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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. I personally would get Merlin to either sell Thorpe, which won't happen or reinvent the theme park into a Netflix exclusive IP attractions. IP's work to make money in merch sales etc, perhaps to the enthusiasts hatred, but I'm just wondering when Netflix will truly get into the Themepark space to compete with Disney or Universal, seems like the next step for them. With a solid budget I'm sure something cool could happen to reinvent Thorpe. Although this will never happen, I'm just dreaming.

  2. On 6/20/2021 at 7:25 PM, JoshC. said:

    The Lego Mythica area opened last month. 


    I went to Legoland Friday evening for an Annual Passholder event (was very quiet, but largely because of the downpour of rain all day).

    Flight of the Sky Lion was my first flying theatre and it was pretty decent. A very fast paced experience for the film. At times it would have been nice to just take things in a bit more a 'fly' around (which I hear other such rides do a bit more?). I sometimes struggle with a bit of a motion sickness of some motion simulators, but this was fine, though I felt a bit queazy about 3/4 of the way through.

    My biggest pet peeve is the fact you can see the edge of the screen at the top, and the roof as a result. It's particularly jarring given the screen extends to the floor, so looking down to fine, but looking towards to top is a bit awkward. Not sure if this is a common problem with flying theatres though..? The queue line, as already pointed out, is pretty dreadful. I hate to think what it's like on a hot day..

    The Mythica land is solid as well. Well presented and nice theming, plus bringing attention to a previously quieter part of the park. Definitely think it's much better than the originally planned Lego Movie World would have been too.

    All in all, an impressive addition to the park. Would recommend giving a shot.


    Sorted it....

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Coaster said:

    Merlin are objecting to the London Resort planning application;




    My thoughts on this?


    Merlin need to do one.  They have strangled the life out of the UK theme park industry for years; they own the monopoly yet have such low standards in their parks, with no real drive to improve anything.


    The Merlin short-term model of "slap an IP on it" whilst neglecting rides and basic infrastructure has killed the offering at their parks and, if the London Resort was to happen, it would most likely come back to bite them. My view is that they feel threatened by the prospect of a company coming in and doing a really good job with a park, as it would shift the public perception of Merlin being "the expected standard" in the UK.


    Merlin are a company that call themselves second only to Disney, yet copy-paste ideas across the world, copy Paultons with Peppa Pig world (albeit not in the UK, as they can't) and they can't even invest satisfactorily in their major parks in the UK. Thorpe hasn't seen solid investment since 2012 despite supposedly being the UK's "thrill capital".  London Resort would challenge Merlin, which they clearly don't want.


    In my opinion, London Resort is exactly what the UK industry needs for it to thrive, some healthy competition which would force Merlin to act. Look at America, there's a rivalry between Cedar Fair and Six Flags, or the European parks which are all owned by different companies. It's much healthier and means that parks have to be at the top of their game to stay in competition.


    The fact that Merlin are making a fuss over this this says everything about them as a company, second rate and not willing to adjust and improve their offering to compete.

    Yeah, this is sad if true, all I can say is lets hope London resort take a trip to chessington.

  4. 42 minutes ago, d.m.k said:

    The 2021 season so far has been an absolute shambles and it's evident from the comments on social platforms. Seems both Chessington and the Towers are suffering with similar problems. 


    We recently visited TP and I got our money back after a terrible day - although it was evident that Guest Services were suffering. 


    This is solely based on opinion but I found the main issues were:

    1. Multiple rides down all-day and at least one major attraction "delayed" at any one time. The amount of "technical difficulties" they have with rides at Merlin parks has become evident in recent years. 
    2. Pre-COVID attendance levels but with COVID protocols still in place. The protocol of wiping down the rides every 30mins - 1hr is ridiculous. The staff were half-heartedly spraying the rides, most the time missing seats while chatting away, using the time as an break. Witnessed this multiple times throughout the day. 
    3. Upselling of Fastrack was intense. Staff obviously tasked with hard-selling Fastrack. At the start of the day, staff were repeatedly mentioning they were expecting 90min+ queues. 
    4. General operations were really hit-and-miss. There just doesn't seem to be the desire from staff to get throughput up. 

