I support the whole "better things Thorpe could spend money on" approach here, mainly because of how much of a drain Slammer must be to the maintenance budget...
Why will it be a drain? Can't go to S&S and I doubt the ride has any form of warranty anymore because S&S themselves have gone "nah, it's dire" and given up on the entire concept... That leaves Thorpe with needing to go and create replacement parts through custom methods, possibly either through getting one company to manufacture the parts for them, or getting multiple companies involved...
Either way, it's a costly and long (as proven by this year) process, and might well outweigh the positives of having the ride still running in the future if it continues to constantly be a thorn in the side of the park with prolonged breakdowns that have plagued the ride since 2005...
As much as the uniqueness helps the ride, I wouldn't be surprised if one day Thorpe just give up on it if it continues acting up like this... I know I would look elsewhere eventually...