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Everything posted by StevenVig

  2. This begs the question if we will see the return of our lovely blown up fire engine?
  3. I don't even understand why they are making it permanent, its a bit random. At least Saw Alive had an existing ride to "attach" itself to if you will, they both shared the brand and were part of its own area. This though, this is just odd and very out of place.
  4. I give it all but half a season (and that's generous), before it becomes SBNO because of budget cuts and lack of actors *sigh*
  5. It cant be anywhere near as good as dreams, no way!!!!!! Merlin's version of dreams would be projections of Fastrack and AP logos with massive £ symbols and messages trying to persuade you to spend your money!!
  6. But you don't *actually* know what the attraction is or it's story, so how can you say that it's just a gimmick? It could be completely relevant. You cannot make a decision like that at this point.
  7. I totally forgot about this, oh dear. HA
  8. CWoA Meet was a lot of fun last year, you can most certainly count me in!!
  9. Here is said picture. Queueline board is still up, as is signage on the walls. Normally when a ride is closed this is also removed. It is equally possible that this signage was pending removal at the time the photograph was taken.
  10. I almost didn't come due to a crappy hangover. I'm so glad I came in the end, a fantastic day!
  11. This was the result of about 4 bottles of wine and other alcoholic beverages at the DLP Meet this year!
  12. Because there are two "actors", on the ride? It's all a gimmick and I've seen better animatronics on other Ghost Trains
  13. Demonioum was utter sh*te. Just a pre warning to anyone who is going to ride it
  14. Peaj, I should be attending. Jack, I may need to take you up on this offer. I'll PM you
  15. StevenVig

    Logger's Leap

    Or it's been removed from the site because its closed for the entire 2016 season, to avoid confusion?
  16. If its unrelated to the topic of discussion, why post about it?
  17. And that's all the improvements for the 2016 season in its entirety Nice to see they have invested in Bose Environmental 'Flowerpot' Speakers
  18. Many soft drinks contain caffeine
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