    Really hoping things improve but we've decided to stay away from the parks for the remainder of the season. 


    Ah yes, the classic I went in peak time, when the UK is in a domestic days out boom, however still expected the park to be empty.

    All days this season will be busy as there is demand all year long for domestic activities, so perhaps try mid week instead next time.


    Personally I like to get to the parks early so I don't have to deal with the security lines, going to the back of the park I'm then able to knock 4 rides out in the first hour or so.


    The rest of the day, I like to take in the atmosphere and go with the flow.

    Rides breakdown, its always is going to happen, and upselling of Fastrack needs to unfortunatly be aggressive due to to the abused RAP product and accompanying carer pass which I'm sure costs the park a pretty penny in lost admissions sales each year.


    On another note: Upselling of Fastrack was intense. Staff obviously tasked with hard-selling Fastrack. At the start of the day, staff were repeatedly mentioning they were expecting 90min+ queues. 


    Where you not expecting this? A peak day at TP will warrant long lines.

  5. 49 minutes ago, pluk said:

    My first thoughts (from POV, I'm no VIP) is that if this sort of set up was used as the entrance and exit of X, with effects of comparable quality during the ride, that would make one complete, excellent attraction rather than two slightly lacking ones we now have.

    That's a really good way of thinking, perhaps X themed to Black mirror would of been an excellent attraction.

    Although I do hate X due to the size of the cards and 2 per train rules.

  6. The consultation team probably hated having enthusiasts in the room trying to get the first scoop of ride manufacturer etc when the goal is to get local residents onside. Just like the fixation on will there be an RMC in the London Resort consultations.


    I think we also have to remember that the teams at MMM and Chessington arn't stupid, I would expect something new and something they can market. If Croc drop is anything to go by on a flat ride, I'm sure that they have something cool in their back pocket.

    Lets just wait for July before criticizing that they are building a ride with 0 capacity.  

  7. 24 minutes ago, Matt Creek said:

    I’m honestly glad the park is developing a new area and coaster, but I’m not gonna lie it would be concerning and even disappointing if the selected model was just a junior boomerang. 

    Chessington seriously need a people mover (not Disney) in terms of throughput. Once upon a time, several rides could reach or surpass 1000 PPH whereas nowadays they are lucky to reach 500. And that’s before half of that is given to fastrack and RAP pass.


    Who know's what Merlin may or may not have up there sleeve's, but I'm sure we can expect a UK or World's first in some gimmick or another. 

    Capacity doesn't really bother as I wouldn't go on a peak day, however I don't think Merlin are stupid. This looks from the planning, to be a BIG and COSTLY investment, so I'm sure all elements will be taken into consideration and perhaps even some new technology built.


    I look forward to following the project and look another Wickerman style structure by the looks of things.

    1. A new rollercoaster – guests will be propelled on a car through banks and turns before coming to a dead end on the track adjacent to a themed structure on the southern part of the site. The car will then be propelled along the same route back to the station located on the north east part of the site. A hard standing ride maintenance area is to be provided adjacent to the ride station.

  8. 1 hour ago, Coaster said:

    Early days I know but this doesn't look very inspiring.  Chessington need a high capacity family-thrill coaster IMO, not a boomerang style ride.


    Go along to the meetings and get the coaster blocked on the grounds of it looks boring. Or even better apply for the open job at MMM:



    I wonder what the IP will be selected as?


    Also new for this year CWOA are offering free tickets to the locals, must want them to agree with the plans.



  9. 1 minute ago, Coaster said:

    I'm criticising the ride's throughput and capacity, not the ride itself.


