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Everything posted by Smidget

  1. The feel I've got from all the advertising is that it is very clinical. You wouldn't get massive posters in a psychiatric clinic, so I think white walls fit the theme quite well.
  2. I thought this was Marc genuinely begging for an answer about something he doesn't know. Then I realised that this is Marc, and there is nothing to do with Thorpe that he doesn't know
  3. Smidget


    http://www.cv-library.co.uk is also a good site - I managed to get an interview at one of the places I applied to through this site (I only applied for 2, lol). I got my job through my unis career advice website, but I also got interviews at places where I just handed my in CV in person or applied directly through the company website. Just look EVERYWHERE would be my best advice I guess! Good luck in your search (Ta Ricky for showing me the site.)
  4. On the road (excuse the pun...) to ticking off another thing on my bucket list - theory test is booked!
  5. Talks about a potential Europa trip around this time next year - this trip report just makes me want it to become a 'definite' rather than a 'maybe'.
  6. Smidget


    It's not nice when places phone up offering you an interview and you have to tell them you've found employment elsewhere. Awkward is a bit of an understatement...
  7. Smidget


    Yeah definitely! I've also definitely gained more confidence in applying for jobs and approaching interviews. So glad the search is over though.
  8. Smidget


    It's typical - spend nearly a month hearing nothing back from the many jobs I'd applied for, then get 3 interviews in the space of a week! But that's all a thing of the past, finally have a job, waheey!
  9. You know the batching is poor when they release the group that watched the pre show after you whilst you are still crammed up against the doors, having not yet made it into the cattle pen... Everyone was moaning about how slow the queue was moving, and as Marc said guests were actually cheering when a car FINALLY went. It was almost as if the staff had no clue whatsoever what they were doing. Even people in the jeep itself were cheering. The staff checked us about 3 times to ensure we had our belts done up. Who knew getting into cars was so difficult? Talk about over-complicating a situation that really ought to be simple. It's not as if getting into a car is something we rarely do... On another note, it's a terrible attraction. Pre-show: Awful. Queue: Awful. Ride experience: Not good enough to warrant queuing for the amount of time we did. At least we got to see the giraffes though.
  10. Star Trek Into Darkness Won't go into detail as I know many people probably have yet to see it, but OH MY GOD! Such a great film. If you can I'd recommend going to see it at an IMAX in 3D. I myself am not a trekkie, but I love both of these new films. They have just the right mix of sci-fi, action and comedy. I can see a whole new generation of trekkies
  11. There are many jokes you can make about the English though. It's just banter! I'm pretty sure that no one truly believes that the Welsh sleep with sheep.
  12. My first exam is probably going to be really hard to be honest, so I'm taking as many notes in as I can, colour coded and everything! Don't want to spend the whole exam searching through my notes
  13. Oh wow, that is late! You START your exams the day after I finish mine (and I only have two). I thought I was finishing late (so many people I know at other unis have already finished for the year) but I can see I'm not finishing THAT late My first exam is on the 16th, and it's open book, but that doesn't make it any easier. My second exam is on the 24th - that too is open book, but we did a mock exam and it was pretty easy. I think the open book part for this exam is purely so we have the equations and table of values for our statistical tests. But anyhoo, good luck in your exams Josh! I'm sure you will do great
  14. I'm not sure about this one - as much as I love you guys it's a long way to go for just Legoland. Plus I will hopefully have a job by then and that will make it a bit harder as I might not get the day off.
  15. Reading your post Peaj reminded me that the American enthusuiasts LOVE Alton Towers (and Thorpe Park's) PR stuff. They think the marketing is brilliant, as they don't see anything like it over there. They said so in some podcast (Coaster Radio? Or something like that) that Ian listens to (and made me listen to to prove that the American's love UK/Merlin marketing). So obviously something right is being done. Perhaps it's just that as we ourselves are from the UK we have been spoilt (I know this was mentioned a few pages back, but I do agree with it). We're now expecting even bigger and better things, when all you need to do is look at the other side of the pond to see how truly lucky we actually are. We might not have the biggest coasters in the world, but as Peaj has said for a small island we really do have a lot to offer. I suppose you could argue that as enthusiasts of course the American's are going to show an interest in what we have over here, but the fact they are so marketing-starved shows that marketing IS important. If you took The Smiler's marketing campaign to America, even the enthusiasts would lap it up, rather than complaining about it.
