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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. That's ridiculous. If that was the case, then The Blade and Jolly Rocker would probably go MUCH higher than they do today!
  2. Just rename it to 'Explorers County' or something? (giving rise to the Calypso Quay Explorers Club)
  3. This is what happens when you eat too many Skittles!
  4. Completely agree. From first glance, that thing looks like a DEATH CAMP!
  5. Kerfuffle

    Youtube Videos

    Even Groundskeeper Willie gets a say on Scottish Independance! "We also make a fine damm whisky...AND WE SPELL WHISKY RIGHT TOO!"
  6. Did I mention that this severed tentacle then fell onto EuroMaus, trapping him under the weight...giving Nemesis time to regain his potential kill? ##vote Cornflakes People DO change their minds, you know!
  7. Suddenly, out of NOWHERE, Phalanx artillery fire, commandeered by JoshC, blasts off the creature's tentacle holding EuroMaus to ransom. Roaring with pain and fury, Nemesis releases it's grip on EuroMaus. ##unvote
  8. I'm pretty sure something similar was done in SAW at Halloween Horror Nights at Universal - near the end of the maze, one of the pigmen would come out, grab someone in the group and drag them through a door into another room!
  9. Kerfuffle


    I remember in 2012 I was just standing next to the fire exit doors in the Inferno shop, listening curiously to the sounds of The Asylum immediately next door!
  10. Nah. I'd like to hear knife-slashings and blood splattering rather than gunshots!
  11. When startled, the creature went berserk, removing all before it! ##vote Cornflakes
  12. Kerfuffle


    'Here We Go'... ...well THAT'S creative thinking for a rollercoaster!
  13. Banned because you're clearly showing off in your profile picture!
  14. Kerfuffle


    I hardly ever watch anything on BBC One, unless it's The One Show, Escape to the Country or Country File...THEN I'm interested! Otherwise, I'm a Friends sort of guy... I really enjoy watching Eden as well! Love Attenborough's documentaries!
  15. What Samurai needs one of these days is a series of near misses! This is why the those fir trees were AMAZING, because you flew right over the top of them and got really close! Perfectly blocked out SAW too!
  16. Plane! *remembers getting sea-sick on Brittany Ferries two years ago and shivers* SeaNanners or GassyMexican?
  17. Thorpe SERIOUSLY need to invest in one of these and theme it around THE SWARM! (CoasterForce's EastCoasterGeneral in the yellow plane in the front )
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