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    Benin got a reaction from Dan9 in Random   
    Spoilered for swearing

  2. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Ryan in Random   
    Spoilered for swearing

  3. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Random   
  4. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Oh electricbill, your cynicism really depresses me. Especially as you hate online communities anyway, and now you piss on people getting excited over something. So what if it's fake, the fact people are excited is good. And if it turns out to be real then woah, well done Thorpe. Good effort in using technology to build your new attraction up.
  5. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Laelda_95 in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    ^And part of Thirteen's marketing campaign of the training camp in order to be the first one to ride it AND the general "THIS IS YOUR FAVOURITE RIDES IN ONE!!" didn't appeal to enthusiasts?Parks NEED to use the social media and this is working relatively well so far... Parks need to build up rep with fansites as well so that they get more things said about them by the enthusiast community, especially when you have a pre-existing image like Thorpe's...In short, stop being a downer and let people enjoy it...
  6. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Ryan in Doctor Who   
    Might as well make comment on last week's episode...Much improved over the terrible pirate one, what with an actual interesting story and actually challenging the canon of the past series... I doubt we'll see Idris again but I hope we do...The corridor scenes were pretty well done even if the budget could only stretch to one... That should be done more in the future, more scenes in the actual OTHER parts of the Tardis and not just the control room... Oh, and finally...
  7. Like
    Benin got a reaction from themeparkmad in Chessington General Discussion   
    Once when I was on Playhouse Spike actually came in and took the height stick off me and started doing my job for me...Needs more of that...And I think it's generally based on the Ents team and budget... Another part of Chessie that needs more investment...
  8. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Mer in Chessington General Discussion   
    Once when I was on Playhouse Spike actually came in and took the height stick off me and started doing my job for me...Needs more of that...And I think it's generally based on the Ents team and budget... Another part of Chessie that needs more investment...
  9. Like
    Benin got a reaction from SkySkream in Youtube Videos   
  10. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in Florida   
    HISTA makes Time Voyagers look like the Godfather of 3D theme park films...
  11. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Ryan in Rant   
    I think I can see your problem...
  12. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    And dirt ISN'T exciting?
  13. Like
    Benin got a reaction from mbizzle in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Well, least it ain't talking about how much G-Force you get on Zodiac...
  14. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Parks, Rides And Coaster News   
    It could go as slow as Chessington Carousel and would still be TPR's number one ride. I for one thank Intamin for trying not to kill anyone with force and speed on Cheetah Hunt.
  15. Like
    Benin got a reaction from thorpeparkjack in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    And dirt ISN'T exciting?
  16. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Pickles in Random   
    The day when silliness gets deleted and stupid questions don't
  17. Like
    Benin got a reaction from alexander in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Well, least it ain't talking about how much G-Force you get on Zodiac...
  18. Like
    Benin got a reaction from JamesB in Video Games.   
  19. Like
    Benin got a reaction from noob230 in Video Games.   
    Portal 2 <3<3Wheatley <3<3I came...
  20. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Jord in Video Games.   
    Portal 2 <3<3Wheatley <3<3I came...
  21. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Laelda_95 in Rant   
    Would like to see them attempt to go around Towers or the Translyvania/Fury hill at Chessie...Also, I'd like to have a rant about the McCanns... What with their new book and begging the PM for help... They need a slap... Because there were only TWO people responsible for Maddie's dissapearance, and that's them... You never leave children unsupervised and they're lucky only one was taken...It does annoy me how they get support for their own bloody idiocy when people who try but unfortunately cannot take care for whatever reason get punished... Absolute arse I say...
  22. Like
    Benin reacted to Nicky in Florida   
    Day 4 - 10th AprilFirst task of the day was to go and collect our new baby for a week. The rental car lady didn't need to list all the cars once she had mentioned this one. Photo taken at the end of the dayWe then headed off for Epcot and discovered the fun of navigating around the Disney site and how the roads all intertwine with each other. Having paid the $14 car parking fee, we parked in Discover. Useful tip was to take a photo of the sign where you had parked so at least you could check your camera if you forgot at the end of the day. By the end of the week having the car, all the car parking spaces starting blurring into one.Today's car parking was Discover!At the same time at Epcot it was their Flower and Garden festival so there were loads of plant sculptures of characters and items from Disney movies. Toy Story was as soon as you went in.Even the Pixar ball...I didn't actually realise how big the golf ball was until I was stood looking up at it. Token photo of me in front of it.Having spotted these when we were at Magic Kingdom, I found a Cast member walking around with the cart for them. Collected the badge for my first visit and wore it for the rest of the holiday when at Disney. It was fun looking at other people's badges to see their reason for celebrating with a trip to Disney World.We decided to get the ridey things all over and done with first thing in the morning. It was Test Track first using the single rider queue. If you could time it right the single rider queues were great, it was just when other people decided to use them that they got a bit too long to queue for. I had started the day with wet hair having had a shower and one ride of Test Track and it was dry. Definitely didn't need to take a hair dryer on holiday with me. Just get launched at 65mph in warm weather round the outside track. I didn't