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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. Even stuff like this?



    It could be great for all we know! Writers don't have to be good at art you know.

    On a side note, why are we complaining about the bump? We don't come off Stealth and go wow the bump was the best bit. We ride these rides for the initial acceleration and the view from the top.

  2. One of the most disturbing things about that video is the way it is presented by TPR.


    The thumbnail being a freeze of the moment he falls, the description with all the exclamation marks, the describing of the victim as a Darwin award nominee based on an entirely unverified comment. Just crass, turning the death of someone into sensationalist traffic stat fodder.


    I would message them to tell them what I think, but they'd just ban me. Like they did last time, the fools.


    On the incident itself, it appears to be a knock-off? 

    I was banned from the Facebook page once as I was young and didn't understand their sarcasm towards a carnival cruise. lol

  3. Absolutely and knowing Thorpe, it will be the standard in your face that Merlin go for. I was just commenting more that this has been the quitest construction topic of all time. ;)



     I'm sure there have been pleny of discussions with Europa in regard to the general use of the headsets, as easy as it is to bash (most of) Merlins decisions, I'm pretty sure they haven't gone into this blindly.

    They are using a completely different headset though. New software etc, not thoroughly tested. If they can't even get the projectors in the smiler queue to work how will they manage all these headsets.

    1) I am not bashing Merlin just bringing up a topic of conversation.

    2) They are going into this blind, as they say they are doing something never done before here.

    3) My only worry is that if the likes of Disney/Universal haven't done it yet, Why haven't they done it yet.......There must be a good reason. I think I would just prefer the use of screens and projections before going straight onto a VR hype train

    4) Europa are using the headsets for a completely different use, same with Galactica, at the end of the day if the tech stops working you still have a great ride just minus the headset. I wonder how the Derren Brown ride will be impacted if the VR section goes down. 

  4. My only worry right now is still with VR. Is it too early for VR to be used in theme parks as early adopters to the system. What happens if some of the VR headsets break and they can't get new ones straight away? Experience ruined? Being the first round of VR as well how do we now that there won't be experience ruining glitches in the software. Overall I think it is too early for VR. Have we seen Disney/Universal use VR headsets yet? No, and I think that there is a good reason for that.

  5. Well I live close to TP but I find myself making the 6 hour round trip to Towers around twice a year. This is purely due to to the rides. I find the rides exciting and the theming is far superior to that of TP. Also, all the rides have an exciting innovative section that makes the park unique. I.E: Th13teen's track drop, oblivions black hole, The Smiler's inversions or Air's flying position.

    In terms of technology, I don't use a lot. It's really just a queue times app that I find handy.

    I'm not sure if this will help LP but just for discussion, do you feel this way though only because of how far away Towers is. If for instance you lived 10 mins away from Towers would you say the same about Thorpe.

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