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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Ja ja - Danke The e makes all the difference
  2. Are you are implying that mental illness is not enough to qualify for a band? Unfortunately as with any system there is always the chance of abuse. It is difficult for Thorpe Park to identify a 'level' of disability that would entitle someone to a wristband. This would cause a lot of issues related to discrimination and guest comfort. It is the decision of the park as to whether they issue a wristband, unfortunately in this case it seems that the system may have been abused by an individual with no visible illness (however this may not mean they are able to queue without beyond regular levels of discomfort) - As I said in my last post, riders with wristbands should not be admitted onto an attraction through the main queue, but hide their wristbands when getting to the dispatch point to avoid being caught by staff. Staff may also be unaware of this rule, or cannot be bothered with the hassle of turning them away.
  3. Tom

    Wicker Man

    Once again please take the bad banter out of the SW8 thread or I will just start deleting posts Feel free to make a 'World's first' Merlin bashing 'banter' topic in the nonsense sub-forum
  4. I'll refrain from an A to Z and just do some As Anxiety Autism Acquired brain injury Guests with yellow bands should not be admitted through the main queue of rides, however after working as a ride host, I know they sometimes queue in main queues to try and surpass the need to go on with a carer (For example if their carer does not want to go on a ride), alternatively to 'skip' the virtual queue they wait in after a ride Edit: Again, be careful, saying 'Waving around your yellow little band' could be taken offensively by some, as some disorders lead to involuntary movements
  5. Don't Chessington have that Amazu treetop adventure thing already? (Not that I'm saying it's anything near to Go Ape quality)
  6. I know this is a joke, but... A large amount of disabilities are not visible, and it would be best not to take the piss out of them
  7. I hope Go Ape are playing April Fools because they know what an awful state Chessington is in
  8. Chessington have been masters of April fools Some people still believe this one
  9. Stop hating on stand ups Benin Riddlers is love
  10. I mean on a larger scaleNormal people do not look at forums a day before their visit and see that Colossus is running one train so they cannot possibly visit that week The fact is, if over the course of the year visitor numbers increase as expected or stay similar, the park sees no reason to change the way they operate on a day-to-day basis or indeed long term
  11. Hmm considering that video could have been filmed by the park a little while ago and only just released.. Late May opening?
  12. Because people visit regardless!
  13. Tom

    Wicker Man

    Take the bad banter out of the SW8 thread please
  14. Tom

    Wicker Man

    Theme of poster suggests Mutiny Bay theme (unless that's just to fit in with the current surrounding area) Also it says new ride development rather than rollercoaster, so implies not a rollercoaster Although I'm aware all SWs have been coasters
  15. Tom

    Wicker Man

    When did we see SW7 signs pop up? Could this be for 2017?
  16. Tom

    Logger's Leap

    Did you mean former?
  17. Tom

    Park Map

    I can It's hidden away to the point where it might as well not exist
  18. ^ It's like looking at a real life rendering of some typical park maps
  19. Lol is that the finished paving work?
  20. Tom

    Park Map

    ^ It is! Just way higher than it should be
  21. The rumoured 6-ride closure has indeed come into fruition
  22. If only they could theme it to be like fish bones or something
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