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Everything posted by J.S217

  1. This sounds exciting I'm hopping for you its The Witch (dubbed the best horror film for ages) or Zootropolis or The Boy
  2. I reckon the first vr coaster park so Europa I think well the one I have first heard about will show a decline in VR coaster experiences in 2017/2018.
  3. It reminds me of the ending of Black Mamba and Phantasialand.
  4. J.S217


    Leave it white please
  5. As long as it adds to the experience I'm all for it
  6. Flying Coasters are not to have so much force. The beginning after the drop has plenty of force after the drop, A 540 roll into the half loop then swooping into a pretzel loop. I must say though this coaster flows it looks perfect.
  7. J.S217


    With this fantastic repaint of Nemesis I was listening to the whole Nemesis story. With doing so I imagined a pre show from the Bottom of the station going up the steps showing the Nemesis story before your ride It could work.
  8. Can not wait for Lego movie 4D I believe this is a sneak preview of what we may expect from the film
  9. J.S217


    will we see any of these on a tpm trip (adult content)
  10. It would be a lot bigger.
  11. Do you think we will see another darkride in about 2 years time I would love a Mack Omni mover called Phantom Fantasia
  12. It could work with out actors though I would of found it more challenging without Actors
  13. It has most likely been all ready updated on but here is the rock structure of Kong, for Reign of Kong. Update it has but the detail
  14. If possible if timed right we could go during there summer period with a acrobats show show at one of there Hotels free entry http://www.europapark.de/en/park/events/imperio
  15. It won't have fast track for the first 6 months I don't think
  16. If its the 30th I would of had a 5 day rest then be jetting back up there I will hopefully make it so put me as a maybe.
  17. 3 Months to go till Me and SCB experience Europa Park.
  18. Restraints for Taron might be like the Italian 10 looper https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12510404_1028724007166763_4613340910258865548_n.jpg?oh=39a5434481a80f5de94c0b89bde27fcb&oe=57369EBF
  19. The Revenant was a beautiful film. Cinematography was unbelievable and Knowing 99% of the film was filmed under natural light,
  20. I would love it if there is a point inside the Carriage section some one is ordered to open the train door and like in the promo
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