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Everything posted by J.S217

  1. I really Hope they do not do a Texas Chainsaw Maze The movies were infact far to stupid the remakes that is the original just full of a lot of Nerves and fear and hardly any Gore. but the new ones are just A blood baths. Mazes I would want them to keep would be Ex 10 Asylum A Cabin in the Woods Maze would be Super and Rumors of Dead Silence maze. Another note: strangely the Dead Silence maze would fit very well inside the Passing if they have X playing the Dead Silence Music around the area and If they focus the Maze on the Final sequence If you have seen the film you will know what I mean. with a Billy the Puppet placed on one of the Floors from Saw.
  2. Hmm they have just released a quote from Cabin in the woods Beaten to the post note Cabin I the woods is also Lionsgate and dead Silence is done by Twisted Pictures And the first Quote they released 'They're Coming' could be hinting towards Zombies (Night of the Living dead). I may be looking to much into this
  3. Looks like the passing might be returning
  4. A lovely wooden Rollercoaster with 15 air time hills and for a final you ready A Cobra Roll or a Bat Wing
  5. the First year with the mouth then them fixing it The following year
  6. I really hope they pull it off well And not do a Krake and get Lazy
  7. Woah Gate Keeper Beater right there
  8. Woo Hoo this mean no Fasttrack
  10. I am What you would call Obbsessed with Films and recent Ones I have seen would be Dead Silence A nice independent Thriller with a very satisfying Twist 7.5/10 Monsters University I Absolutely Loved it 8/10. Really looking forward to the next Upcoming Pixar movies The Good Dinosaur and Inside Out not to forget Finding Dory and a Unknown one Yeah (D23EXPO) Has been going on in America, but Sadly no Star wars ep7 News. finally I have recently been to See The Wolverine the 6th film in the X men Film Franchise based after 8 years after the 3rd film and was very well acted and Directed The Story line was rather confusing at points but near the end it is all tied together. (the Post credits scene is something that got my Fanboy blood pumping) I am a Sucker for Super Hero Flicks and that post Credits Scene really Gets me excited for X-Men Days Of Futures Past Scheduled to release next May But yes The Wolverine was a Pleasant Surprise and again is worth a watch if you are into Super Hero Films or if you want a very well executed Standalone Wolverine Movie that has very Dark themes in places so over all 8/10 Enjoyed it Thoroughly and Can not wait till My next trip to the Cinema Hoping to either be Kick-Ass 2 ,The Conjuring,Insidious part 2 or Thor the Dark World.
  11. Could well in fact be a wing over drop then the bit you see could be leading into a Zero g because you know for Originality sake.
  12. FAST TRACK=LONGER QUEUES BUT WORST OF ALL IS WHEN FAST TRACK IS RUN POORLY Cough The Swarm Cough Fast track is over sold which is Horrible creating queues that are 70mins-100mins
  13. 9th = Hugs all around
  14. Banned for not having a Capital Letter at the Beginning of your name
  15. There are a Few Copies of Colossus, But Saw I believe is quite a good one to have cloned because it is not your Bog Standard Euro fighter, But I believe the one going to Australia might be a Tiny bit steeper or have 97 degrees to reduce the (Jolt) I believe it may have a Slight change like the Over banked turn replaced with an Inversion or the first Element of Karacho not the In door heartline the very small Top Hat. I would not mind Saw being Completely Cloned but I just want a Slight change for the Australian one so Saw will still be a Unique Layout.
  16. They said It was an almost Identical and Love how it seems they are advertising it that They are getting an IP but yes It is nice to see Saw get it's Recognition for how well the public like it
  17. Banned for not Smiling in your Avatar
  18. I just recently downloaded the Smiler CTR
  19. J.S217

    This Or That

    Doctor Who Game Of Thrones or Spartacus blood and Sand
  20. J.S217

    This Or That

    Fright Nights Saw The Ride or Pinfari
  21. J.S217

    Doctor Who

    He killed his kids in Torchwood
  22. J.S217

    Doctor Who

    eagle eyed watchers would have seen him in Torchwood and World War Z as W.H.O Doctor
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