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Everything posted by Smidget

  1. Banned because why the hell not.
  2. Banned because I can.
  3. Smidget

    This Or That

    Cedar Point. Sour Cream & Onion Pringles or plain Pringles?
  4. God dammit guys it's just people's opinions based on what they themselves have experienced. There is no accusation that ALL well off people refuse to give to charity. If you are from a well off family it can go either way - some people will give more because they have been raised that way, other people won't give anything for the same reason. Your reaction seems as if you have taken these comments personally, Holly. I'm sure that is not how they were meant. Like I said, they have been based on people's own experiences, which will differ to yours.
  5. My housemate is from Stevenage or Hitchin... he talks about both a lot so I'm not actually sure which one it is o.O
  6. Ooh I have read that theory, I just hadn't realised it was called the "Red Hat Theory". Clearly I don't pay attention to titles...
  7. Red hat? The link I have posted is a theory about how all the Pixar films fit into one timeline, and are all related.
  8. http://mashable.com/2013/07/12/the-pixar-theory/ If you're a Pixar fan, a very interesting read! Also, finally saw The Lego Movie yesterday... Everything is awesome!
  9. Tbh, I had never even heard of the Troccadero until Ian posted about it on FB.
  10. I'm really sorry, but *lie.
  11. Baco isn't that bad... Just do the opposite to what you would on a B&M wingrider - aim for the inside seat
  12. Hmm... Here's hoping they put all the fatties in the right places so I can avoid that.
  13. A cop car came rushing past us somewhere around that area at about 5ish, know what that was about?
  14. Can't read the name of this topic without thinking of Tim Roth.
  15. Yeah I'm with Ricky on this - weather doesn't need discussing, "terrible" or any of its synonyms sums it up nicely!
  16. It was especially good when the murderer couldn't wink so had to blink at people to kill them
  17. Clearly Peaj is taking this pre-drinking thing a little too seriously
  18. I thought only Walkers insisted on blue packs being Cheese & Onion? Any other brand I've seen, blue has been Salt & Vinegar! Either way Walkers Cheese & Onion are grim
  19. Banned for having deleted your last post here!
  20. The pain is because I'm going through a second teething phase!
  21. Well the top two haven't affected the straightness of my teeth, but it's still too early to tell with the bottoms. I hope they don't muck up my teeth, I'm proud of the fact that they're naturally straight!
  22. I have one already through, and that one has come through straight. The right top one is half through, but it's coming through wonky, and the bottom two have both broken through the gum now. Normally it's okay but recently all three of the ones still coming through have decided to flare up They haven't said anything about me needing to get any removed, but I have a feeling that I may need the top one out. The dentist was having trouble looking at it and said it's no wonder I'm having trouble brushing it given the way it's coming through! So I'm a bit worried it might start causing me problems in the future. I'm just grateful that I don't have all four coming through at once.
  23. Three wisdom teeth coming through at the same time. That is all
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