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Everything posted by RideAddict

  1. Thanks for the clarification. I know manier people who hate it.
  2. I don't like it and it doesn't give me the enjoyment it used to.
  3. Says the bloke moron who has a childish cartoon penguin as his avatar. I'll tell you a joke. You.
  4. I don't want you feeling sorry. Neither does my stomach. I take risks in life, big ones. Try it. I feel sorry for your stomach having to live with your personality.
  5. Believe what you want. But it's the first time this year we can make comments like ste193 mentioned.
  6. We're all a bit sick of your boasting and long posts. Rest your fingers. Oh, and you're going off topic.
  7. So Slammer's been closed more times in 8 years compared to Rameses' closures in 18 years. Yet you forget how much more complicated Slammer's workings are. You're doing just that, so stop ****-stirring and twisting words. If I said it's fact, it's fact. But I didn't say that so it's not. Fact.
  8. Sometimes they stick it on the lift hill if they want it out of the way.
  9. I can see little support for Holly in this. None for me either, but then I'm not winging for it. As for my comments sounding similar to Slammer, you are wrong - they infact something completely the opposite. Yes, I defend Thorpe for fixing it and keeping it, because it's only 8 years old and is still settling in and warming up. And just because I hate Rameses, I don't campagin for others to hate it. You ride it if you wish, enjoy the ****ty experience it delivers. And if a ride is the eye of the beholder, then that's personal opinion or preference. But Huss list it under classic rides for a reason. Therefore, not a thrill ride.
  10. What I don't understand is sometimes you can click like at say 11am. Then a few hours later at say 4pm it says you've reached your limit. So somewhere the daily cut-off or reset time is during the day. I've been here since 30th January at 2:30pm GMT, would that be something to do with it?
  11. This lift hill looks OK, but at the moment I don't like it. It doesn't fit in well IMO, but when I see it when I first go, I'll probably cast another opinion. I don't understand the magnetic brake fins though, is that what they are?
  12. Haha, you keep telling yourself that. Because you're the only one seeing that. Yes, seriously. I don't go on it, it's a pile of crap and doesn't perform. Seriously, RMT lasts longer! OK, I meant classic rides. But it doesn't say anywhere on their page about it being a thril ride.
  13. So what's the point in the name change? Pathetic. I've requested it to be changed back.
  14. You seem to be outnumbered, see the quote below underneath Benin's quote, from Huss' website. Read and give it up. You can't even get that right. It's under Family rides, and here is the description of it from their website: No mention of thrill at all. Correction - it's longer suitable for the market. Maybe back in 1995, but not 18 years later.
  15. ^ Correct. It's not a thrill ride. What do you mean by the RideAddict market? My way? If so, please explain. You classed it as a thrill ride. Fred didn't. As said, Rameses isn't a thrill ride. Jeez, all I say is that I want Rameses gone and people jump on me. Such negativity here, and an opinion is against the rules.
  16. I played it on my laptop loads, it didn't lag but as it's a game that uses a lot of memory and graphics, the cooling fan was going constantly like a goodun!
  17. I played it on my laptop loads, it didn't lag but as it's a game that uses a lot of memory and graphics, the cooling fan was going constantly like a goodun!
  18. Time to reveal the lie, and jjh123horry was right. Another? 1. I have eaten swordfish. 2. I know someone who is related to The Edge from U2. 3. I have produced and sold my own sweets. I'll reveal the lie this Friday!
  19. Yeah, they'll run to their cars instead of walk! And considering how much money Thorpe have pumped into The Swarm advertising, you'd think they'd theme an announcement around it, at least for a couple of years until they decide they want to change it again.
  20. Think about this - Chessington isn't aimed at the thrill market.
  21. Yes, they really do it for me too. Oomph. I think it's better to display a wait time as "1hr 10 mins" rather than "70 mins" - not everyone can do the conversions! Also, lately I've hated the "WAITING TIME: 10 MINS" which just sits on the old LED display. It used to be lot better when it scrolled and said something like "Burn baby burn...Nemesis wait time is 10 mins" - just an example there, remember Colossus would say something like "Experience the power of 10 - Colossus wait time is 90 mins"
  22. You don't understand, I'm disappointed it's still there. Simples. It would appear there is a lot of lust for Girls Aloud lately.
  23. Huh? I thought this was a meet where anyone can go, I didn't realise we had to battle it out to win a place!
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