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  1. Like
    Coaster reacted to OldFarmerDean in The Swarm   
    I've only really queued when I went on it the first time last year in easter holidays, so didn't mind the annoying TV screens as it was all new for me... but barely queued for it since then, and half the time the TV's aren't working properly anyway...
    but yeah haven't heard the sound effect working this year at all... really added to the overall experience of the ride in my opinion whether it be actually on the ride, or in the queue!
  2. Like
    Coaster reacted to OldFarmerDean in The Swarm   
    the swarm is built on an island with no landscaping and not built under ground level, so it's hard to create as immersive themeing as the other merlin wing riders... although it does seem there is a lot more effort being put into the other ones abroad!
  3. Like
    Coaster reacted to Olistjj in X MUSIC?   
    Was just wondering if anyone knew what the music is that is now played on X and if there is ANYWAY I can get my hands on it as I believe it hasn't been released or has a title. If not then does anyone know the company that produced it so I can contact them?
    Thanks guys,
  4. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Quick Q: 300ft height restriction rumour   
    I am well aware of the differences between older and newer woodies as I have ridden the Blackpool woodies and Megafobia a lot.
    I'm not sure if the people visiting Thorpe know about woodies in the UK, but does it matter?
    Do you think many of them knew about Speed before Saw was built? Or Raptor before Swarm?
    A woodie at Thorpe would bring something new to the majority of people at the park, which can only be a good thing.
  5. Like
    Coaster reacted to Inferno in Hyde Park Winter Wonderland   
    I just don't get this Winter Wonderland at all.... To me it's just a glorified fairground with disgustingly overpriced rides.
    But tbh my opinion is irrelevant because I can't afford those prices anyway!
  6. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from EC! in What would you expect for a £500 Theme Park Ticket?   
    I'd want a lot for that sort of money!
  7. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in What would you expect for a £500 Theme Park Ticket?   
    I'd want a lot for that sort of money!
  8. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Kerfuffle in The Smiler   
    It would look very... different!
    I think it would have looked nice with yellow supports and black track.
  9. Like
    Coaster reacted to Merry-go-girl in Help for a trip to Chessington.   
    I'd postpone it till March if I were you, in previous years a zoo day has had a lot to offer but this year they're going to be really quite dismal.
  10. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Drayton Manor   
    Neither did I - it's a shame that parks see fit to remove rides like this.
    Waltzer in the dark at Thorpe next year anyone?
  11. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from TPJames in Next Big Thing - 2016 Development ?   
    If it's new, people will want to ride it.
  12. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Next Big Thing - 2016 Development ?   
    Maybe, depending on how good it is.
    Still, that isn't always the case - I still can't put my finger on why The Swarm didn't attract a lot of people!
  13. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from OldFarmerDean in Drayton Manor   
    They shouldn't have gotten rid of Black Revolver - who can go wrong with a waltzer in the dark?
  14. Like
    Coaster reacted to Matt 236 in Drayton Manor   
    There has been rumours of this happening for some time. I'm personally hoping this doesn't happen as there's more than enough Thomas rides now.
  15. Like
    Coaster reacted to Smidget in Anti-Rant   
    I haven't gone running around shouting about my private life, but...
    This summer my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. Fast forward to now and she's finished her chemo, is due to start radiotherapy in a week, and is doing really well! She hasn't been given the all clear yet but after the initial surgery she was told things are looking positive, and she was given extra treatment as a preventative measure.
    As much as I could rant about how cancer is horrible, blah blah blah, I don't see the point. I'd rather focus on how well my mum is doing than fixate on the fact she was diagnosed with it in the first place.
    Proud daughter right here!
  16. Like
    Coaster reacted to Mitchada04 in Tidal Wave   
    Doing some research for a project at college I came across this image.

    Following the link took me to this page:
    This company produced the gasometer, water tank and the church steeple. Some decent images of both effects in use and the creation/installation of them.
    Excuse me for going slightly of the Tidal Wave topic here, but the whole portfolio is worth a look as they've done many notable projects such as the props used in the opening ceremony, Brian the Confused. com robot and a replica rig that tilts Air's seats for the TV advert. Definitely worth a look!
  17. Like
    Coaster reacted to James2 in Drayton Manor   
    Unfortunately I never got to ride it, but Black Revolver sounded like one awesome ride <3
  18. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from pluk in Drayton Manor   
    They shouldn't have gotten rid of Black Revolver - who can go wrong with a waltzer in the dark?
  19. Like
    Coaster reacted to EC! in Logger's Leap   
    well, if you going to publicise on a public forum that you were a total knob and that from your actions, you could have potentially changed rules that could mean people are potentially worse off or don't enjoy it as much then Pluk, Jamie, Merry-go-girl and others have every right to be annoyed with him, he has been a total burk!
  20. Like
    Coaster reacted to pluk in Logger's Leap   
    Why ever not? Hopefully it will make them see that it's not just one moaners opinion but general consensus that such things are real stupidity and discouraged as strongly as possible.
  21. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from StealthRider in Logger's Leap   
    Breaching health and safety rules in such a way is ridiculous, it's people like you who ruin our rides for everyone.
    (Anyone remember the restriction on Rumba Rapids last year because of people standing up?)
    What on earth went through your head to do an idiotic thing like that?
    This proves my point about the park not being strict enough - you should have been ejected from the park for doing that!
  22. Like
    Coaster reacted to JoshC. in Scarefest   

    Seems like the park have taken a leaf out of Thorpe's book and do one of these fun little videos (well, this is the first I've ever seen AT do). Always fun to see!
  23. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Inferno in Alton Towers News   
    Not the best lineup in the world, but it would be nice to see Thorpe do something similar next year!
  24. Like
    Coaster reacted to stretchy in Alton Towers Fireworks   
    I took videos of the fireworks Sat and Sun.
    Sat - Warning Sat has a bit of autofocus issue where my camera decided that the smoke was far more interesting than anything else

    Sun - Warning my camera was so sad about the end of the season that it misted up gradually through the show.

    And a picture I took on Friday that I quite like

  25. Like
    Coaster reacted to AJ in Maniacs Brave The Bloody Valentine Tour - 19/10/13   
    As I mentioned within the towers topic once the project I'm running at work has finished and my exams and coursework are complete that have come in this month. Plus I just got out of an operation from which I'm awaiting swelling to still go down for the next stage of treatment.
    Trip reports will come just at the moment I have other priorities at the moment. Please accept my apologies
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