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Everything posted by Joegibbon

  1. Completely forgot about Mtn Dew My favourites are probably Voltage and Code Red atm
  2. ^let me guess, you like cherries? Mine is probably lemon fanta at the moment
  3. I see no inline roll in that layout shame, as it would off nicely finished off what looks to be an amazing coaster.
  4. I'm at the park today. Live updates can be found here: http://coasterupdates.com/ I probably won't be doing a full trip report for this visit because I still haven't finished my ones from Germany
  5. Yay, I'm going tomorrow and hoped it was open. Glad to hear that they've addressed the situation of the fences aswell
  6. Joegibbon


    I'm sure they would keep them working, but if it was a danger to the public I think we can expect to see more of the metal covers under the launch track.
  7. I've finally finished the Phantasialand trip report sorry for the long wait, I've just had other things on my mind like finishing college and looking for a job Watch out, it's even longer than the Movie Park one! The full trip report can be found here
  8. ^ it looks so much nicer and cleaner in that photo
  9. Joegibbon


    Heard this for the first time a few days ago, but it's really good
  10. I think that's just rumour because they've just bought a 10 inversion coaster. It's the same layout as Colossus, just with the new supports and a cable lift
  11. They are building a whole park though, I don't blame them for getting the bigger projects done first
  12. Joegibbon


    Yay paint, an enthusiasts second favourite thing, after piles of dirt of course
  13. I really thought 12 was the loggers leap station, but now I can see blood patches... I guess I thought that was peeling paint at first
  14. The bunny hop after the drop screams Mack to me. Water coaster please
  15. I was told at guest services today that it went up to 6 cars when I went there after lunch.
  16. I was there today aswell, I got a bad setting on Samurai aswell, took ages to park too. Overall ride count: Stealth x4 The Swarm x3 Nemesis Inferno x2 Colossus x1 Saw x1 Samurai x1 Rumba x1 Rush x1 X:\NWO x1 Detonator x2 Loggers x1 Overall a good day, not great for reliability and operations though. Saw was on 4 cars (went up to 6 at about 1) and breakdowns on Saw, Nemesis Inferno and The Swarm. Also Slammer was obviously still not open. Loading was really slow on some of the coasters aswell (although that might just be me since I only came back from Europa Park 2 weeks ago where everything is really quick)
  17. As you can guess from the report, Van Helsing was a particular highlight for me, along with Mystery River and Alien Encounter. I didn't really enjoy Time Riders that much, although I can't argue with you on the theming point. For me the drop tower just hurt, I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more if it either had a floor, or was seated. It didn't stop me going on 3 times though Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.
  18. So, during half term Me and my cousin (Lukeeeeeee) went to Germany. Not for the culture or sausages, but for the Theme Parks In this topic I will post my trip reports and videos (once edited) from the trip. PART 1: Movie Park Germany! I was quite surprised with how good this park actually was. Sure, the coasters might not be the best, but the dark rides are amazing. The full trip report can be found here WARNING: very picture and text heavy (over 2000 words), just how you like it.
  19. Awesome, it's my cousin's first time so want to get him on most rides seems like I won't have to use the 20% off fast-track after all. Thanks
  20. That's useful to know, I'm visiting Sunday and good to know if it's busy fast-track is a bit cheaper
  21. Banned for being gone away
  22. Can you imagine the uproar if that had happened over here on say, Tidal Wave. Looked like quite a bump from the 2nd boat, I'm surprised nobody was hurt. Glad, but surprised.
  23. I am at Cheesington all day today. Check here for regular live updates all day www.coasterupdates.com
  24. More of the 'S Curse' as Slammer is shut tomorrow... Anyway great to see the fire finally working
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