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Everything posted by c1hrisin

  1. Please say I'm not the only one to be hearing Quantams theme in place of the entrance theme I remember?
  2. Also whats up with the pit at the bottom, isn't it supposed to have water?
  3. All of them have been removed (to my knowing) not sure if they have already been replaced pretty sure I heard something about it. Haven't been to CWOA this year
  4. I thought recording separately and then dubbing them together would be cheaper than having to get everyboay together and get everybody right at the correct time which would need a lot more takes?
  5. It could be all separately recorded and mixed together, that is the cheapest way of getting a giant band to be in one song.
  6. It'll be Aardman's second theme'd ride
  7. The amsterdam dungeon mirror maze had no normally visible line in the mirror maze
  8. I saw advertised there was a rollercoaster but according to the staff (who was really friendly) they removed it since it was only a signle drop and was taking up way too much space?
  9. I have just done the Amsterdam dungeons, that had themed ceilings what rides are there in the London dungeons, since there are none in the new design of the Amsterdam one?
  10. Yeah, they did it on tiday wave too?
  11. At about 3:25 it just starts advertising other rides
  12. Why does gewt set go just end up advertising the other rides and things to do in the area? Have they run out of ideas?
  13. Is it me or does tidal wave make a better wave? Its more sidewayds in the video wheras Tidal Wave's wave is more forward
  14. That ladder can't be movied, if I'm thinking of the same thing as you are, All they've added is some nice banners no actual modifications to the attraction
  15. Nemesis inferno is pretty far from unerated, a lot of the forum members wont stop talking about it
  16. Is it still only one movie? I'd have thought with angry birds they could mass produce these movies and have at least 3 on rotation
  17. *Cough* Beanoland *Cough*
  18. Why does it have the little stage bit in front of it. Has it ever been used as a stage?
  19. I've never heard someone say that Colossus' seats arent small enough before
  20. tbh I was expecting something more than just coloured carts. Wheres the bad piggy designs??
  21. At first I thought the slide stairs were a shot of legoland XD
  22. That's not actually wood O_o
  23. http://youtu.be/_1I-RYeFORs
  24. The hammers are a really awesome effect, you mean a ring of fire that the boat goes through?
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