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Everything posted by RideAddict

  1. People bleat on about how much money has been spent on Slammer, they seem to forget Rush has had a lot done too. It comes to something when they have to change the pulley wheels for a fabricated design to let the cables slip through. Plus there was that accidently where a bit flew off, work was done to rectify that.
  2. All of a sudden my opinion of Picsolve and HB have dropped faster than Detonator dropping.
  3. RideAddict


    Clean Bandit - Mozart's House. I'm not that familiar with their music, but would like to hear more of this type of classical music mixed into dubstep beats and electric sound.
  4. In other news I'm disappointed to hear about comments made on Twitter by Paris Brown, the Youth Police and Crime Commissioner in Kent. Only last Thursday did I listen to the report on Newsbeat about her new job - I was listening and thinking how mature she sounded, and that hopefully she wouldn't trip up. I didn't expect to hear of this 3 days later, although I'm not surprised, as nothing surprises me these days. This news has now split peoples opinion on whether she should keep her job. I say yes. A simple mistake, she apologised promptly, and deserves a second chance.
  5. Ahh, lovely. I didn't realise they had menus on their website.
  6. I never realised the games are HB leisure, but when they wear Chessington uniform, the park are shooting themselves in the foot, although I can understand why they make them do that. They could probably get uniforms made up with the CWOA and Picsolve logo on the same item of clothing, but that would cost a lot, and probably wouldn't happen because it's a Merlin secret!
  7. You go to Thorpe Park for the first time in about 12 years and then head back for more regular trips. Nice. If the speed of the drop gives you a rush then fair enough, but it doesn't for me. The indoor inversion is good, agreed, but I do hate the air-type guns that blast out the air - pointless.
  8. About 5 years ago, a mate stayed in the hotel at the resort, and told me that he could hear the Ug Land "dinosaur" music playing in the middle of the night at Extraordinary Golf. Does this still play during the night? Also, does anyone know where I can get a download of the Battle Galleons theme please?
  9. Now I'm definitely not coming. [/joke]
  10. Jumping on someone because the weather is crap is wrong, let alone pointless. Now, are you saying that the people who work on the ride photo desks work for Picsolve, and not the park/Merlin?
  11. All of a sudden I can't make it. I think. It'll be a last minute decision but it's more likely to be a no.
  12. Of all the years I've visited the park, I've never eaten in the Woodcutters Bar and Grill near Hex, and this year I intend to. I've looked at the menu when passing before and I've forgotten the offerings. Is it basically the same as Bar 360 or BBQ at Thorpe?
  13. RideAddict


    I can't help but think that scaffolding tunnel near Rita is an add-on bit theming to match Thirteen's station scaffolding.
  14. Guest services at Chessington are about as much use as a chocolate teapot. I've never complained but I've been in there for other information though, and it's not that informative. Seriously, anyone who complains here will get more sense talking to Falls' Buddha.Generally park attitude is fine for me, but a couple of years ago a lad refused us entry to the main car park, and we were told to go to the other car park. The car park was a third full and they told us it would be full later. It was only two thirds full when we left that night. Anyway, my mate who was driving fed him some bull**** by saying he's just had new suspension fitted on the car, that unfortunately didn't do us any favours, and so we turned round and headed to the entrance/exit by the traffic lights which were red. At this point I spotted the lad mimicking our complaining. If it wasn't for the quick change of lights to green and other cars behind us, I would've stepped out of the car to confront the jumped-up gobby moron.
  15. Correction, I meant to say nowhere near complete. And thanks Marc. It doesn't take a genius to work out Loggers is halfway through some work, this coming from me when I haven't rode it this year yet. Believe what you like, Holly. You're standing in the crowd of people who want that tunnel gone permanently, and who are most likely to be disappointed. Anyway, this topic is about Dragon Falls, let's get back to it. Shall we start with you trying to convince us all the fence where the Bayon faces is a permanent feature of its retheme?
  16. Some people are bastards. This country had a split opinion of her when she was in power. I don't agree with everything she did, and to say she did more right than wrong is a matter of opinion. But at the end of the day she was an icon, a legend. Love her or hate her, she played an important role in the 20th century. She'll be remembered for generations to come.
  17. Holly, do you mean to tell me that you think what they've done is actually permanent? Those walls are a mess and nowhere near incomplete.
  18. The trains take forever to park because it's a very old system in use! And yes, the air gates are not aligned exactly with the rows but they still stop so that the riders know row is theirs, although I have seen confusion amongst them manier times. You also raised the point about unnecessary announcements. Perhaps this is why the ride is performing this poorly, the staff are having fun more than they actually care about running the ride professionally and efficiently. The worst changes ever made was the back row being blocked off for exit riders (totally pointless), the single riders waiting on the exit steps and getting trod on as others tried to exit, and the stupid handrail put in the middle the exit steps to the turnstile.
  19. Simple solution to this - you re-apply for a job at Chessington. It's all your fault - you are to blame for the current state of things there!
  20. The best and most helpful staff are Alton Towers'.
  21. A very sad day... 1925-2013. R.I.P
  22. Well if you read the signs in the park you'll see it says they can only do certain work during the open season, due to winter weather. In an ideal world, the closed season is best, but then seeing work progress through the years can be...interesting.
  23. There's also a problem where all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, it keeps kicking me out! The other day I was typing a reply in, and wham, I suddenly found myself at the main T&C chat page.
  24. As I've much I've slated it lately, I'd choose Rumba. Even if it is in a dire state, the blink-and-you'll-miss-it length of the ride, and the ride experience generally, is still fun.
  25. There is an image similar to this on the Image Bank page of their webnsite. Or it could even be the same one. Haven't checked it yet.
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