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Everything posted by Smidget

  1. A thread totally dedicated to university is a really good idea! Uni is very different to school - I'm not really sure why nobody thought to make this distinction on here sooner. Ahh UCAS. Oh UCAS. What a fun website to navigate. When it's not deleting your information for no reason, it's giving you headaches as whoever designed it did their utmost best to make it as user unfriendly as possible. Good luck to all those using UCAS Student Finance is no better, either. I didn't have a passport when I applied for SF, so I had to get a teacher (they also had to be a UK passport holder) to sign a form and send that in. Simple, right? It should have been, except they didn't give you a link to any kind of form, and only sent the form they require (and some snobby letter telling you you did it wrong) AFTER you'd made up some kind of letter and got that signed and sent off. Anyway, it all worked out! Good luck to everyone who has applied for next year, and good luck to you too Holly! Hopefully you will find a course you like
  2. Marc looks like he's trying to have a poo
  3. That's probably Marc's fault
  4. Really to just follow what has already been said, the meet was fantastic and a huge thanks to all who were involved in organising, and an even bigger thanks to Thorpe for allowing us to ride and enter the ride area!
  5. You can just go to a charity shop/organisation and volunteer, or keep and eye/ear out for any events that require volunteers. That will get you experience.
  6. Ian and I have now become one Harvester is cool with me. Not the best, but at least there is the free salad to keep me happy. I have discovered that Nando's is bearable, so in the future I won't refuse to go there.
  7. All the places we've been given have been 'meh' options for me. Now if it was a Crown Carvery it would be a different matter
  8. Smidget

    This Or That

    Skype. Star Wars or Star Trek?
  9. Smidget

    This Or That

    Continental. I'm not good with food in the mornings! Tattoos or piercings?
  10. Yeah I don't think McDonalds is legit. I really hope not anyway.
  11. No Ricky, when you roll over in bed you have definitely gone through an inversion. Upside down madness right there. I can see why people would think a fly-to-lie is an inversion, because you have technically inverted from your previous position (belly to back). However, in the traditional sense inversions are elements that completely tip you upside down, so fly-to-lies don't fit this definition of an inversion. However they do still invert you from your previous position. Make sense?
  12. I think Ian and I are now going to join everyone for the meal - I've decided I will sleep on the journey home if I have to in preparation for a horrific 5:30am start at work on Friday.
  13. Smidget

    This Or That

    JAM! Krueger or Voorhees?
  14. Banned for not being able to watch Despicable Me 2 yesterday.
  15. Banned for being insane!
  16. Smidget


    I'm on my phone so I won't quote, but you trap spiders under a glass and get rid of them that way... That is brave. Even the little house spiders with the tiny bodies and crazy long legs scare me too much to be able to do that. When I was moving out of halls there was one under my desk and I had to hoover it - even that scared me. Weird thing is daddy long legs don't freak me out too much.
  17. I've already PM'd Peaj but I will put this here for other members too: I can't come to this as Ian is flying out to Italy on this day, so although I could GET there, I'd have no way of getting home again in the morning (trains are too expensive and I'm not going to ask anyone to give me a lift home - that's far too cheeky and WAY out of anybody's way). There's that and the fact that I don't know my shifts for that week this far in advance, so I wouldn't be able to confirm as a yes until about 2 weeks before the event, and there's a chance it might be sold out by then. Sorry guys, but I will be seeing a lot of you at the ERT anyway, and hopefully I'll be able to make the next meet after this one. Have a drink for me!
  18. Smidget


    I found the sheer fact that Ryan trolled us too funny to be scared by the pictures.
  19. Smidget


    Except male genitalia Edit: Damn you Ethan for getting in the way there...
  20. Smidget


    You missed out fire Edit: That's better. If you're going to be an a'hole, might as well be one to everybody
  21. Smidget


    Plenty of things scare me or "freak me out", but the only one that is an actual phobia is my fear of spiders. It's so bad I can't go on Duel without having some sort of a panic attack, and the last time I was at Chessie I went in the creepy crawly cave only for Marc to point out the GIANT spider on the ceiling (I'd never noticed it before - I go in there because I LOVE the lizards) and now I'm too scared to go in there :| So yeah, thanks Marc.
  22. Banned because South Bank
  23. Cobra rolls are two inversions, as they invert you twice.
  24. You're the latest I've heard of so far... I finished almost a month ago.
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