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Everything posted by RideAddict

  1. *sigh* We'll never get a woodie. I'm very sure of that. I hope not, I'm winging for a Mr Blobby style track. Pink supports with a yellow track.
  2. Totally agree. You hear about all these stories where a teenager goes off and meets someone they met online, which can be dangerous. The next minute, some bad news could make the headlines... Meeting people you've never met before on a first TPM meet could be seen as potentially risky by your parents. And I'm sure they would be disappointed if they found out you lied to them. If you came and then went home and admitted to your parents who you were really with, I would think good on you. To lie from the beginning is a no. I would take a leaf out ot Matt Creek's book and show him this topic, then your parents might let you go. Then again, it could set alarm bells off in their heads and they'd be very worried. By the way, Matt Creek, good on you. Please MarkC, I'm not judging you, and don't take this the wrong way. This is not criticism, we're steering you in the right direction here and protecting you. I've made mistakes similar to these in my life and faced the consequences before kicking my own arse. I'm not coming anyway - my parents other plans are preventing me.
  3. When I'm logged out and viewing the forum, the time zone is still on GMT, yet when I'm logged in it's correct. Just saying.
  4. Oh my god. Yuck. I have seen some bad things in my time and that doesn't top the list, but is still sick! As for out of date food, you have to be sensible with it, especially dairy products and meat. I'll admit that I have drank milk that is nearly a month out of date, and it tasted absolutely fine, and I was OK after that! I have baked beans in the cupboard to be used that are a few months past their date, and I will use them. And as for a tub of hot chocolate...well I'm a third through it and it should've been used by the end of October 2010. Still tastes great! Expiry and best before dates are a bloody swizz and get right up my nose - it's a way to get you to buy more stuff when the food that claims to be out of date is fine. I'm one of the very few who see past this forever-conning thing of dates and don't bow down to it. Obviously I have some stuff which goes off and cannot eat and have to bin it, but 50% of the food I buy is likely to pass it's date and I will consume it if it's safe.
  5. Ah, so the pit is where you get on it? Or is there a pit you don't access at all?. It's no wonder I'm confused. Every time I look at update pictures, pinpointing what is where isn't easy. I'm sure it'll add up when I see it for myself.
  6. Forgot to check page 5, I'll give you 6/10. And copyright. Well, I'm not the only one here.
  7. RideAddict


    London tomorrow for a 'wander' - and I haven't a bloody clue where to go! No, I can find my way. Just trying to think where I'll go. Already done the Dungeons, the Aquarium bores me, done the Eye umpteen times.
  8. Your cheeks look like his so that's why I thought that. Cheers, here are my scores:Smidget - 5/10 IanNem - 7/10 jj123horry - 2/10 Sidders - 5/10 jackstevens - 5/10
  9. Near-on curtains. You guys are quick to jump on me about my picture, but haven't probably noticed TPJames' picture.
  10. Is it their intention to fill that pit with water, like Colossus?
  11. Brownie. Thatcher or Churchill?
  12. Turtle Coke Zero or Diet Coke?
  13. RideAddict


    Goner? Let's give one a go: -----\__/----- | | | | light | __ | __
  14. 0/10 for not shaving. What is Hicklemore BTW?
  15. Cheers ears. Forgot that.
  16. I don't know if it's me, but these days Brighton Pier is slipping, and I don't mean into the sea. I went a couple of months ago, and it's lost it's true character since I last went about 6 years ago. I know it's old and keeps all ages entertained, but it's also in need of a refurb. It's a basic pier with nothing that special. I'd like to see some investment and changes to make it more appealing, however in this recession I doubt that will happen, and if it does not on a big scale.
  17. A question... Using my Annual Pass, can I order discounted tickets for the London Aquarium in the same way I can order discounted tickets for the theme parks?
  18. Coming soon, a new meat meet to TPM... The big TPM workout Seriously though, it's an idea - a meet where all those who want to lose weight meet and exercise! Heck, we could have more people exercising than when Mr Motivator had all them people behind him on GMTV!
  19. I'll give people a chance to guess before I reveal the answer - sometime this weekend.
  20. An attempt to make yourself look like Billy from Saw. Jordan, am I right or was it some Halloween make-up? And colours - oh, the colours!
  21. A shot in the dark, and excuse the pun here, but I can imagine Th13teen gets very cold in the dark underground section in the winter.
  22. OK, let's give this a go. 1. I don't like to put my head underwater. 2. I own an imported Ford Falcon car. 3. The hospital I was born in is now houses.
  23. Posing and smiling by a freezer. Bothered. Several of us here are at it.
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