They really, REALLY shouldn't be doing that, unless they're now banned from manually releasing individual restraints...
Even then, if it's a small bag, they can usually take it off without releasing the bars, that what I used to try and get done...
Age of Ultron was fab... Lots of action, lots of depth, lots of humour and lots of pieces flowing into place for the next phase of films...
James Spader should be in every film now... Just have him as the bad guy in everything...
"Wooden Truss Construction"
To me, that sounds more like a Hybrid than say a GCI/GG style coaster...
But then again, a decade ago we were all hyped at the potential of a cross-valley woodie, and that just didn't happen...
Once it starts being built, then one can get excited...
Watched Daredevil on Netflix...
So good, some of the fight scenes are amazingly done... Only makes me excited for the other Marvel TV shows...
GOT season 5 on now as well, what a time to be alive...
There's still a big difference between being shown how to do something, and people being able to do it...
You'd expect all enthusiasts to be able to flip themselves like in the video posted, but there is still a knack required for this ride type...