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Everything posted by Glitch

  1. My only worry right now is still with VR. Is it too early for VR to be used in theme parks as early adopters to the system. What happens if some of the VR headsets break and they can't get new ones straight away? Experience ruined? Being the first round of VR as well how do we now that there won't be experience ruining glitches in the software. Overall I think it is too early for VR. Have we seen Disney/Universal use VR headsets yet? No, and I think that there is a good reason for that.
  2. Used to go there all the time as my dad got free entry into the place. It's a nice little park.
  3. Ryan I am sorry. but you're completely wrong here. Have you seen the amound of articles across all types of online media have been released.
  4. Glitch


    Been ploughing my way through skins! I know I'm a bit late to the party but wow it's great. Generation 1 done, time for generation 2!
  5. Shame to see the end of TPM Slack. RIP
  6. Why does the video mention roll back in the stats?
  7. I'm not sure if this will help LP but just for discussion, do you feel this way though only because of how far away Towers is. If for instance you lived 10 mins away from Towers would you say the same about Thorpe.
  8. Hopefully they pre-determined a winner from the first few hundred. As long as it's a TPM member I'm happy. I would hate to see someone from Theme Park Collective win.
  9. Looks amazing although half of it looks as if it's over Jaws. Found a new POV
  10. Glitch


    It's not shiny it's matt white.
  11. One video the guy did say May but nobody picked up on it.
  12. Glitch

    Logger's Leap

    The question here is though: Are the social media team "in the loop" or are they just out to keep everyone as happy as possible.
  13. My view: Is this just a filler for that delayed thing coming in May?
  14. Darn I was planning on turning up with my £10,000 camera and boom mic. There goes that plan I guess.
  15. Simply quick fix: Put 5p in the till it's 5p ffs.
  16. Glitch


    TV I recommend: Cut Sky- Netflix and Amazon produce much better TV. Right now I'm watching The man in the high castle it's great. Mr Robot- A great series. Master of none- Really funny. House of Cards Making a murderer And thats just to name a few.
  17. I think this is wrong my bet is that 80% of the attraction is walking from room to rooms with different scenes.
  18. Time for a trailer breakdown: 0:01 : Train station looks cool but why is it here? We are at Thorpe park. 0:03 : Inside the same building I assume. Is this the station or something else.? 0:05 : Creepy laugh - Possibly the dolls. 0:06 : Silly sounding tube announcement sounds more like a train announcer, they need to get the actual tube announcer. 0:08 : Corridor, My bet is that this is the VR section. This is looking good so far can't wait for fright night 2016. 0:12 : Light bulb, Flickering throughout the queue. 0:13 : Random chair, excluding someone from the group would be fun but I assume it's just some sort of scare effect. 0:16 : Well I guess TFL didn't allow the use of a tube train. 0:20 : Who are these people, how did they get here, why are they crying? Daym this is going to be a family ghost train. 0:25 : Launch section? Or just more screens 0:26 : Interesting science section. Experiment 10 anyone? 0:28 : Film and CGI , Who's studio is this. 0:32 : That actor looks cool but an old granddad isn't going to scare me. 0:33: GrandDad CGI 0:37: Random laughing skull. 0:39: Miserable looking person. Is that JordanLuke? 0:43: Derren brakes the tram. 0:48: Derren Brown's ghost train. Well that's original. Clues done. GL all
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