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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Thanks guys! Happy birthday James and OliIzzy!
  2. *TOPIC RESURRECTION!* Not making names or pointing fingers...but any wild guesses? EDIT: *sheepishly points at Thorpeparkfreak*
  3. ^ Why isn't there one on there saying "While driving a bus, don't troll any cyclists trying to get around at a safe time"?
  4. Just reminds me of an event that occured only...oh...15 MINUTES AGO! Was cycling past Bracknell Station on the way home from college (in the rain)...and this bus is just stopped at an angle, completely blocking my way! I noticed the driver's face in the wingmirror so I assumed he can see me, so I attempted to pass. But as soon as I moved an inch, this bus driver decides to also move! So this bus pulled out beside me about an INCH away from my front wheel! Okay, I know what you guys are thinking ("BE MORE CAREFUL ON THE ROADS, TOMMY...DAAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!") but seriously, this bus driver could've easily seen me coming up beside him and WAITED a few mere seconds! Rant over!
  5. Maybe Thorpe'll take my suggestion and move Fish to the old Fungle site!
  6. contained hydrochloric acid HECK I'm a nerd!
  7. in the lab (would've been funnier if I kept the 'lav' typo! )
  8. Department 19 (still on books! )
  9. Banned for lion (Let's see how many people understand that (awful) pun!)
  10. ...while Stealth gives you the experience of being shot at by a miniature firing squad!
  11. Thirteen (Tom Hoyle) (those who've read it will know what I'm on about!)
  12. X Factor - Britain's "talent" is just getting WORSE every year! Songs now! 'Rock 'N' Roll Star' by Oasis or 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' by Green Day?
  13. Pfft. Inferno isn't the worst! You obviously haven't done Stealth in the rain if you think Inferno's trouble!
  14. ^ How's that a bad thing??? I think its great news!
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