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Everything posted by Benin

  1. It's basically the Ultimate... Looks crap...
  2. Original storyline was basically a journey to the moon, the lift hill in the middle of the ride had a moon face projected up instead of the supernova, really the difference was the music (classic instead of base) and the odd bit of theming here and there (the change was never THAT major)... Would love it to return to the original version (mainly with the viewing windows in the queueline) with some of the newer additions Mission 2 brought in (laser tunnel finale)...
  3. Apparently Space Mountain, Cafe Hyperion and Videopolis are all closing next year for a 6 month refurb... Potential new trains for Space Mountain!
  4. Clearly does... Every park needs an AquaTrax!
  5. I presume this will follow previous trials in that there'll be a normal standby queue? If that happens, good luck to those people, since they'll be stood there watching as hoards of Fastrackers and Reserve n Riders go in...
  6. There are a few things that can be done to the Magic Kingdom: Two new E-Ticket attractions, one in Adventureland (a spot once reserved for a clone of the Indiana Jones Dark Ride) and one in Frontierland. One of these additions should be a water ride (Splash Mountain-esque), but not sure on the other addition. Fantasyland is alright, aside from maybe touching up a few of the attractions within. Perhaps a Little Mermaid or as Creek suggested, a Frozen based attraction to go next door to Small World (where the shortcut pathway to Discoveryland lies). Discoveryland will get Star Tours 2, and is rumoured to have a mini Star Wars area to go with it (where the 4D Cinema is). As for the Studios, what it needs is a complete redesign like California Adventure got. New entrance, removal of the Tram Tour, hell even remove the Studios theme. There have been rumours that the likes of Armageddon and RnRC will get rethemed to Marvel stuff in the future anyway, whether that'll happen is another matter. What I'd LOVE to see is a new Muppet 4D cinema show to link into the new films actually, in amongst improving the general capacity, design and attraction types in the park itself... The Studios really is the thing that really needs a real big fixing, Kingdom needs a bit of touching up and some actual new attractions...
  7. Based solely on attendance figures, Disney is bigger than PA... However, it's also expensive, and requires people to book far in advance to get the best value (unless you book out of peak season)... DLP's expenditure it probably also a lot larger than PA's... DLP has also ALWAYS been in debt... Bit of a ridiculous history with it all...
  8. Has to be, the effects are very decent and being filmed on site pretty much confirms it... One thing Merlin can do is viral marketing in this way, like Smiler's videos...
  9. It's stalled there LOTS of times over it's life... Though not as regularly recently...
  10. http://rcdb.com/r.htm?ot=2&ml=8109 So out-dated... May the court also know that Mack Bobsleighs were an invention of the 80s, only half of the apparent 60 years ago they existed in... A Gerst Bobsled doesn't have the throughput to be a suitable choice of investment for Thorpe though...
  11. "We couldn't afford the rights to Annabelle but we ordered lots of dolls anyway"
  12. Benin


    Thing is, the UK scarezones then to just be scaremazes that are outside... Our events are just crap in general, but why should Merlin invest high levels of money when people just come to these events when the bare minimum is being done?
  13. I think on that day it was insanely warm and we had minimal fluid that day... Lots of variables that can affect riders, especially with constant forces...
  14. The irony being that they can actually afford the ultimate Fastrack, yet some demand bodyguards/exit priority instead... Shame the parks bend to the will...
  15. Nothing compared to the old Sultan of Brunei, once an avid fan of Chessie...
  16. It's situations like this which make Towers' blanket rule be the sensible choice, as it removes the issue completely (though doesn't make you want to ride Oblivion again)...
  17. That's down to budget and effort, not based upon the target market... It certainly doesn't stop other parks across the world who get guests of all ages milling about the park having some theming (even if it's cheap Halloween Poundland stuff)... Budget and effort, two things Merlin seem to not be too happy with giving lots of these days, unless the park is struggling (which arguably goes at the expense of other park budgets because of how Merlin's big pot of money is operated)... What would the roaming characters do more of? I think that's an issue with roaming characters (and horror actors as a whole) in that they are very limited as to what they can do... The director last year at Thorpe was a difference, because he could actually talk and interact on the fly, compared to the You're Next people who just did the cliched jump and try and scare people... It's such a cliched trend throughout them all though... What else could such roaming actors in limited roles do though is the question? I'd much rather the characters be a lot more talkative and interactive rather than dull and jumpy... But it's up to Thorpe (and other parks) to actually try and train the actors or evolve the roles more to suit this...
  18. How does advertising on Tinder make the event better? Thorpe's use of social media is always a bit iffy though... Always with the 'BANTZ' exchange on there, like recently with the Dungeons... Much lad, very BANTZ...
  19. Thorpe clearly think that the Reserve n Ride system is the answer to all those related problems... Thing is, where would a few flats/dark rides go? Space is an utter premium at Thorpe and I have my doubts they know how best to use the available space... And then what other flat rides can you add to a park that's already full of them? Unless Thorpe actually decide that they actually DO want to embrace the family market and add a few things like Chairswings (or a Starflyer)... As for sprucing up the park, Merlin don't seem to embrace that issue unless they HAVE to... State of Towers Street/Nemesis station/Inferno's mouldy volcano pretty much sums that up...
  20. Big Bad Wolf was so good Annoyed they announced it's closure after I visited, otherwise I would've purchased so much merch...
  21. Whilst such a conversation is best set out in the Drayton topic, they get stick because they're both uncomfortable, boring (Shockwave mostly here, especially with it's RCT straight) and are just generally poor... I hate all Stand-up coasters though, and being able to breathe mid-ride... Neither are real options with those two...
  22. HSE issued the summons, I think the case with the family has been settled... Probably stuff to do with the recent Dr Cave findings coming out and answering to those issues, which started with this incident... Sure Merlin would like to sweep this under the carpet ASAP..
  23. Trauma's been closed for ages (like the Ark), since the Nash fire if I remember... Ring Racer did originally also open years ago, but blew up and had lots of problems since... The new owners of the Ring saw it as a burden and spited it as a result... Good call on Son of Beast, that also narrowly evaded me by closing forever about 2 weeks before I visited... That was sans loop of course, that would've been an experience... Annnnnd finally I think New Beast was a smaller version of Black Hole, rather than an exact clone... Sure someone can check RCDB for this... +1 for Moody Blues ride as well, but not for Alien Encounter, not at all sad to say I wussed out thirteen years ago...
  24. Two words: Natural Selection If the deer wasn't so stupid to stand in front of a coaster track then it'd still be alive... Nature does try it's hardest to get rid of the stupid ones in a species (although unfortunately this doesn't work with humans 100% of the time), indeed, the deer will now know that if they wander into that area they will likely die, making the species smarter and more likely to survive in the future... No the reaction wouldn't be the same, it would be "Why is a human being standing in front of a coaster when they have a higher brain function to know fight or flight when faced with a machine, rather than standing like a deer in headlights?"
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