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Everything posted by Coaster

  1. ^ You mean May 2014
  2. ^ I know, it's ridiculous, why would they think they could convince people that? Absolutely stupid and not something you could make as a typo - although this is the same business who, in January stated in a Facebook post that "Windsor Castle is open as normal".
  3. Typical thorpe - effects fixed at the start of the season then broken by mid season. I've always thought that the drop on Saw should have lights that are timed to switch off before the drop rather than staying on.
  4. *cough* despite aparrent false claims on days with no wind The Big One does reach 87mph making it faster than Stealth *cough*
  5. ^ Sounds like a good day, but one train operation is poor even on quiet days in my opinion. They can afford to run two, so they should do so.
  6. What do you expect? It's Chessington...
  7. ^ The posters were clinical and hospital like though, saying things like "a smile a day keeps the doctor away". The station should recreate the good atmosphere that the sanctuary queueline had in my opinion, which was clinical and there were well themed posters.
  8. Why?! Are they stupid or what?
  9. Regarding the station of The Smiler, I think it should have bigger scale versions of The Sanctuary posters around it so that it has at least a bit of theming rather than just white walls.
  10. Coaster


    They changed the music That was my childhood! Nice to see them actually fixing effects for once though...
  11. Good advert but looks too animated in my opinion. I agree with what's being said about it being reminiscient of the Oblivion advert.
  12. Coaster

    Doctor Who

    I would say that imo series 7 (as a whole) is an improvement on 6 and 5 but doesn't even come close to the Tennant/Eccleston reign.
  13. That's because a lot of people have exams at the moment so people are revising. Like me. Damn you exams! Anyway, good to hear that operations on Inferno have improved because they were quite poor at the beginning of the 2013 season.
  14. It probably could theoretically, but it won't happen because Merlin don't feel the need for it.
  15. Oh ok. I remember from April hearing Kelman's voice in the strobe maze shouting "SMILE!" but not that one, but then again it was probably easy to miss.
  16. Coaster


    I'm not keen on Legoland - far too overpriced and the throughputs of most of the rides is dire, and there is need there for a big throughput. Never seen The Dragon running three trains though, is this new this year?
  17. I don't remember hearing it in The Sanctuary though. Where was it played in there?
  18. No, they can send the train before that as it can be stopped on the lift hill should the other train not make it back to the station. It's a shame Inferno isn't run this efficiently all the time (well and the rest of the rides at Thorpe for that matter).
  19. I'm hoping that the indoor section of the queueline (if there is one) will look similar to The Sanctuary and have the music playing that was used in the queueline of The Sanctuary.
  20. So annoyed that I missed the Blue Peter coverage! It had better be put onto Iplayer!
  21. I'm sure in that report you can clearly see that the train travels straight into the station from the brake run, meaning that nothing else happens.
  22. I really don't think there is a secret element. Still looks like a great ride though
  23. Haha bit of a mistake!
  24. There are simple solutions though (which should have been taken into account before ride opening): - Remove the preshow and have an indoor queueing area - Individual lapbars instead of seatbelts - Lower fences (cut wood off the top of them in places where that can be done)
  25. I still don't understand this, how and where exactly does the train stall? It usually makes it over that overbanked curve with quite a speed. (Where does it actually come to a stop? Is it the curved section of track between the immelman and the overbank?)
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