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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. Industrial action is occurring see more information here: https://www.chessington.com/industrial-action/

    ·       Friday April 28 to Monday May 1

    ·       Friday May 5 to Monday May 8

    ·       Friday May 12 to Monday May 15*

    ·       Friday May 26 to Monday May 29*


    Remember to support the engineers, perhaps even join the picket line,  and visit guest services for some free fasttrack after you have talked politely to an underpaid member of staff who has been shouted at all day by RAP holders.....

  2. My prediction is that the ride will have some sort of theme related to ne of the events either Marti Gras, Carnival or Octoberfest, so that they can sell more merchandise during the event and have a fully themed hub area for whichever event they choose. Ruling Fright nights out for obvious reasons. 

  3. 3 hours ago, tactic said:

    Pizza pasta has always been reasonably good in my opinnion. I've never not like the buffet cause you know, the more food the merrier and I've always found that the quality of the food isn't awful (I'd take it over something like KFC every day), but then it's also not great either . The only issue is, even with the MAP discount, it is getting rather expensive nowdays, and I don't really feel like spending £17.50 (£14 with discount) on just lunch, when I could bring my own food in for absolutly nothing. To be honest, that's where I've got to on all theme park food at this point, it's all just starting to become a too expensive for food that reasonable at best. I know that Thorpe can't help having to up their prices due to the state of the economy at the moment, but I feel like they have taken it a step too far.


    Also don't get me started on the refill cup now being £9 to reactivate. At £5 it was a perfect, at £7 I was a bit more concerned about the pricing but would bring my cup occasionally, but now at £9 I fell like it's not worth it at all.


    I find Aramark being an odd scapegoat for enthusiast this year because they have a contract with UK government services.

    Just a lot of moaning when we all know theme park food should be seen as a treat rather than an essential item every weekend you visit. 

    On the cost for freestyle, I don't see people complaining about the $20 fee for the cups in America, so £9 still seems fine for a treat and an unlimeted one at that.

    Especially when at FiveGuys a cup is £3.40 and can't be refilled. 


    Luckily Merlin allow you to also bring lunch, so nothing stopping you bringing a Greggs or meal deal from Tesco, overall food costs are rising and themepark food should be seen as a treat.


    Merlin outsourced food as its really expensive to run and hard to get right, so why not put the contract up to an outside bidder and get guaranteed money to build the secrete weapon. 

  4. On 1/13/2023 at 12:45 PM, MattyMoo said:

    For crying out loud, just give me the mod keys already, this is more of a SHAMBLES than my last ride on DBGTROTD.


    Please direct me to guest services.


    I mean, it probably will open in June by the time traditional delays get factored in - shout out to the Smiler.

    Need to get to atleast rank 10 first :)

  5. 3 minutes ago, JoshC. said:

    All for rowfacing the other way, but having one is just very odd.


    The choice of mandrills for a winged coaster is still taking some getting used to. I get the idea, but I guess I still have the preconception that if a winged coaster has an animal theme, an animal with wings would make sense.


    1.2m rides all round is good. The concept art looks good, and is something that feels realistically achievable.


    I'm still concerned about the throughput and how this will cope in terms of popularity, especially at first, but we'll have to wait and see on that front.


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