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Everything posted by RideAddict

  1. And...? Although I say what I say, I say it knowing it will be there for years.
  2. RideAddict


    I guess other important commitments in life have resulted in you prioritising thus making this decision? Well it's bad that you've gotta step down, does this now open the door for another Mod or are we left with enough now we're 1 less?
  3. They have let me down because yet again they have repaired a ride that is old, worn out, looks bad, and is no more popular. Honestly, is it any wonder Chessington isn't receiving the level of investments it's crying out for when they hold on to stuff like that. Older rides like Black Bucaneer and Vampire are more popular and reliable, and are worth holding onto. But Rameses' is well past its time. Give me the keys to a demolition digger any day and I'll glady rip it out myself.
  4. And this is just what I hate about the place lately. Everything, from signage to announcements has become too "in yer face"!
  5. As John Wardley said on the video, the drop mechanism is forever going up and down. So the shutter would be opening and closing the same amount of times, at a similar frequency to the drop. I'm not sure if this is a roller shutter door, but it doesn't take much for them to go wrong when in constant use daily. They have to undergo daily checks throughout the workplaces that operate them. Roller shutter doors also have a large heavy bar that the door wraps around as it opens. There have been hundreds of accidents over the years where the bar has come out of its holding (it only sits in a small void), fallen down clean off the mechanism and struck the operator or anyone below. These bars are so heavy you can become trapped underneath one and require someone else to move it off you. In some cases it has resulted in the injured person being rushed to hospital. Unfortunately some cases have resulted in a fatality too.
  6. Once again Chessington have let me down.
  7. I live 8 miles from the park and can drive there in about 15 minutes without traffic delays. Most times I go, I get a train and bus. OK, so that can take upto 30 or 40 minutes in total but it's worth it.
  8. First they screw up the music as we enter the park. Now they screw up as you exit! Holy cow. Why the bloody hell they can't keep things simple I do not know! I demand to have the normal entrance music as I arrive and leave re-introduced immediately! I mean, this sounds like some sort of evacuation procedure. Anyone who thinks this is good is bonkers.
  9. Yes, but nowhere near as you used to on a 3-train operation.
  10. The south car park, or the gravel one, has 2 or 3 side-by-side.
  11. The quality of that is so unclear!
  12. I'd like to make a request if I may... The "Like" feature is good. But sometimes 5 a day runs out too fast. Considering how many posts are made here a day, can it be adjusted to 10?
  13. I feel sorry for that guy on the left in the food video. The guy on the right has lost it (or never had it).
  14. ^ Now there are only 2 trains, I certainly don't miss having to wait to get in the station. I know that was Halloween but if that ever got that bad on a normal day, then it would be pathetic.
  15. Trust you to find a fault with these. They are rather accurate all of the time - sometimes it may slip by about 5 minutes, but it's a generally good display. The only improvement they can do is list all of the rides in alphabetical order, followed by show times if applicable. It's also handy it displays closing times etc. We have one in Towers Street, Katanga Canyon, Forbidden Valley, and one outside Towers not far from Hex exit. A 4th one could be added as you enter X Sector.
  16. I highly doubt the park would be granted permission again. Stealth was given the go-ahead on a temporary basis.
  17. Dare I mention 3 little words again that it could also be... Health and safety.
  18. PM a mod with your request to change. They will sort it.
  19. Well I regard it all as a con, and I don't get sucked into the business of buying more food. Even if dates are removed, I'll still buy as less frequently as I currently do.
  20. I think what Smidget found in her fridge is more appealing!
  21. All of these types are still a con.
  22. When it's gone that far, your flatmates seriously need to chuck stuff out more frequently!
  23. It already does?! It may be inevitable, considering how much rain we've had this week!
  24. I knew what it was like when it worked, I got wet enough. No, my day wasn't ruined.
  25. So this sort of one has been replaced? Picture here. This is interesting if it has, it's the last thing I expected to see, especially as most are mounted into a casing themed around the ride. What's wrong with these? Large, clear, very informative, accurate. Talking of accuracy, let's hope these new ones are more accurate.
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