really know what I was expecting with Test Track so it was quite cool. As always it felt contrived with giving it a plot line but it was good way to show how cars do get tested. We had got a fast track on Test Track so we headed over for Soarin'. It was an hour queue which was annoying but at least it was air conditioned. The queue line interaction was good but by the end of it your arms just ached. Couldn't really see the concept working in the UK, but Americans really got into it. We got to the front eventually and ended up on the 2nd row. While it was unnerving when the "cars" moved up into the air, you quickly forgot you were that far up. There didn't seem to be any continuity to it or story which did annoy me. Would have felt better if they tried to blend it together rather than quick cuts between them. It seemed like you felt more like you were interacting with the scenery if you were in the 3rd row. Dangling feet were distracting.It was at this point that we realised that we had planned to go to IHOP for pancakes after picking up the car. So a quick rush over to TT again to use our fast pass. We decided that we would hit up Mission Space and then head out for pancakes. Probably should have done the orange side but was wary of the fact we hadn't really had anything to eat that morning. I am glad I'm not claustrophobic as that wouldn't have been great when it moved in front of you. I was the navigator I think but only once managed to press my button in time before it overrode it instead. I did like the optional sick bags.Sat nav out and worked out where the nearest IHOP was I.e. right next to our hotel, we headed out of Disney World. I had already looked at the menu online before going out to Florida. Cinnastack pancakes it was. Just a shame that I couldn't eat them even if I had had no breakfast. 3 buttermilk pancakes maybe rather than 4 may have meant I could have eaten them all. Dad had a more "traditional" pancake thing with sausages but the stuff on the menu was weird combinations of savoury and sweet. When we got back to Epcot we just decided to wander around until we spotted things that we wanted to do. We were lured into the pavillions since they were air conditioned. It was there that I spotted a sign for something that definitely tempted my fancy. Never thought I'd go all the way to Epcot and end up riding on a Segway.All you had to do was sign a waiver (of course) and then wait your turn. It was a small course with going forwards and then making a 360 turn and come back on yourself. The woman kept telling me that I should relax. I had a death grip on those handlebars and kept going a bit too fast when I was doing it. It's really sensitive and I can see myself being pretty scared if there wasn't someone in front of me to make sure I don't go too fast. Next up was Nemo: Haunted Mansion for very little kids. Orange shells = doombuggies.It was cool how it interacted with an actual aquarium. It showed Nemo and Dory on the glass of a proper aquarium. It was also nice just to have a sit down and be taken around. My feet were starting to really ache by this point and the thought of World Showcase wasn't making them happy.Disney were really pushing a Kim Possible mission thing to do to keep the kids more interested as they wandered around the World Showcase. I managed to make my Dad join in with me, even though it was embarrassing at some points. We collected our mission time and location.Annoyingly this was in the middle of the circle so we decided to just make our way slowly to it picking up another mission on the way round. All you had to do with this was collect stickers. Nice and easy...well once you found the right place to go to.Passing through places such as Norway, Mexico and China. Some places had their own rides...Complete with embarrassing outfits. Me and my Dad decided that while we went on Maelstrom, we didn't need to watch a film telling us about modern Norway so we made a quick exit across the whole auditorium. :)Interspersed between the countries were more flower characters.We finally made it to Italy and picked up our Kimmunicator aka a Verizon phone.You had to follow the tasks it gave, and go to certain points in a nearby country. We ended up with Japan. It was cool at first when you made windchimes move just by pressing a button on the phone. You got to make windchimes move, created smoke in a flower display and turn a fountain on and off. It culminated in going into a shop and making an evil Bebe appear on top of a shelf. By this point my feet just wanted to give up so we only did one mission but there was definitely loads more missions that you could do if you had the energy that I seemed to lack and maybe feet that decided to like you. Finally found Beauty and the Beast in ParisBeing in Paris meant that we were finally close to the whole reason we went around the world...A very pale imitation of a pub. I showed off my superior knowledge of the UK in a shop and was rewarded with stickers. We also decided to get our tea from the fish and chip shop, being served by a lad from Salford. By this point, I just wanted to go back to the hotel so we walked back towards the front area of Epcot. On the way I got distracted by Captain EO. This was odd...Michael Jackson and 3D...quirky but very very odd.Just loads of things thrown together. It was definitely like The Wiz film starring MJ. They resurrected the film when he died and then had a spare 3D auditorium to use. Very WTF and people seemed more entertained by the fountains outside of the place which I did not spend quite a while trying to take a photo where you could see the water moving...not at all...It was with this task accomplished we decided to head back to the car, being very lazy and using the parking transport trams instead of just walking the short distance instead. Sorry it's taken me a while to get the next day up. Urgh exams....
  23. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Jord in Parks, Rides And Coaster News   
    That... And it tries to attempt brain surgery in the worst way possible :PPlus, themed experiences don't get highly rated... Revenge of the Mummy is 73 for crying out loud... Atlantis Adventure is the highest "exceptionally themed" experience, and who bums that? Oh yeah... :)EDIT - Sod it, Pegasus (EP) is 258 places too low... What a crap poll...
  24. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Luke_A in Rant   
  25. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Mer in Rant   
    I get the feeling this is aimed towards me (and others)...If you have a problem with it, actually take it up with me personally... Or ignore my posts... Some people actually don't play the "I have amazing rep" card...
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