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Everything posted by J.S217

  1. Maybe the guy on the left is a very well dressed inmate from the Asylum
  2. Be complete by the end of September I think
  3. The lift hill Immalman and final dive loop just like saw rest of it what saw should have been IMO
  4. But Dead Silence is not part of Fright Nights. or am I missing something
  5. What I am wondering is what music will be used?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHH5EZsLpFs&feature=share&list=PLyqhcz5TY4jJjX1M4AHG2EnYdKKqQju07 Very odd film trailer been released
  7. you are Correct 1. I did indeed Fracture my arm after falling of a Pink climbable Hippo. 2. I did own a pet crayfish well In fact we had two but they both died at the end of two years and the lie was most certainly 3. Why I used to own 4 cats but two died in the past 2 years so now I have two
  8. my Go 1) I fractured my Arm when falling off a Pink Climbable Hippo 2)I have had a Pet Craw Fish 3)I currently own 4 Cats
  9. Hold up there have been screams heard?
  10. well There is a blatant lie 14 loops I don't see one Loop at all
  11. Yes I know I mean for GP to take recognition but I would be happy with a 110ft Lift hill but the drop it's self is 180ft
  12. Plus to make it a decent one (so the GP would take notice) Thorpe would need a lift hill of at least 200ft dwarfing Stealth
  13. hmm Maybe it will be like the Tropical rain forest bit from London Zoo
  14. Well what do you guys think of Thorpe Posting an Image of B&M hyper yesterday on facebook.
  15. J.S217

    This Or That

    Colossus more intense Coke or Dr pepper
  16. J.S217

    This Or That

    Facebook Batman or Superman
  17. J.S217


    All time Low's new song Featuring Vic Fuentes
  18. Hmm a strange Number 19 you need 1 more to make it a solid 20
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