A thread totally dedicated to university is a really good idea! Uni is very different to school - I'm not really sure why nobody thought to make this distinction on here sooner.
Ahh UCAS. Oh UCAS. What a fun website to navigate. When it's not deleting your information for no reason, it's giving you headaches as whoever designed it did their utmost best to make it as user unfriendly as possible. Good luck to all those using UCAS
Student Finance is no better, either. I didn't have a passport when I applied for SF, so I had to get a teacher (they also had to be a UK passport holder) to sign a form and send that in. Simple, right? It should have been, except they didn't give you a link to any kind of form, and only sent the form they require (and some snobby letter telling you you did it wrong) AFTER you'd made up some kind of letter and got that signed and sent off.
Anyway, it all worked out! Good luck to everyone who has applied for next year, and good luck to you too Holly! Hopefully you will find a course you like