I don't think its the upside down bit, its inversions. more specifically, where there is a high amount of g-force. I tend to get it just after the loop on Colossus. Think its due to blood pressure on somink
I always thought it stopping too fast would cause a maypole effect(As I call it I'm sure there is a professional name for it) where the centre stops moving but because of momentum the rest of the swings keep going and start tightening up eventually hitting the centre pole
I'm starting to notice a pattern here.. its Gert's in the UK or places with a similar wet conditions. If there was one inside with perfect humidity I bet it would be smooth!
Have you noticed how a lot of new bits of theming aren't models made of Lego any more? They are just giant scaled up pieces. I think its a huge shame because that's what made Legoland really special to me, the fact it was all made of Lego now most of it is just giant moulds.
I'm going through in my head and saying the effects that I remember that are no longer working and ones that have been replaced (please correct me if I'm wrong)
1) Items that have been changed/replaced
Immediately after the first flashing tunnel there used to be a guard on a horse it has now been changed to a lonesome yet animated guard
The wizard room has got rid of that amazing filling/lighting up tube for naff rope lights (If I remember rightly the original broke in about 2010)
They have removed the never ending tunnel effect at the end of the bat tunnel
2) Items that used to work and no longer do
I'm pretty sure the beer sprayer guys do work (well I know it does spray) I'm not sure the beer still goes up and down any more
The dining room scene knife guy doesn't work 70% of the time
Its not that noticeable but a lot of the characters at the table were animated too and no longer are
The work room scene after the wizard it used to have a guy turning the mechanism but he stopped moving years ago
Although all of the mechanism isn't actually working the feet tickling guy still works! He giggles and jiggled up and down (which doesn't make much sense on its own)
The dragon gave up the ghost about march this year and as you can see is sitting with his head down in the first modern video like Matt Creek said and has now been positioned and is just breathing smoke (which you can see works really well in the TPC video!
There are probably lots more that no longer work, let me know if I missed any
Here are my reference videos that I used along side my memory XD
March 2014
June 2014
(I do not own any of these videos)
Not sure where to put this, Think I'll put in it fast track since it could pass as fast track
what an a**hole