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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Not to mention Comcast are apparently buying them up now as well. I wonder if/when the Merlin Dreamworks stuff will close?
  2. I'll try knocking one together at a later stage. I'm sure itll be fine.
  3. Replacing history to celebrate history? Well that's ironic.
  4. Matt 236

    This Or That

    Fiction, Delays or rushed job?
  5. Oh yay official delays! Thorpe are already on to a winner with this one. Not to mention, we already have something before service resumes. [] Photo not mine don't have time to citate source
  6. Well, this is definitely setting the scene for a train theme. Delays, lack of information, disappearing train times.Feels like National Rail already.
  7. Can't wait to visit here for the first time [amongst others] in just over a month. Wodan looks amazing, like the rest of the park. Out of interest, does anyone know when Ireland is supposed to be opening as it still looks quite a way from completion currently.
  8. Matt 236

    This Or That

    H Run down original rides or freshly presented IP rides?
  9. All we need now is Fantasy Island and/or Drayron to build a big coaster and then we will have one hell of a year for UK parks! roll on 2018.
  10. Nothing screams of originality and dedication more than an I.P attraction. Yay for creativity and pushing the boat out! That will obviously restore my faith in Chessington, the UK's first [and once best] proper theme park. ''catches plane to a decent European park''.
  11. The Juvelin/Dutchman coaster is believed to be going on that grass patch near the Explorer entrance, with Toadies [and maybe Peeking's] site used as an alternate/fall back or in the off chance both rides can happen. I fear something terrible is going to happen. Perhaps the biggest shock since a certain death of a major character in Star Wars. And just like Star Wars, 1000 screams in pain.
  12. Hooray investment! I'm sure the updates will be outstanding judging from most of the last investments we got.
  13. Yup, heard it seen it. Another Legoland park in the world though. Japan and Korea will be getting Legolands too in the near future.
  14. Sorry didn't notice that, I struggle finding this ride at the best of times.
  15. It been delayed by three years now. Yes, my optimism is definitely there since it's been pushed so many times and am sure won't be the last.
  16. I'm not too bad thanks Han. Think I'm just going through a stressful phase right now, having like loads of deadlines approaching in the following week, amongst keepying my jobs going, non work uni commitments and finding work in the real world which is an ongoing thing right now. There's lots of other things happening too which I can't say, but safe to say it's all starting to build up a bit now and is making systems ocassionly hit over ride. Which could be something as simple as parents having a rant about something or ''Mr X has said this;;. It just builds up and I just get stressed over things more than I should with ocassional feeling of anxiety or not giving one. Somedays I'm like, I feel amazing, others like, today is hell.
  17. Sometimes in life, I feel I am the Meg Griffin. The Blackpool, the punch, the slack machine, the one who always gets the blame. Social communication always becomes a difficulty time after time. I may have tackled many things to get where I am in life, but there's still way to go amongst the ocassional flash back of the past.
  18. Matt 236


    Two trains on the ride? I X-pect that nowadays.
  19. My god, I'm in hysterics now. Please, please make it stop!
  20. That was definitely a defiant definition defining a defence.
  21. You're really encouraging me to visit this place. I love parks with management that know what they're doing and appear to have a caring attitude towards the place.
  22. Yup the paints definitely helped ride reliability this year, nothing there really. Still the animals are there so yay for them.
  23. Matt 236

    Wicker Man

    I'm so excited so this, really can't wait, I can't let it go! Flume's station is becoming a good outlet! SW8 looks good too.
  24. Derren Brown's Restaurant please! Imagine the possibilities that could be done but may not be done.
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