    And how are we supposed to get a good estimation on those until post Covid / the ride actually running at full capacity with staff up to speed on what to do. It's not mean't to be the parks flagship ride, so capacity isn't really a problem, if the queue's long come back later. And perhaps if the queue is too long then the park may look at implementing a new system to improve guest satisfaction in the area.


    Overall it looks like an excellent themed land, which I would of loved to experience as a kid.

  10. 1 hour ago, Coaster said:

    I watched the Gangsta Granny POV, it looks fun but I think the ride is ultimately flawed in that it has to stop multiple times for long periods of time so that it lasts more than 30 seconds.  The very short layout means running as a constantly moving ride wouldn't really work - but doesn't this in turn mean that the throughput will be extremely low?


    Towers look to have done a great job with the ride system they have, but the issue is that it's yet another case of Merlin underfunding a project and giving them a second-hand ride system not designed for a park as busy as Alton.


    I'd have rather seem something like W&G for the ride system (8 seater vehicles, constantly moving, a much longer layout) than essentially 3 corners which stop constantly.

    At least try the ride first before criticizing based on one short POV. Do we know that it was underfunded? I'd be great full of a new ride and nice looking area of the park, doesn't look underfunded to me.


    I believe this project, took CAPEX from other parks budgets.....

  11. 1 hour ago, Coaster said:

    I don't particularly like Alton Towers having every ride using ITHOTMK, I know it's an iconic theme associated with the park but it's not very creative.  It gives the rides/areas no identity and everything just blends into one IMO.  Alton don't even own that music!


    It is in Colossus and Nemesis Inferno's IMAScore themes, and was played in the queues when I last visited (2019) from what I remember.

    I Disagree.... long rain HOTMK




    Side note, it's a shame that Alton Towers can't play this mix at 9:30 AM every morning before gates opening to get everyone to dance along too and hype everyone up for a day full of adventures.


    It also works as excellent marketing, in the UK at least if you hear HOTMK what is the first thing you think of?

  12. On 10/26/2020 at 1:16 PM, JoshuaA said:

    Honestly I think people should know its not for kids right? Chessington is down the road.. No matter how you brand it, people still won't listen..

    As a scare actor I have seen infants and even babies in a sling come through the mazes, its not the brands fault, but the people who are foolish.


    Most scare events do not have age restrictions. Even Alton Towers don't seem to properly enforce their 15+ restriction, I went through Sub Species when I was 13 for example. What could of they done? Ask for ID? The only ID you could have that age is a passport, and some people don't even have a passport. I think it really should be down to parents, its your child, if you spent 2 minutes on the website you'll probably know whether its appropriate or not. 

    Bringing back the conversion here and double post as I really can't be bothered to find the edit button. 


    I really do think Thorpe need to remodel the Fright nights....

    Lets bill this thing as being scary, close the park at 2PM have a discounted day ticket price for families and then open 4PM - 11PM or later if permitted, for say over 15's only, with a strict door ID policy.


    Last year fright nights was filled with families and for me this just kills the atmosphere, or if you want to go down the family route then just do it, but then don't bill it as being frighting. Ideally here I would much prefer if the all ages were allowed that parents are in guest services all night crying about how scary the event is.........


    I've been Glitch. thanks for coming to my TED talk. 

  13. 1 hour ago, MattyMoo said:

    Anyone else think it's a little odd that Thorpe have posted nothing about Black Mirror on their socialz? Or have they forgotten about it?


    What's everyone's wild speculation about what it's going to be like? My gut is it that will have a mildly clever thing in there, that's slightly impressive first time around but that's about it :D I am also more than a little concerned about the throughputs... but we shall see!


    Meh, not bothered, perhaps they have been told not to promote in case of any Covid push backs. Interesting though that the website carousel images aren't even promoting it. 


    Side note I am prepared to buy you one point for every vlog cameo you get on opening day. Bonus points for getting into the lords vlog.

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