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  1. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Whiteknuckle in Oakwood   
    True, the best ones are ones with no limit to how fast you can spin them (the ones at Hayling being a prime example of this).
  2. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from BigBobJones in 2014 Season   
    Lots of other dark rides manage emergency lighting without having a green light to be honest, it could be done quite easily.
  3. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Inferno in 2014 Season   
    Lots of other dark rides manage emergency lighting without having a green light to be honest, it could be done quite easily.
  4. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in 2014 Season   
    I really hope they've replaced the tunnel, it added a lot to the experience.
    It wouldn't have to be a big budget job, a warehouse building (kept pitch black) with a wooden frontage would do fine.
  5. Like
    Coaster reacted to Matt 236 in OWCT (OAKWOOD AND CARDIFF TRIP)   
    Here's my part one of my Oakwood video adventure which has been months overdue.

    Part two should hopefully follow soon.
  6. Like
    Coaster reacted to EC! in Oakwood   
    I asked about that when I went to the park last time. Somehow they have broken the shot part of the ride an operator told me and the manufacturer was coming soon. Its probably fixed now for the new season.
  7. Like
    Coaster reacted to darkadder312 in Nemesis   
    They should just keep Normal Queue and Single Rider queue. I miss Single Rider at Thorpe so much wish they could bring it back saved me so much time queuing.
  8. Like
    Coaster reacted to OldFarmerDean in Chessington 2014   
    it's getting ridiculous now, every time they say something new is happening and then it get's cancelled or changed...
    I know it's unfortunate things can change and other things can take priority... but this happens year in, year out - so don't promise something you can't keep to!
  9. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from OldFarmerDean in Chessington 2014   
    Oh for...Budget cuts, budget cuts, budget cuts!
    The end result is going to be completely unthemed with one "old" sign (similar to the danger ones on Zufari) saying Scorpion Express I reckon...
  10. Like
    Coaster reacted to SteveJ in Chessington 2014   
    Forgot I didn't post them on here!

    Here's the ride script I wrote on TowersStreet with my storyboards.
    It was a fun project and I tried to keep the original character of Dragon River intact (it must be the first theme park ride I ever went on!), I only sent it to Chessington as an afterthought!
  11. Like
    Coaster reacted to AJ in Mania Hub Chat   
    Organized Chat:
    When: Tuesday 28th January 2014 - 8PM (I will however myself aim to be in there from Half 7 for pre drinks)
    Where: TPM Chat Room
    Why: It's time to get this once much loved feature back in use
    Who: As many of you as possible
    What: It'll be about Angry Birds, Reflecting Guildford & A GAME!!!!! (Plus anything else you desire )
    Whoop!: See you there!!!
  12. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from MattyMoo in Chessington 2014   
    It'll most likely look like that for the rest of 2014 though...
  13. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from OldFarmerDean in Chessington 2014   
    It'll most likely look like that for the rest of 2014 though...
  14. Like
    Coaster reacted to AJ in Maniacs Brave The Bloody Valentine Tour - 19/10/13   
    I was working on the web late one night, when my mouse clicked on an eerie sight, For TPM from their slab began to rise, and suddenly to my surprise - They did the mash, Was a TPM Mash, TPM Mash, It was a Blair Witch Smash, They did the Mash, It caught Asylum's flash, They did the mash, Was a TPM Mash..... . Hope you enjoyed that sing-a-long. Now however Part 4 which is the penultimate episode of the Bloody Valentine trip report continues.
    Peaj dares anyone continuing onto part 4 to cross his path onto Detonator

    Marc is too scared with the dare and hopes Peaj will go away by closing his eyes. However Liam_T is not impressed

    Whilst Styles determines if he will live or die - James & Co shows that he can be scarier than the actors

    As seriously a cat with a plastic machete just leaves me shaking No seriously.......

    However none of them are a match for Ryan, who easily wins the best scarer Poor Fishy his time is near....

    All of a sudden StevenVig & J.S217 were plunged into darkness and a mysterious blue light took hold of them

    The light teleported them to extra terrestrial race of X where the found other members captured within the ship headquarters

    After being experimented on a sliding slope appeared which directed them to freedom.

    Ryan who got traumatized over the experience, acts out and soon received an ASBO by not using the given slope

    Now escaping to freedom, the ghouls from TPM give each other a reassuring hug to come to terms of what they endured

    This chapter must now sadly come to an end as the TPM Mash is played back once again on the radio. But what happens in the finale now all the lights have gone out? Why are TPM members attached to the derriere of TopsyTurvy15 ? Is it that time to release the official group photo for the Bloody Valentine Meet? Come back soon otherwise I'll be coming to get you...
  15. Like
    Coaster reacted to pluk in 2014 Season   
    What on earth does this mean?! The standard ticket for this is £15, unless it is an evening event, which it is, so it is £5. Huh?
  16. Like
    Coaster reacted to EC! in Oakwood   
    Oakwood have just announced:

    Oakwood Theme Park is launching its biggest ever recruitment drive in preparation for the 2014 season.

    The Pembrokeshire park enjoyed its busiest season in more than a decade last year following a £4m investment in a series of new features and the opening of its Peter Pan-themed Neverland area.

