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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Well then I guess we'll have to...dig deeper.
  2. Probably not. They'd most likely take a hint from Chessie and just build a second entrance to the park.
  3. ...meaning the Air Shop is likely to return in the form of a turquoise shipping container. Joy... Otherwise the new restaurant sounds pretty cool.
  4. I'll hopefully attend...but only for the day event. (I officially hate being 17...)
  5. Like a movie trailer! I like it! I purely made mine for the sake of introduction and it took no longer than 10 minutes to make. How long did this take you? Who are we kidding, James? Yours is WAAAAAY better than mine.
  6. I didn't even see Chica comin'...and that's not a joke for the Internet to enjoy!

  7. At least I know how I'll ride this if I ever get the chance! (Yellow plane in the front row)
  8. Just realised this hadn't been posted here!
  9. In all seriousness, the ENTIRE station needs sprucing up! Remember in the Tussauds days when it was like this? ...to be replaced with this?
  10. The Hunger Games. (Why have the Hangover Trilogy when you have The Hanging Tree? ) Peter Griffin or Homer Simpson?
  11. Nemesis. The Smiler or The Sanctuary?
  12. Soooo... Freddy or Springtrap?
  13. Kerfuffle


    What happens when the main character of A Nightmare on Elm Street walks into a kids' pizza restaurant filled with malfunctioning animatronic animals? A huge confusion between first names is triggered.
  14. Pfft. Glasses of course! Wallace or Gromit?
  15. Only bit on SAW for me these days that's painful is that drop coming off the MCBR.
  16. I can see a few other gamers on YouTube (other than PewDiePie) also being added in. Add in people like Tobuscus, Markiplier, SeaNanners, Jacksepticeye and CaptainSparklez and that could be a good starting lineup.
  17. I'm pretty sure that corkscrew before the ride photography camera is always a real headbanger. It's not good for my ears! (considering they're also in the firing line)
  18. NEW FOR 2017: A brand spanking new CATTLEPEN to (apparently) speed up queueing times!
  19. I love how the roughness of Furius Baco adds to the idea of piloting a haywire grape collecting device.
  20. Some great pictures here, Grace! The written content is pretty amusing too - I can't help but to laugh at a few sentences.
  21. FINALLY! Someone who has finally realised that the ride isn't as rough as the likes of (say) SAW! I remember when I went on Furius Baco it was only quite rattly...and that's it. That inline twist though...
  22. (Triple post but there you go! ) Happy birthday Thorpeparkfreak! Have a great day!
  23. TPF, this is Apple. Their mobile devices have NEVER had good battery life.
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