I like rooting around in the code, found this JPG https://mindswanted.co.uk/assets/video/victoriana.jpg
Same thing.... I just changed the jpg to mp4 and found the high resolution videos (works with mp4, webm, ogv & jgp) https://mindswanted.co.uk/assets/video/victoriana.mp4
There is a clock date set to this day and time "Mon Oct 26 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (BST)"
This website about Victoriana, found it interesting that it fits the theme of these cogs, may be nothing http://www.cubicle7.co.uk/our-games/victoriana/victoriana-downloads/ And this code in the all-min.js file
if( $('html.victoriana').length > 0 && $('html.victoriana_unlocked').length <= 0){
//console.log('yes! you found it!');
$('div.message.victoriana').animate({$$fade: 1});