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Everything posted by Benin

  1. What does one expect from a business? Like, look on Trip Advisor for any business and see how many responses are deliberately tailored towards the review...
  3. Benin

    The Smiler

    As a thought, given the state of recent H&S style decisions at Towers, I unfortunately think it's more than likely that they'll just end up only having one train on the track at any one time... Grim thinking for anyone visiting to visit the park next season... I hope Towers will prove my doubts wrong on that one though...
  4. Benin

    The Smiler

    It's stalled twice if I recall since opening, most other rides (including a few B&Ms) have also had some issues with stalling... I wouldn't say that something stalling twice is really a massive issue either... It's not a consistent problem over 2 seasons of on/off operations... The incident was always going to be human error though, unfortunately the engineer made the wrong decision (probably as they were sick of having to constantly reset the ride)... Of course, it's highly entertaining reading all the GP comments... Lots of people seem to think that minimum wage teenagers would be the ones at fault...
  5. To be fair, Chessie have been rather unorganised for a long time...
  6. To be fair, Universal's theming has always been pretty good, even on the older attractions like Twister, Jaws, etc. That's some fantastic rockwork though...
  7. Flume rides are pretty much part and parcel of any theme park... They aren't the main draw, but they just allow 90% of all guests to ride it, it's all good... IF we end up with a Chiapas style flume instead, then yay, not that those restraints are 1) that comfy, and 2) still have issues having people jump out...
  8. Apparently there's some footers in the RQ pool, but I dunno if they might be leftovers from the old Monorail the park used to have... Things aren't clear, but they're still exciting...
  9. Problem is, announcing closure without any signs of it being actually replaced means everything is all up in the air... Especially if SW8 has actually been delayed/cancelled as a result of Smiler's crash... It's all a bit opposite of what you'd think a park would want to try and do what with all the negativity surrounding it since the incident...
  10. Can see the RQ tower covered in scaffolding now... Still confused on the layout...
  11. Hex has like, 4 people on it... Some people saying that it's also buggered, seems to be a problem with Madhouses this year...
  12. It's disappointing that it must be one thing or the other, rather than the best solution which would be refurbs AND a new ride...
  13. All the Merlin flumes are pretty much buggered... Sub Terra is clearly in need of a big fix, as is Charlie (one lift operation is death)... Dunno what state Hex is in, sure no-one really cares about Driving School, and Ripsaw is near the end of its life (as is Blade)... At the end of the day, if you don't maintain your rides, this is what happens... If this ends up being true, what else is next?
  14. Hooray for more badly implemented Speedy Pass!
  15. 4 people have on Blue Fire... That said, Vertigo at Tivoli Gardens provides a similar experience (I.e. spinning/inverting in various axes), and I found that a rather vom-inducing experience... Imagine Blue Fire's inline with spinning involved? Ew... Besides, Blue Fire is perfect as it is...
  16. Literally like nothing happened yesterday by the looks of things... Walibi Alpes' new coaster train looks fab, Timberliners <3
  17. Villa Volta isn't in V2 (the current version since March/April last year)...
  18. Classic Italy... Disappointing if it does close obviously, never nice to see a park go under... But here they only have themselves to blame...
  19. See now, I actually didn't think that much of Ravelijn... Sure it's got some great elements and stuff to it (the set, character arrivals, the giant steampunk dragon), but it lacks some semblence of actual sensical plotline... It's too complex for its own good, even if it is just ripping off the Narnia books for the most part... Though there is an English narration option to pick up apparently, which might help actually understand it... But it's got a few flaws (especially having pillars blocking the view) that stop it from being a really fantastic show... Merch is a sticking point, but same could be said of Disney at times, mostly I think because they target the merch at kids (understandably) because that's where the money is... Baron 1898 soap however is quite clearly the best piece of ride merch ever invented... Aquanura V1 >>>> V2
  20. Benin

    Youtube Videos

    Not as good as "Touch Your Blaster" tbh... "Some Zombies have arms" <3
  21. Lol, ridiculous rumours are ridiculous... $1 billion expenditures ftw...
  22. That's my thinking on the Walibi Holland coaster, a Mega Coaster from Mack would make Goliath look pretty damn pointless and inferior...
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