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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. ^ That isn't broken. The pistons for it have been absent since Stealth was built - which is why they were removed.
  2. Kerfuffle


    Every week, I do a theory on 'how to keep up with technology'! Those who want to hear it, I will be selling cassettes later...
  3. *Topic Revival* I'm pretty sure the last couple of times I've been on Sub-Terra, there have been no water spray effects! I also remember from the first time I went on it in September last year that there would be a speaker directly above your heads, blasting out the Nemesis creature's roar/screams - this wasn't there at all this year! Does this just depend on where you sit...or has the ride really not been itself this year?
  4. Kerfuffle


    I was reading the paper this morning, and I see the thief stealing t shirts in order of size is still at large!
  5. Banned for (apparently) being a banana.
  6. Well now that it's considered permanent, they can now start working on decent Angry Birds themeing!
  7. Banned for banning properly - it's a game for a reason!
  8. ^ If only that WAS Experiment 10 when it opened!
  9. The Hunger Games (that's the last time I double post to keep a game on its feet!)
  10. Here's one I took one evening in Turkey last year :
  11. A simply stunning picture of the sun rising in Corfu in July :
  12. No. It'll be a set of ABC drop towers!
  13. ...therefore creating a navigation nightmare regarding pathways, of which there won't be any left in that area!
  14. Why are we talking about tiny flat rides? The old site for MHFS, combined with the (soon to be) Studio 13 building, would provide enough space for a fairly decent dark ride! I can already see them adding in a Sub-Terra clone in 2021, themed around Nemesis Inferno!
  15. This is great news...but still: R.I.P: Miss Hippo's Fungle Safari (1995-2009)
  16. This is an idea I've had on my mind for a while now, but... ...DUELLING WING COASTER.
  17. Would be sensible if they did them in Buy The Smiler! Really do love those syringe pens! Whenever I walk past that tub, I always thrust my hand in and start stirring it around violently to make it seem realistic! Would be pretty awesome if they hid something beneath them, like in the films with the key involved!
  18. Well now we know why Stealth reaches 80mph in 2.3 seconds!
  19. Glass track, glass train, glass wheels, glass...yeah you get the idea
  20. Nemesis Inferno Sub-Terra! Please let it be!
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