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Everything posted by c1hrisin

  1. Wasn't sure where to put this, but is this new? https://www.thorpepark.com/events-experiences/vip-experiences/ultimate-package/ and who in their right mind would spend £460 on a theme park?!?
  2. Or overlapping like the Gold mine and River Caves used to a BPPB that would work really well
  3. The big ones are £40 tho...
  4. I'm sensing a general theme...
  5. Well if I hadn't have been watching construction closely, looking at the advert I would have thought they had a new coaster..
  6. That looks amazing! it fits in with the theming really well!
  7. I haven't got the picture, but according to theme park guide ramesis has got stuck in the exact same place
  8. Is Wicked Witches Haunt a walkthrough or a ghost train?
  9. They might be able to get away with a loop? with enough speed, not much else tho
  10. WHY Haven't thy themd them?
  11. That top spin cycle is just abusive...
  12. Its a pretty quick turnaround seeing as teenagers were banned on rumba rapids last year...
  13. Maybe that's because there is now a floodlight in it? Also that theming actually made the waterfall better, you can see how it drags on the water mixing it up a bit rather than the clean edge it is now
  14. tbh we say "just for a play area" but some places are literally just the play ares, this is actually a large investment
  15. Went on valhalla? or was it too cold?
  16. Haha where can you see the nosTEAM? Edit I spotted it on my MW3 Hopefully nobody will notice I spelt Machine wrong
  17. Simple yet effective desktop for me
  18. If I'm right it used to be lie a circus type thing? (the picture is not mine its from JoshC)
  19. I found this site when trawling through the internet, it shows the hydraulic motor that powers stealth http://stealth.thorpepark.com/drawing_board/how_does_it_work.asp?css=1
  20. This sounds amazing, I'll be my first meet in a while (certainly my first meet out of Thorpe!) if I can get tickets and get up to Blackpool I will be coming! Could you put me as a maybe? How much would the tickets be? Approximately.
  21. Maybe the motor/pump has failed due to the new lighting rig drawing too much power causing something to trip?
  22. Ohh wha the detonator sign??
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