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Everything posted by James6

  1. ^ Yep that's it Over The Shoulder Restraint.
  2. Colossus' entrance looks much fresher now as its had a spruce up, as seen on Thorpe Nerd Live http://live.thorpenerd.com/
  3. Just seen on Thorpe Nerd Live that Stealth has had all it's OTSR replaced, nice to see it getting some attention. Really pleased with all the little spruce ups around the park this year.
  4. Sounds good :)Safari Skyway is pretty awesome though
  5. I can't really decide on this, on one hand I dislike it because I loved the ride and it's theming better before it was sponsored by anyone, but then I think it's better than the Original Source sponsorship.
  6. Yes It is a re-theme, anything remotely "themed" is allowed to be removed/changed
  7. Fast forward 6 years...Saw's contract is soon to run out and Thorpe are in desperate need of a new theme. Good Luck :unsure:This Challenge is likely to last 2 weeks to give you a bit more time but if the majority of people entering have after a week, it will end after a week
  8. James6


    Ah thanks :unsure:Just found a picture of it at Heide Park, thanks to Theme Park Reviewhttp://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/photo.php?pageid=166&linkid=6449
  9. James6


    Ah interesting, thanks for that Tpkabz Is it the same supports, motors and everything ?
  10. James6


    I am really fond of all the new logo's like for Dark Forest as well. But Rita's is especially awesome, I hope they make a good effort with the re-theme, from what I've seen they have
  11. If anything it's less likely when the ride is new as new rides usually have teething problems.Also, in Maurer Sohne's technical specification of Dragons Fury, the ride apparently has a theoretical capacity of 950 PPH. If only... That PDF file is on the Maurer Sohne website for anyone that is interested
  12. Thank you... How can I say what? That I'm not a fanboy, or that in MY (emphasis on the MY) opinion the park has gone downhill and that the map is awful?I don't really know what your having a go at me for to be honest? Also showcasing Sex, drink, behaviour such as mooning isn't something I would really hope for when a map is targeted at "young people."
  13. Ah thanks Mark, so what things make it so difficult to reach those targets? I assume just guests being slow?
  14. I don't think so, anything else built there would have the same problems as Jungle Coaster. Especially as the Jungle Coaster was actually a pretty quiet coaster.
  15. Ah right, I'm not going to question anything about Vampire with you
  16. If I remember correctly, from my day at the park, when on 3 trains the target is 800 people an hour for Vampire.Whilst Dragons Fury's was 500/600
  17. ^ I think that is something a lot of people are confusing, some of us aren't Thorpe fanboys, I used to love the place but in MY opinion, these past few years the park has gone downhill and this map really does exaggerate that.
  18. Also, it's unlikely there is going to be a new land there as if I'm correct planning permission has already been granted for a hotel on that space ?
  19. Ok re-reading what I wrote that could have been interpreted wrong, apologies, I didn't mean if you liked it you are a mindless chav, I meant the kind of things on the map and the language/way the map is drawn would appeal to chavs.
  20. ^ This :PJust showed the map to my Mum and she is disgraced as well. Seems Thorpe have forgotten about all of there customers that aren't mindless chavs.
  21. Just been looking at both the Chessington Map and Thorpe Map side by side, and yeah you realise how terrible it is. You just can't see the paths or how to get to the rides. As pointed out by Tpkabz, things are in completely the wrong place, such as Calypso BBQ and Flying Fish which I didn't know was behind Depth Charge.Also 13 car long trains for Stealth?At first glance it wasn't that bad, but the more I look at it the more I hate it. I can't believe I have an annual pass for a park that releases a map with people having sex on.
  22. Try accesing it through another web browser e.g. Google Chrome, thats what I have to do for both Thorpe's and Chessington's sites.
  23. One thing I hate is just how inaccurate it is, e.g. 3 across on Saw. Would it have killed them to add someone else on the end?
  24. Thorpe entrance track isn't particularly iconic in the way Alton's Corkscrews were, people who have visited before will notice them and appreciate that there now in the entrance.
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