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Everything posted by Joegibbon

  1. Got a great new-ish hobby, Wakeboarding amazing fun but it does tire you out easily
  2. They have done a much better job than Thorpe at timing the water effects But seriously, it looks like an amazing coaster and in a park that I need to get back to ( not even done furious backache, wasn't built when I went )
  3. I'm sorry, but who in their right mind decides they want to have a nice stroll into Oblivion's tunnel?
  4. Quick question scarycoasterboy, why on earth would you subject yourself to X:\NWO 3 times? I remember the bank holiday this time last year being unusually quiet aswell
  5. Banned for warning and not banning.
  6. Banned for having the verbolten (I think) logo as your pic
  7. Let's be honest, who's going to win. A multi-National multi-million pound company or two people who own a house in a village... Methinks probably the former. They just don't get the message do they, Alton Towers has already removed audio on a number of rides, and cut down their event hours, now they want to force the closure of rides, tut tut.
  8. So nothing like Storm Surge at all then...
  9. Banned for not having been to Thorpe Park
  10. I don't think it's finished yet, it was meant to be a tower, but judging by what been done so far it's not gonna turn out how it looked in the b-roll footage
  11. The people this rumour came from also said that the paint shed was the fire effects, so I dont think that it will actually happen seeing as the effects are already installed. Even if they do close the swarm, it definitely won't be on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Oh and have fun on Friday
  12. Banned for being short.
  13. Banned for forgetting to change your member title
  14. Banned for beng a layabout, even if you are self employed
  15. Banned for banning the same person twice on the same page. (not that I didn't do that a few pages back )
  16. I really do hope that this is some sort of dark ride, because Thorpe need an experience driven ride. I haven't been on Sub Terra yet, but after its new effects I've heard some positive reviews on it, so I wouldn't mind something along those lines. Of course being aimed at an older target market than Alton, it could be something really special if they pull it off right
  17. I live that time lapse, it just looks like its growing:P
  18. I'm thinking that 6g spike is probably the helix too because looking at it I reckon the -0.5 g is the zero-g roll, it's also in sort of the right place thinking about the layout and time it takes
  19. Joegibbon


    My ride today seemed to be a lot lighter than normal, but I don't think they had the lights on, just the theming ones. Hope you know what I mean also it's basically just turned into Rave:The Ride now with all the flashing lights and the music
  20. Really want to go and see Cabin in the woods... Damn my friends being complete wimps
  21. Rode The Swarm 8 times today:D Slightly painful but still great fun in the rain. They seem to have sorted out the water effects by the firetruck, but still out of time by the helicopter.
  22. Erm it was meant to be... But we sort of forgot once we got in the park:D I'll do a trip report at some point before the end of the week.
  23. Bannned for using the word ban 3 times in your post
  24. Me and Lukeeeeeee are at Thorpe today. Live updates here: http://coasterupdates.com/
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