is far lower for the event and the reason that more rides aren't available is purely the fact that the recruitment process /staffing for the main season probably isn't finished yet. As much as they probably would like to, they can't magic more [fully trained] staff from nowhere, at short notice to meet this demand...hence why the capacity has been reached every day of half term so far. They are probably staffing the rides with team leaders and some returning staff.
  13. That advert is awesome!!!! Love the not-so-subtle Harrison Ford lookalike and love even more the animated logo at the end! Ahhhh!
  14. As far as I'm aware, Merlin use '.co.uk' for all their staff/back of house email contacts in the country.
  15. Granted the ride is tired and old and generally poor but the whole of Transylvania has been in dire need of a re-paint for some time now. It's such a shame as the buildings themselves are so well themed so a simple paint job is the least they can do! With a bit of luck the Count's Cauldron facade will be refreshed along with a re-paint of the Bubbles exterior and [at a push] something could be done with the Bubbleworks queueline because it is disgusting!
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