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Everything posted by J.S217

  1. Banned for not Knowing the Pixar Theory
  2. Taken from Ride-Accidents.com Minor injuries reported after Cedar Point Park ride accident(July 19, 2013) - At Cedar Point Park theme park in Sandusky, Ohio, seven people were treated for minor injuries after an accident on the park's Shoot the Rapids ride. Witnesses said that the accident happened as the boat was heading up the first lift hill. It somehow rolled backward to the bottom of the hill, then turned over on its side. Bystanders rushed into the water to help riders escape. The ride has been shut down pending an investigation. Cedar Point Park statement: On Friday, July 19 at 6:42 p.m., ride operators stopped the Shoot the Rapids ride after a boat rolled back down the lift hill. Cedar Point Police, EMS staff, ride operators and several park guests immediately responded and helped passengers exit the boat. All seven guests on the boat were transported to Cedar Point’s First Aid Station. Six of the guests were evaluated and treated by Cedar Point EMS Staff and released. One guest was transported to Firelands Regional Medical Center in Sandusky, Ohio, for additional evaluation. The safety of our guests is our number one priority. Cedar Point officials are currently investigating the incident and have reported it to state of Ohio officials. Shoot the Rapids will remain closed until park officials and inspectors from the state of Ohio complete their review. No further information is available at this time.
  3. Cedar Point water ride rolled down the lift hill and toppled backwards injuring 10 with one in serious condition
  4. go the first week of August or in the middle
  5. Well Good luck with all of that Peaj and I am sure it will be fine. also in other news sent in some CV's in shops and applying online my local Whsmith is needing weekend workers but there online application site is very confusing and the other places I was told to apply online only places available where in Stains for two places and Reading for one other
  6. Thank you very much also I have never been so scared of the Dentist in my life as I was today usually I am fine
  7. Thank you Han I really hope I will be getting one soon(A job not another filling )
  8. This is rather a strange Blog to start off with I have been dreading this day ever since my last Dental appointment before I Visited Malta.... Malta oh yeah stay Tuned. Wait where was I ah yes... the 18th of July 2013 was the Day I have been dreading why? well Today was the day I had my first ever filling! First off my Mum went in before me to have a deep clean. which lasted for half an hour and by this time I was shaking sweating feeling cold in other words very nervous. Then It was my turn I walked in the Dentist says to me "are you ready?" I replied "no not really feeling a bit nervous" then I sat down on the chair the Dentist asks the normal questions then It was time for the bit I was dreading the Anesthetic I am used to Injection all over my body but I have never had it in the gum before so I gritted my teeth to let the Dentist do his thing My right side of my mouth went numb in a matter of seconds. Then the filling began, could not really feel that much although the drill was horrid hearing it screech to make the hole really gave me the shivers. Discomfort arrived when the drill had reached my gum. The smell of what the drill had produced on my tooth reminds me how I file my nails down ( Yeah I don't like cutting them,I am strange) then they Inserted the Solution and before I knew it it was over although it felt like 10 hours rather than 10 Minuets. Over all I felt it went okay and It really has made me consider brushing a few Minuets longer I want to try and keep all my teeth. Any way now onto the good well after the Dentist I walked down to the Help desk in my Mall and they had a sheet for Job Vacancies I also asked in a few other shops and they said just bring in your CV which I have finally done after putting it off for a rather long time so I have a feeling I may have a Job soon which is very good and will Help in the long run Over all these are the sort of main events that had happened today.
  9. J.S217


    Just got some Job places and it seems I could end up working at Costa Coffee for three month then work at Alacatraz a resteraunt round my area
  10. I was probs seeing if EC! and King Nemesis got on that ride
  11. The hose should stay on barriers on the inside should be removed next to the waterfall And inside tunnel needs a refurbish
  12. The new advert is brilliant
  13. Woo Vortex is fixed?
  14. brilliant will be booking my ticket for the 27th
  15. and depending on the amount in park The Swarm around 1 pm is either walk on or 20-30 mins
  16. I think max of 1000 Tickets
  17. ^ I believe you should go for it Han what have you really got to loose if you try and get in 3 theme park trips a month or London once the Membership is a super Idea
  18. I can Join in next Week
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