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About MChappy

  • Birthday 12/24/1992

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  • Favourite ride
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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    Asheville NC, USA
  • Interests
    Any music, any rides, making recreations of places and rides in game engines.

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  1. I would assume it’s to keep the CD reasonably priced, more appealing and accessible by not being multiple discs. I would be totally open to pay more for a deluxe edition with longer tracks.
  2. Love the new CD can’t get it out of my car! Stumbled upon the Rangers CD on Google Play... https://play.google.com/music/m/B7cad7vk2xf6ldvgfweccrwuyp4?t=Thorpe_Park_Rangers__Nostalgia
  3. I'm liking how accurately they stuck to the plans unlike past rides where they changed the theming. Here is my 3d render again for anyone that wants to compare the plans in 3D to the built thing http://m.imgur.com/a/IOHwW
  4. Here is that same door looking back from the direction of the door, you can even see the little doors and the double doors at the end.
  5. Just if anyone is interested, Full Alton, Chessington & Thorpe Music collection. https://mega.nz/#!HRpFlToA!vcKWTHhnHIYarNmEG-m3nEaxj_Lq9dQH_WK8lRxBDlo(708.6mb)
  6. I like rooting around in the code, found this JPG https://mindswanted.co.uk/assets/video/victoriana.jpg Same thing.... I just changed the jpg to mp4 and found the high resolution videos (works with mp4, webm, ogv & jgp) https://mindswanted.co.uk/assets/video/victoriana.mp4 There is a clock date set to this day and time "Mon Oct 26 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (BST)" This website about Victoriana, found it interesting that it fits the theme of these cogs, may be nothing http://www.cubicle7.co.uk/our-games/victoriana/victoriana-downloads/ And this code in the all-min.js file if( $('html.victoriana').length > 0 && $('html.victoriana_unlocked').length <= 0){ setTimeout(function(){ //console.log('yes! you found it!'); $('div.message.victoriana').set('-hide'); $('div.message.victoriana').animate({$$fade: 1}); },2000);
  7. Plenty room indeed, the 3d model I made shown me that, I dont think people realise how big it actually is.
  8. For a little perspective, Ive dived into the 3d render and took some screenshots of the area we have seen being built. The only thing different is the actual building has a slightly sloped roof, the plans show it as being flat, but hey they change things
  9. I very much foubt a Doctor Who theme too guys, I would think BBC Wales would like to keep their big attraction in Cardiff the place for Doctor Who fans.
  10. Looking good to how ive drawn it out in 3d, the only difference is the tunnels inside lol
  11. I've had another look at the plans and have concluded there are trees in certain places and what looks like hedges, they can be seen on the elevation plans of you can find them I will edit the 3D build to show this soon Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. there aren't that many trees in the plans
  13. If Ive done it properly this is what you will see of X behind this new building, obviously youd see a little more the farther you move back but as it is a pyramid a lot of the building wont be seen.
  14. I&#39;m making the surrounding area of the new ride, Hopefuly it will help people to see what can be seen over the roof of this thing when its done.
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