    As a result visitor numbers were 40 per cent up on the previous year and now bosses are looking to recruit extra staff to continue to develop the park over the coming years.

    Oakwood Theme Park’s Dominic Jones said: “We are aiming to employ around 35 per cent more staff than we did last year.

    “The success of last year has enabled us to recruit for more key positions at all levels of the business. We’re looking for a high calibre of staff that will also help us to deliver our ongoing investment programme for 2014.

    “We plan to open a series of new attractions as well as continuing to improve and add to our existing facilities to deliver a high level of customer service across the park.

    “This will not only require extra rides, catering and retail staff but also additional support staff in everything from cleaning and admissions to marketing and finance,” he added.

    Detailed plans of the proposed new attractions will be released in the coming weeks.

    The park, which re-opens to the public on April 11th, is also planning to continue developing its close links to the local community and work together with other attractions and tourism groups to encourage more people to visit the area.

    “Once again we plan to further strengthen our links with other tourism organisations to help promote this amazing part of Wales to a wider audience,” he added.

    Set in 80 acres of spectacular countryside Oakwood is Wales’ biggest family adventure with more than 30 exhilarating rides and amazing experiences to discover.

    A unique combination of attractions includes world-class roller, tower and sky coasters, spectacular family rides, children’s themed play areas and so much more.

    • Anyone interested in applying for a role at Oakwood Theme Park can do so by visiting www.oakwoodthemepark.co.uk/jobs .
    Issued by Oakwood Theme Park. For more information and to arrange interview and picture/filming opportunities please contact Dominic Jones or Jess Spooner on 01834 815170.
    I'm so glad about this they will be releasing the new ride details in the coming weeks probably nothing big but still nice to see. Plus its amazing that Oakwood is getting more love from people with it being their busiest season in over a decade which shows that oakwood are getting somewhere. Great news for the little park. Hope to hear more good things in the future
    EDIT: Excited to know what the new attractions are now, I hope its not just a retheme of something but something good and proper!
  17. Like
    Coaster reacted to darkadder312 in The Future Of Events   
    I would love to see them do a Feb half term one as long as X is on the ride list and a couple more coasters and flats.
  18. Like
    Coaster reacted to Ricky in The Smiler   
    True say, maybe a bad choice of words! It was only the once where it was really noticeable that the majority of the effects where not working!
    From what I remember,
    The Giggler The Innoculator The Flasher The Smoke in the Station as you leave The Indoor queue, 1 screen had a lovely blue screen advertising the projectors company on, 1 screen was playing The Flashers role, and the other had a nice mouse pointer in the middle of it. The Audio seems to have taken its toll a few speakers seemed to of blown, including a bass one by the shop, it gave my a headache whilst stood under it! Before then it was quite nice, but this was my last trip and me being me was whoring The Smiler ( I know I slated it, but its very good!)
  19. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from MattyMoo in Closed Season   
    I went to Thorpe today to renew Merlin Passes.
    The entrance is in exactly the same state as it was in November, so it looks like we won't be seeing an updated entrance this year. Aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary to comment on (although the staff in the annual pass building did have angry birds mousemats!)
  20. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from StealthRider in Closed Season   
    I went to Thorpe today to renew Merlin Passes.
    The entrance is in exactly the same state as it was in November, so it looks like we won't be seeing an updated entrance this year. Aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary to comment on (although the staff in the annual pass building did have angry birds mousemats!)
  21. Like
    Coaster reacted to Olistjj in Rumba Rapids   
    Don't think many of you will have seen Rumba looking like this! I shot this video on the first day of the Fright Nights in 2013, enjoy!
  22. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Closed Season   
    I went to Thorpe today to renew Merlin Passes.
    The entrance is in exactly the same state as it was in November, so it looks like we won't be seeing an updated entrance this year. Aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary to comment on (although the staff in the annual pass building did have angry birds mousemats!)
  23. Like
    Coaster reacted to Matt 236 in Chessington General Discussion   
    In a slightly unforeseen move, the park will be opening a selection of rides during its African Adventures event during half term, which includes TombBlaster and Hocus Pocus. Full details can be seen below.
    I'm quite surprised they're opening Tomb Blaster as this gas never happened before considering its right round the other side of the park. However what concerns is, what if this means park maintenance won't be done, considering they're supposed to be doing a lot of works there this year and surely this may limit work on the rethemed Scorpion Express, even though reports suggest were in for disapointmrnt.
    I guess Bubbleworks is presumably not there as they are still working on repairing the fire damage round there, seeing we still don't know what they will do with Creaky Cafe.
  24. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from JamminGamer in Closed Season   
    I went to Thorpe today to renew Merlin Passes.
    The entrance is in exactly the same state as it was in November, so it looks like we won't be seeing an updated entrance this year. Aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary to comment on (although the staff in the annual pass building did have angry birds mousemats!)
  25. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Cal in Closed Season   
    I went to Thorpe today to renew Merlin Passes.
    The entrance is in exactly the same state as it was in November, so it looks like we won't be seeing an updated entrance this year. Aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary to comment on (although the staff in the annual pass building did have angry birds mousemats!)
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