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Everything posted by c1hrisin

  1. c1hrisin


    I can just about see in the bottom right of the picture there is at least one restraint left in position on swing B!
  2. Its a meme saying how they have spent all their money
  3. And since they are all 'resorts' now they could let people in later?
  4. So there is a lot of area prep but the actual ride hasn't arrived yet?
  5. The link said they were in the lion enclosure
  6. So they were in traffic? Why didn't they try to get in the car in front of them?
  7. I would really love an interactive tower type thing that kids can press the button and it plays an angry bird launch sound and the tower falls down. Something similar to the falling barrel effect they use in almost all american horror attractions
  8. Thats the best angry birds theming I've seen so far And you mean on the lake? Just tow it away
  9. That does sound awesome, very similar to Sub-Terror (or whatever its called)
  10. What exactly is it? The description is very vague Edit - I'm talking about Hobs Pit
  11. c1hrisin


    Imagine it with fully functioning fountains and a water tunnel <3
  12. They took their time deciding
  13. I swear they've painted over the bloody hospital walls in back? They can't do that every year without it looking like the inside of a Jawbreaker underneath that paint!
  14. Thanks, what did the park actually do over the closed season?? It seems like its all being finished off now
  15. Ooh I remember when the monkey was on top, when was it removed?
  16. Is the shark entrance finished yet? Didn't think they'd open it before finishing the facade
  17. c1hrisin


    Ok, firstly Jack in the morning it was really quiet then it got busier about 2'ish The first ones are of the rat trap construction The new theming of the burger kitchen (which is now open). The Lego dinosaur, remember when it used to blow steam and have a moving jaw? I thought the transfer track was really cool for some reason Did you know it had the ride layout in the queue line? for the Tomb Raider thingie Strategic advantage for me hehe, shown in my score XD The 'new' Xbox One Gaming Zone Lego Village looking a bit tired, and THE TRAIN HAD DE-RAILED!!! And finally the water-park bit (which was new to me) my friends didn't allow me to go in it :/ Yeah that was my trip report. Turns out it wasn't very detailed If the pictures don't work here's a link to my photostream where you can find the Pictures along with a load of other random probably theme park related images. Also the burger kitchen is now open (I saw a customer reviewing their meal on FB or Twitter)
  18. Something I'm noticing. there don't seem to be any sockets in and of the pictures. I've got two entertainment devices to charge. where are the sockets
  19. c1hrisin


    I went to Legoland today! I shall include a proper report soon but for now a couple of points Legoland are living up to their good quality of theming on the burger kitchen Rat trap is no more and the re-building is underway Lots of new models They've moved the photo on the viking ride
  20. You see though, a lot of the theming could stay if the Lionsgate contract WERE to end. They can keep most of the effects since they barely relate to the films when the reference is taken away. Its a pretty foolproof plan because the only parks (I've seen) that design a ride exactly like a movie or TV show to the extent that you could walk in and just name it without even being told are inside the movie studios parks themselves (Disney, Universal) so they don't have to worry about disagreements and ending contracts
  21. c1hrisin


    I just love the tunnel of light going up the chain hill (is it is called that)
  22. c1hrisin


    All I can say Is X has almost made its way to my number one ride now
  23. Thats all because of shoddy maintenance, how did nobody complain prior to the accident?
  24. c1hrisin


    I've never actually ventured into this part of the site before.. but here's my contribution haha
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