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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Here's the ultimate fact though: Righties live approximately 5 years longer than lefties! OOOOHHHHHHHH...
  2. Detonator - Bombs Away! (themeing-wise)
  3. GO TEAM! *high fives with right hand*
  4. It will and it SHOULD when it's an extremely high throughput coaster!
  5. It's that season again! "The film business is a dog-eat-dog world...or in this case...DOG-KILL-HUMAN!" "Don't go down to the woods alone! And whatever happens...don't lose your map!" "We all have to make sacrifices, right? And I choose to sacrifice YOU!" "No animals were harmed during the making of this production...but YOU will be!" "Ever wanted to star in a movie? What about a HORROR movie? We all know what happens to the cast in a horror film..." "Have you got GUTS? Come along to my casting call and let's find out shall we?" "Do you feel alone? Don't worry! We've got your back...but we're DEFINITLEY not pointing a crossbow at it!" *cue deranged laughter*
  6. Really do hope MBV's been improved this year, though!
  7. That's probably an improvement for the maze for this year!
  8. Kerfuffle


    A good 9 minute long Green Day song for ya!
  9. Really? That's good news, because the last time I went was in June
  10. Purple hair, glasses, shirt and tie...REALLY? -100,000/10
  11. RIGHT is the RIGHT option for life!
  12. Judging by the small number of people who have negative thoughts for My Bloody Valentine, it better have improved this year!
  13. Huh. I remember getting two pens from Alton two years ago...and BOTH didn't even last a WEEK!
  14. I never use biro. Just something about them that appears to me as if it'll die in like 10 seconds! (I think that's just to do with it not running as freely across paper)
  15. Silence (which is something in this thread I've just had to break! )
  16. Kerfuffle

    Youtube Videos

    Probably FAR too late to be curious about this sort of thing, but I've always wanted to know what happens to the guy opening the box at the end of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZOLSdKDJ2c&list=PLD39926BBED9FBC7E A firearm rigged to the lid perhaps?
  17. Well, with the 'Calypso Quay Explorers Club' involved, just rename Ranger County to 'Explorers County' or something! Maybe bring back those straw roofs as well, rather than the metallic mess we see today!
  18. If anything, it'll probably be a family coaster of some sort (in similarity to Tami-Tami perhaps?)
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