  16. It's not ripping into him. If people were to respond with something along the lines of "No EC!, you are wrong. This is amazing and your opinion is stupid and invalid" then THAT would be ripping into him. (For the record I do not think that myself, I am just using that as an example. I respect EC!'s opinion even if it differs from my own). Merely expressing ones own, differing opinion is not ripping into him. Regardless, there has already been a discussion about this elsewhere and I hope EC! feels better about the situation and understands that there was no malicious intent in anything that was posted. Just putting this out there to clear the air, even if your comment was sarcasm Holly (can never tell on the Internet).
  17. You're the one who started saying people were attacking you for your opinion. Is that not making a fuss? People were just giving their own opinions, creating a discussion, not tearing you from limb to limb (think that's what you said, too lazy to look back up and check )
  18. An opinion is not a fact, therefore what Holly has said can't be truth...
  19. I personally don't see anything wrong with using the tag line "World's First blah blah blah". It grabs attention from EVERYONE, and it ensures the ride is known. As has been previously stated, enthusiasts make up a very small number of park guests, and whilst entusiasts themselves may not be too bothered by it, or think it's 'naff', the majority of the general public will lap it up, and love it. e.g. "Did you hear that new ride at Alton Towers is a world first? 14 inversions, gonna be mental!" "I just did the world's first 14 looper, ain't I awesome" And you get the drift... It's a good marketing scheme. So what if it gets beaten in a few years time? That's not today. Marketing is used to gain attention to something, make it big/well known, etc. "World's first..." fits the bill, and still works, so I see no reason why it shouldn't be used.
  20. Most people on here use acronyms (I know I do), and I think that's fine, especially now there is a way for new users (or those who aren't so clued up on acronyms) to easily find out what they stand for. This is more directed to people who use incorrect spelling and grammer (see Pluk's examples) when it is unnecessary, and against the forum rules. Then again, I'm not a moderater so I could be totally wrong, but this is the message I have taken from it.
  21. http://www.laurensfitness.com/2008/07/02/no-equipment-no-excuses-20-exercises-you-can-do-at-home/ I find this site REALLY useful. I didn't bother signing up to the gym this year, but this blog proves that you don't need to go to the gym to keep in shape. I had planned to sign up to the gym in September when the new uni year starts, but now I've booked Florida I need to save as much money as I can (although if I manage to bag myself decent paying summer work then I might still join). As long as you can find some time in your day to do a few exercises (I get that the exercises on that site are strength workouts, which aren't good for weight loss), then there is no reason you can't keep fit. Hell, even MAKE time to exercise. Working out at home without equipment isn't the most ideal workout, and results will not happen as fast, but they WILL happen eventually. No one likes being flabby Gardening is also a pretty good way to exercise. It tired me out completely, and it's fairly fun, so it doesn't feel like a workout. I'll admit I get really lazy about exercising, but with summer (hopefully...) coming up and my holiday to PortAventura in September, I really want to sort my body out. My weight is fine (although the nurse confirmed I've put on 4kg, and I can't for the life of me work out how I've managed it), I just want/need to tone up. Knowing I weigh just under 8.5 stone does make me feel a bit rubbish at the moment as I don't have much tone. If I increase my muscle mass I'm aware that my weight will increase; however I'd be totally fine with that because it will be muscle, not fat
  22. Thanks for this Pluk! I have been meaning to bring this up with the mods but life and other such things have been, well, more important. I'm glad other members have been bugged by this - I was worried it was just me being picky.
  23. Don't rely on the BMI too much. It's a pretty rubbish thing to measure yourself against, as it only measures based on averages. In other words, if there is anything about you that isn't average (could be anything really) then the BMI could say you are wildly overweight or underweight, when in fact you are perfectly healthy. BMI just takes height and weight - it doesn't measure fat content, muscle mass, anything like that at all! So you could be packed full of muscle, and as muscle weighs more than fat the BMI could potentially tell you you're overweight, when that isn't the case at all. So just take it with a pinch of salt! Although you are focusing on your actual fat percentage too, rather than just your BMI, which is good
  24. Smidget


    Forgotten hero... Edit: Did I kill this thread or something? Blimey... Or if you're waiting for me to post one... ARUMS ______ IT
  25. Smidget


    Oh no, that was in response to Josh's cat meme that said "forum fighting".
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