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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. We haven't had a proper dark ride since 2001 with Hex. Nemesis Sub-Terra is as good as quadruple lifts inside a shipping container.
  2. I think we need another thread on rants over dark rides and their facades.
  3. Saw Jurassic World after college today with some friends. Really was a fantastic film with some clever twists and was amusing to see Jurassic Park merging with the plot as well! Definitely wasn't expecting the ending!
  4. Kerfuffle


    Not exactly. It was originally put up following the incident involving the cable snapping...and since then it's remained there. Whether it's for health and safety or theming...or both, who knows?
  5. Really is a shame. This for me was the most iconic part of the Oblivion experience! (apart from being about to drop into the hole)
  6. Rather low, I'd say. The Smiler really is an icon name for Towers, considering it proves the theory of them "making Britain happy".
  7. Great to see in that video the wheels now spin in the same direction. Do like the sound of there being multiple preshows!
  8. Kerfuffle

    Youtube Videos

    Messed up...but hilarious! xD
  9. Hopefully there'll be some people you don't like in the front row then! (Please don't drown them in the foam)
  10. Ah good. It's just I'm used to Thorpe enforcing entry charges even for passholders on many events (ie. Feb half term/Fright Nights)
  11. 2 (If I get this right, I forfeit my go to anyone. Writing 3 facts about me and making one of them false is hard enough!)
  12. Quick question: If you have a Merlin pass, do you still have to buy a ticket to enter the park if you're attending for the day?
  13. Oh lord... Really hope this'll be there when I go in a fortnight!
  14. 1 was the lie. I have NONE to complete before the year is out! (save for the one I'm assuming has been marked, just won't be confirmed til Monday) 2. True. At least SAW is more my kind of ride, featuring a bit of theatre (ie. the indoor section) and great themeing, combined with an intense ride experience, whereas THE SWARM is OK for a ride, but then again it doesn't have the same qualities as SAW. 3. Slightly concerning...but true. I had my first op on my jaw when I was 9...and since then I've had four others on the same thing. (I'll always remain traumatised by my last one in January, where I was ill following the op for such a long period of time that I had to spend the night in the hospital ward...accompanied by the endless bleeps from machines/patients making noises etc. etc. etc. ) Fire away, Emily!
  15. My last op was in January, so I've been as fit as a fiddle since February. ...and by the way you guessed incorrectly.
  16. I'm bored. So... 1. I have one assignment to complete before the college year is out 2. I prefer SAW to THE SWARM 3. I've had five operations in the past 8 years (all on the jaw)
  17. Not impossible. Just imPROBABLE.

  18. The server is still fairly new, so I assume it's just work in progress. The map got reset recently as well.
  19. If you mean that glitch upon joining involving you flying upward and being kicked from the server, that's going to be sorted out at some point. (This happened to me when I joined. Strangely, you can be free of the glitch after accepting the server rules. (type /rules then /accept))
  20. I'm calling on Minecraft players here. I'm currently playing on a server in which the popularity hasn't been very high...and I'm building a town on this server as a matter of fact. If anyone's interested, extra help with the construction of the town (called 'SilverHollow') is appreciated...but also I'm determined to help the server become more popular, so I and the owner of the server would be very grateful for your participation. Server Address:
  21. The game does look fantastic, even though we've only seen the trailer and the models! On that pic of the Hypercoaster it has the Planet Coaster logo on the train. Really am hoping that'll only be a default graphic in the game, thus letting you use you're own graphics as well.
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