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Everything posted by Benin

  1. Smiler didn't take 5 years to plan out, about 3 years tends to be the average these days...
  2. Whatever the new ride is will seemingly be part of it's own new area... The possibilities are quite endless atm for what they could be building...
  3. Shame, certainly used to be the case... Oh well, more time for people to visit Efteling then...
  4. A brief update, not that much else has happened... Source: Coasterfriends.de According to ParksMania and an interview they did, this will have multiple inversions...
  5. Tell you what, I was impressed by AI when I visited Sunday... It does rest upon the ride staff, who clearly do enjoy themselves there, and when there's interaction (or #banta) it doesn't feel forced or annoying in the same way that I've suffered stuff at places like Chessie (Fury staff and the 'flap your wings like a dragon to dispatch' debacle)... The guy on Skateboarder especially was hilarious, as he used the height stick as both a guitar and microphone throughout the day... Park was very clean, only disappointment was that Sky Drop was dead... Would really like to see the park expand more in the future, especially given how the indoor area construction seems to have completely halted, which is strange... If people moan about closed season this year, this will be one of the parks I recommend people visit during that time...
  6. Chiapas, Helix and Krake would all like to point you in the direction of their queue-lines...
  7. Traveller weekend was the last weekend... Only dodgy people attending this weekend are enthusiast groups
  8. Considering it's for 2016, planning permission would only turn up midway through next year anyway... As an aside, who's to say that the MTDP hasn't changed? That stated a coaster to be built on a new island, yet there's not much work happening on said island? Plans change, especially in theme parks...
  9. This is what's been mentioned elsewhere on the forum since someone took the pics of the Arena seats being removed... I've seen £30m being chucked around as the budget, and Dr Who as the IP... Plus read about what the ride type could potentially be, including something akin to Canada Wonderland's Wonder Mountain Guardian, which combines a coaster (barely) with dull interactive 3D shooting ride screens (I.e. no actual physical theming)... If it ended up being that, themed to Dr Who, then I wouldn't really be that impressed, as Wonder Mountain Guardian looks absolutely horrid... If it was something like Huntik/Thor's Hammer (I.e. Cheap Spiderman), then I might be more intrigued over it... But would Merlin WANT to build a ride like that when 3D screen based rides are just SO much easier to maintain in the long run... Also, the theme areas might as well not exist these days... Especially after Thorpe's best one in Amity has been butchered so much over the recent years (via Storm Dirge and Angry Birds Land) shows a lack of care in that regard... So it'll be an IP in the same way of Angry Birds, plonked down in the middle of the park with little to no transistion of area...
  10. Pfft, Time Voyagers could get you wetter than a go on Tidal Wave...
  11. It's quite likely that they just skim read it as positive feedback and gave a generic response (like most business' social media)... Although I've just noticed that Thorpe are also guilty of putting 'trail' instead of 'trial'... #rage
  12. If it is very windy, I'd imagine that Skyride is one of the few that would be closed... Everything else should be open regardless I'd say... Unless the park itself becomes unsafe like it did the other year with trees collapsing and what-not...
  13. Bear in mind only really Swarm has been built since IMAScore has come into serious play (even then they were only starting out into the theme park side of things, Krake was their first ride soundtrack and probably were chosen mostly because they're a German company)... Might be expensive, but they have created some of the best ride music in modern times... Indeed, things like Chiapas and Helix sound like they should be in a film rather than a theme park... Plus the range of genres they've created is pretty much astounding... It should be EU law that all parks must have IMAScore do their ride music...
  14. Thing is, if/when it does become permanent, those short queues won't exist, and you'll be left to wander the park for enternity... It's quite evident that the reasoning that there is such a positive vibe from it, is because not everyone is using it... Though until Thorpe can actually get the system to work reliably (because it clearly didn't this weekend), can they risk trialing it to such an extent? Oh well, least we don't have to care about that till next year now... That's a positive...
  15. Benin


    I'm just gonna leave this here...
  16. They just need to get the new trains from Intamin that they put on the Colossus V2 they built over in Italy (the name escapes me)... But, that would require Merlin investing in maintenance...
  17. People would be more likely to take your feedback on board if it was slightly more constructive, instead of arrogant and very "I'm an enthusiast therefore I know what's best"...
  18. It's been referenced elsewhere too... Something akin to Wonder Mountain Guardian over in Canada... Not exactly a coaster, but I'd much prefer a look at producing an experience...
  19. To be fair, it is an issue that should be resolved... Site should only be accessible when connected to free WiFi at the park... Easy to do...
  20. Swarm doesn't have a roof because Candy Holland didn't want a fire exit in it...
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