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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Matt 236

    2021 Season

    Yikes, it’s starting to look more like the entrance to a penitentiary prison than a theme park now! just bulldoze the whole thing and start again I say.
  2. Well yes, they probably are then. Along with the return of Bling, The Gold Mine and Log Flume. That’s impossible!
  3. Who’s betting on these becoming permanent if they are successful!
  4. A moments silence to the days of efficient three train operations on this ride. They will be remembered!
  5. Crazy yet amazing how long ago 2006 was. Stealth was the ride that got me back into Thorpe Park in the mid-noughties after a number of hiatus years. Happy 15th Anniversary Stealth!
  6. This “Tomb Blaster year xxxx Refurbishment” thing is becoming more speculative than what the next iPhone will be like? And yes. I suspect the reason why Tomb isn’t listed currently is due to enclosed attractions not being able to open just yet. Hopefully May.
  7. Matt 236


    Depending on what happens with the (unfortunately) ongoing pandemic, Legoland Windsor will definitely be the first major U.K. park to become an almost year round park. Whilst I doubt some days they’ll be open I.E Christmas Day, weekdays etc. Legoland are definitely on the way to being open almost all year. As for the new area, it sounds great and surprisingly creative too. The location of the Sky Lion attraction is slightly better than Monster Party’s, although throughput could be a problem. Given they have just one theatre as opposed to two or three in most other parks.
  8. Matt 236

    2021 Season

    Tidal wave refurb? I’m putting strong bets on more de-theming. The fireball gone forever and never replaced. Just like the shortcut path and other pieces removed over the years! I hope I’m wrong. The entrance work is promising though and to be honest it doesn’t take much to improve that plaza at all, which ideally needs an extensive rebuild. But that will never happen.
  9. Sure. 1/ Life centre point I have visited this place most years of my life. 1996 was roughly when I first went with family and fondly remember the charm and now defunct attractions such as Carousel Kingdom, Tropical Travels and Wicked Witches Haunt. After a six year hiatus I finally returned to the park in 2006 (which by then felt almost unrecognisable). Countless trips with school, family and friends took place. Before an even bigger influence commenced. The park certainly had much influence into who I am today. I even worked there a number of seasons ago. 2/ Friends and Social Aspect Thorpe has been something of a social hotspot for me. I’ve been here with friends and bumped into friends. I’ve even made new friends there (some on this forum). Some of my favourite trips to the park have been during TPM meet ups. As others have said, this lead to visiting further parks in Europe and beyond. 3/ Certain Rides Thorpe’s selection is arguably a mixed bag. Some are great, others can’t hold a candle and the rest might just be adequate. Those that are great are simply something. Inferno gets better with age, Swarm is a decent wing rider and Stealth might just be only second to TTD when it comes to first launches. The flat rides range from ok to great, but with rides like Detonator and Quantum it is probably the best in the U.K.
  10. The ghost train has truly had its day. It was nice while it lasted! (Or was it). The ride has aged like a ripe avocado in a kitchen above room temperature.
  11. This place will be humongous if this actually goes to plan. The mine train coaster looks decent so far. Transport rides and a proper hotel are definitely what they need.
  12. Interesting footage and amazing how so much has changed in that time (for better and worse). 0:00-0:12 would never be allowed now, due to strengthened safety such as lock-offs. Doing similar now would no doubt result in the immediate dismissal of the operator and staff involved. Think their safety procedure was strengthened around the late 2000’s when an employee was killed when entering the ride area at one of their Legoland parks.
  13. Looks even better than expected and one of the best looking coaster of the year. I look forward to hopefully riding it in my lifetime!
  14. Very good start so far and with time I’ll sure it’ll only improve further. Interesting write ups which are about the right length and cover a variety of subjects. I did like the one about theming and can see the understandings of the themes you like and dislike. I think also the park also depends on the theme too.
  15. Matt 236

