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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Well the new restraints are lovely!
  2. This is me just being picky, but the A should flickr randomly and not have a constant flash.
  3. StevenVig


    Just thought id share this with everyone. This flash video uses the Colossus soundtrack!http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/529588(Press the eye and then the arrow, if your having trouble!)
  4. I want to make a plan.The concept is simple.Marc gives me a lift from Staines at 9:15 to the parkThat is all.
  5. StevenVig

    SAW: Alive

    I'll be with you! :unsure:It's gonna be epic.
  6. As far as I have been told, yes they are. However, they have of course been refurbished.
  7. Heres a little fact.Jolly Rocker is actually the old ship from Heide Park in Germany, and not from Chessington.This was confirmed today.Also, The Lego Big Shop in Windsor, is actually now the biggest Lego Store in the world!This is because Legoland Windsor added a little over 150 sq/m to the Big Shop, resulting in a huge shop!
  8. ^ Hasn't seen me in ages and really should meet up with Steve asap!
  9. I Disagree, I would say the general throughput of each ride is equal.
  10. I think they have forgotten the objective and general idea of a Map. It's for navigational purposes.This map is totally out of proportion, there's too much going on, it's not accurate. I mean just look at where the BBQ is!They need to take a look at their 2004 Map, that was the best one since the Thrill Seekers Modernisation.People who know me well, will know that I am in two minds about Thorpe, and I have been for a good few seasons now. There's just some absolutely hysterical and embarrasing stuff they do, such as this map, but then sometimes, just sometimes, they get it right, like our new Shark.Sort it out Thorpe!Worst Map you lot have ever released, you should be ashamed!
  11. I'm becoming absolutely restless right now. I have WWTP Stealthside Playing in my Ears as I type this.TWIST TWIST SENORA!
  12. ^ Actually has an interest other than Vampire, Football!
  13. Well that was weird, it looks like a clone.
  14. I don't know why you would walk into that one, deliberately. :)You dont really help yourself do you.
  15. Yeah, like visiting and photographing empty theme parks ALONE.
  16. StevenVig

    Pirates 4D

    Pirates 4D was better than Time Voyagers, but they're both still rather sh*te.And yes, that track was played internally.
  17. StevenVig


    Who else knew that Theme Park Ducks shutdown?I just tried to log onto it, and the domain is available for registry!
  18. They just need to be encoded again by the sounds of it. I've never had an issue though, I added Asylum Queue 2 to my library yesterday.Best thing to do is just convert them to mp3, Audacity/Windows Media Player would be best for this.
  19. POKE!

    Whats happened to your vampire picture?

    I take it your contract has come through

  20. Drag and Drop them in, just like any other mp3 file.
  21. You dispatched a train on Fury, how much more further do you want to go?
  22. StevenVig


    Good Morning ManiaHub!Oh Noes, Double Post >__<
  23. StevenVig


    Yeah well count yourself lucky, you don't have double Sociology.
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