    Youtube Videos

    I made another upload. Welcome To Jurassic Park! Piano Medley.
  16. A very disappointing and poor move from the park IMO. Whilst I understand the ride is (likely) high maintenance and getting on with age, by keeping it closed for the forseable future (if not forever) substantially reduces the appeal of the place. Not just for park enthusiasts but families and tourists all-round, who have much less of a reason to go there. The park’s recent moves seem to shadow those from the American Adventure, which shut forever in 2007 as a result of their “so called” young family marketing backfiring.
  17. It’s quite ambitious I know and I’m hoping to cram it all into this time frame. So far I’ve only managed a trip to the Post Office and my local takeaway.
  18. Right given the state of the ongoing pandemic, I’ve had a bit of a rethink. The kitchen The Living Room The Field A long trip to Iceland B&M (Bargains) M&S Car Park Maybe a trip to Thorpe Park!
  19. A very sad time indeed. I remember my first (and only) visit to the park in June 2019, which was ok for what is was. The park was very quiet aside a few school groups and they were struggling with numbers. Raptor was an underrated gem not just for the park but the U.K. park industry. It’s amazing how a few simple animatronics, theming and surroundings can make for something special. The Ultimate’s days are likely numbered and who’s to say that will soon follow? I think the park’s days may be numbered.
  20. Metaphorically and speaking in terms of principles yes. Having done rides like Banshee and Valravn (also mentioned), they personally ruined both rides for me to the point I consider them towards the bottom of my B&M rankings. I think the vest restraints are fine on wing riders but inverts and dive machines should stick to the classic design.
  21. I’d rather have the coaster called Monster and have those “old school” restraints than being Blue Harvest with those horrible new vests. Excellent move by Grona and B&M.
  22. Is there any way in the future of increasing the size of photo attachments for avatars? Too often uploads get rejected due to surpassing the maximum attachment size.
  23. Haven’t done as many as some, but here goes. 1/ Hex- Alton Towers No surprises here. I adore the soundtrack, the buildup, storyline and that the whole thing is nestled within the original Towers. Excluding the main hardware of course. Still remember my first ride on this and instantly became obsessed with it. The story ends there. 2/ Villa Volta- Efteling Simply stunning. I love the decorative exterior and interior, the hidden effects and the marvellous orchestral soundtrack. Kudos for this being the original madhouse. 3/ Defi De Caesar- Parc Asterix Definitely one of the more unique madhouses out there, from it’s comical yet original pre-shows and a storyline typically different that your usual curse/bad luck type of storylines. 4/ Haunted House Monster Party- Legoland Windsor Fun, enjoyable all round and a marvellous soundtrack (as others have mentioned). It’s free flowing story makes a change from your usual plot lines and makes it noticeably more re-rideable as a result. Shame about the exterior. 5/ The Haunting- Drayton Manor I can’t remember as much when I did this, which is probably bad of me, but I did like the spooky atmosphere, projections and midnight syndicate soundtrack though. Neither the best or worst. 6/ Feng Ju Palace- Phantasialand Somewhat the opposite of Monster Party. Beautiful exterior but the rest sucks. A long, confusing and tedious pre-show (though some of the effects are cool) and á just as mundane madhouse. Hopefully if the park redevelop the Asian area next, they can improve the madhouse whilst at it. 7/ Fluch Der Kassandra- Europa Park Dare I say this could be the park’s weakest attraction? Maybe? Don’t get me wrong, the madhouse section is fine (if not unremarkable). Although the lack of context and storyline does detract substantially. 8/ Impossible- Blackpool Pleasure Beach Does it even count? Maybe not? Is this just a “typical ploy” to ensure my favourite park doesn’t have an attraction last on this list? Quite possibly. Regardless, Impossible is simply an awful attraction trying to pose as a madhouse and should be the next thing Mandy rips out! Need to do more madhouses once this selfish virus ends (if ever).
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